Recovering from the Feather Flu, Blossomforth and Thunderlane regret being unable to participate in Tornado Day. As they watch the distant city of Cloudsdale work tirelessly with its new water, the two of them reminisce about their younger days, and wonder why the two of them had drifted so far apart.

Now with a prequel

And a sequel

Chapters (1)

When Cheerilee asks her students to write an essay on their greatest hero, there's only one stallion Rumble can write about. That is none other than the stallion who's loved, protected, and cared for him the most. The one who's been there when nopony else has. The one who guides him, provides for him, and leaves big horseshoes for him to fill someday.

Takes place before "Wonderbolt Academy".

Thanks to Skeeter The Lurker, Holo, iloveportalz0r, Vexy, and TheApexSovereign for editing.

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a French translation by inglobwetrust!

Rated Everyone.

Chapters (1)

Thunderlane has a date with Blossomforth, and that left Rumble all on his lonesome. Luckily, Flitter and Cloudchaser were nice enough to offer to foalsit him for the night.

Being bored out of his mind, Rumble issues a challenge. Cloudchaser will let him watch a scary movie, if she loses to him in Jenga...

Inspired by this wonderful art by: Xieril

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust blew it. Everything she had worked for, hoped for, bled for: gone. All in a moment of blind bravado that nearly ended up harming innocents. With that weighing on her mind, Lightning Dust seeks to lighten the weight on her shoulders.

She loves to fly, foals need to learn to fly, so what's the harm in teaching the fillies and colts to share the skies?

Dedicated to IJAB, who drew this art piece for me many a moon ago.
Editors: Draconian Soul and SpaceCommie. Really nice guys, but brutal. Talk about tough love. Now go give them some!
Preread by RainbowBob. The Spongebob to my Patrick.

EVNW contest submission.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash makes some changes to the Ponyville Weather Crew's weekly team meetings and implements a snack duty rotation, a certain clutzy pegasus finds herself with some major problems -- The main one being the fact that she can't cook to save her life.

With her scheduled snack date fast approaching, poor Derpy has no clue what do, other than fail miserably and get laughed at, as per usual.

Fortunately, it's Thunderlane to the rescue!

Author's note:

This is my first ever finished Pony-fic and I'm excited about it. However, I'm the only one who proofed it, so if you find any mistakes or errors, please don't be shy about telling me! I love comments in any form.

Also, this did not start its life as a shipfic...But somehow became one anyway.

Anywho, enjoy!

Chapters (2)

It's sunny and nice outside so Thunderlane and Rumble enjoy some playtime at Ponyville playground. It's not just Twilight who has a BBBFF.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

Cover by Joey Waggoner

Chapters (1)

When two brothers awaken in terror after a nightmare, they decide that the best course of action is to spend some time together.

Author's Notes: A story based off of an experience I had with my little brother when I was littler. Written purely for the sake of sheer adorableness to test my hand at it. Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

During a casual conversation with his brother, Rumble was challenged by Thunderlane to say 'yes' to any and every question thrown at him. If Rumble won, he would get the game he always wanted. Rumble agreed, but this agreement backfires when Scootaloo, who he had been friends with for sometime, asks him out on a date.

This cannot end well.

Proofreader: sparks2037

Special thanks to Timemaster for helping out with the description.

Special thanks to SomeoneLostInTheWorld, psp7master, and Weeping Angel for editing it.

Featured 3/14/14

Edit: Any errors left will be edited later on.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash receives a love letter from a secret admirer, and isn’t quite sure how to take it. What kind of pony sends stuff like this? Why can’t they just tell her to her face?
Thunderlane, meanwhile, isn’t sure starting this game was the smartest of ideas.

The (extremely short) original version of the story, which became the first chapter of this one, was written for The Writeoff Association's January 2015 contest, "All In"

Chapters (4)


[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Rainbow Dash]

Having turned away from the spotlight, you preferred to distance yourself from fame and popularity. Instead, you chose to live a simple life away from the crowds and fortune. But when you meet a multicolored mare with an unusual request, can you find it in yourself to go for the gold again?

A/N: Okay, this is going to make very little sense at first, but just bear with me.

So I've been playing a ton of Kid Icarus: Uprising lately. It is hella fun, and Sakurai did an amazing job at revitalizing the series. It has easily stolen the spot of "favorite 3DS title" in my heart, and I can't put it down.

So you're probably wondering, "what does Kody's videogame preferences have anything to do with a romance story involving Rainbow Dash?" Well, everything, actually.

A friend of mine noticed my new addiction to this title. He knows I write about ponies, and as such, he jokingly made a bet with me saying that I should write a story in which I use music from said game in every chapter. I shrugged it off and ignored it at first, but I went and started to listen to the soundtrack. Somehow, I developed a plan and storyline from doing so. Now, this story won't reflect the events or storyline from this title. It is entirely original.

The rules I was given are simple:
1. The music must come from Kid Icarus: Uprising.
2. At least one song must be used in each chapter. More than one song is viable.
3. The same song may not be used more than once.
4. Remixes or fan-made renditions of songs are not allowed.
5. The song must be used in a way that enhances the reading experience. I can't just toss a song in and say 'mission accomplished.' It must complement the events and make sense.

Now, I know what you are thinking, and yes. This is really weird. But hey, it worked, and this story was born as a result.

EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that some of the songs used in the story are blocked in certain countries. As much as I would love to get this fixed, I'm afraid I don't have much of a way around this. If this affects you, I apologize deeply.

ANOTHER EDIT: Since Youtube is such a fickle thing when it comes to copyrighted music, a link may end up leading to a broken video. If this is the case for any of the songs, please let me know via PM so I can fix it ASAP. Thanks!

This is how it works. When you get to a bit of blue text such as this, that's a link to the song. Open it in a new tab and continue reading as the music plays. Simple. When you get to some red, underlined text, that is the cue to stop the music. Sometimes, that cue may not be there, and the song is meant to play until the end of the chapter. Songs don't carry over to other chapters, however.

The music is not required for the reading experience. It is entirely optional. Well, for you it is.

I hope you enjoy my nerd-ery!

Artwork by celebi-yoshi of dA.

Chapters (9)