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September Update Schedule · 10:21pm Aug 31st, 2015

Before I get this blog started, I'll like to announce that Saiyan of Equestria's chapter 66 will be updated tonight. Now that the fan has been taken care of before it went full blast on my life. This blog is a Update Schedule I will attempt to, in the best of my ability, complete chapters for the following stories on the following weeks.

1st Week of September there will be no updates, possibly me working on the stories, but no updates. *Finished*

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Report Boyzilla · 351 views · #Update Schedule

2021 · 5:31pm Dec 14th, 2020

Hello again! Cloud Dasher here to report what I look forward to doing as the calender turns to a new year

And a fresh start.

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Update schedule · 11:43am Dec 27th, 2017

If you are here then you must be curious of my upload schedule. I will try to keep a steady pace, one or more types of update a week. Note that sometimes I may not be on for a week doing something else, that is all there is to this for now. (This will most likely be updated in the future.)

Report Gurty · 245 views · #Update schedule

January Update Schedule · 6:29pm Jan 4th, 2016

I hope every had happy holidays in December and enjoyed the latest The Sword that is the Scabbard chapter! Now, on to this month's schedule.

1st Week of January - Undestined Friendship WILL update. (Updated)

2nd Week of January - No Updates

3rd Week of January - Saiyan of Equestria will be updated. (In Progress)

4th Week of January - The Sword that is the Scabbard may be updated.

If you have any questions or comments, please, say them below.


Gonna just update Into Equestria on a free schedule. · 3:48am Jan 28th, 2020

Yeah, not doing the weekly update schedule like I originally planned. I'm much more used to the relaxed schedule I had with Pony-Me where I updated whenever I finished a chapter.


Let's try to do things on schedule for once. · 7:10pm Sep 26th, 2019

Okay, so the next chapter of Changelings is finished. It will be up on 1st, and I'll try to stick to the originally planned monthly schedule. When I have a Changeling chapter finished, I'll try to write few words of Legacy of Light. I've had time over the past two weeks to set things up, but it looks like work will be hectic from the next Monday onwards, but hey, all that means I'm not about to get fired, right? :rainbowlaugh:

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Should I put Splintershard on the same update schedule as Pony-Me? · 12:06am Jan 6th, 2021

I feel like constantly trying to meet a 1-week deadline for new chapters is starting to grind a bit on the quality of what I've been writing. The chapter I wrote last week (not the chapter I posted, just the one I wrote), for example, felt awkward as heck when I first wrote it, and it took multiple days of back-and-forth workshopping between one of my only active prereaders for the story, as well as in I Just Want a Comment's Discord server, for me to fix it.

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Alrighty here. Update schedule! · 9:10pm Sep 12th, 2017

I'll be alternating between days where I update and days where I don't. It's based off of my school schedule. Days where I can update are also days where I have little to no homework , 'cause my schedule's split into a day of only electives, and a day of only core math, ELA, etc. classes.

So on the days of electives such as yesterday, I'll likely be able to update.

On days like today, where I've come home lugging a pile of homework, I probably won't be able to.


Hey Everyone! · 8:10am Dec 31st, 2020

"To everyone that is reading this right now and has read my story or is following me, I just want to say thank you. It helps me out and I am grateful for any support that you give me." N1ght_Strider started.
"It really is amazing! You should have seen N1ght_Strider, he was jumping up and down like a foal--" Autumn Hill starts

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About update schedules: · 5:50am Dec 11th, 2020

Should I:

  1. Stick to the "screw it, I publish as I write" schedule from the old Pony-Me that gave me plenty of leeway for writing and editing
  2. Go with a weekly update schedule like Splintershard, meaning (mostly) guaranteed new chapters every week, and then a month-long hiatus every 2-3 months

December Update Schedule · 7:40pm Dec 4th, 2015

As I am getting in the habit of making these updates schedules, I'll make one for December. If you have any questions feel free to comment below!

1st Week of December - Working on Saiyan of Equestria and Undestined Friendship

2nd Week of December - Undestined Friendship will be updated. (Canceled)

3rd Week of December - Saiyan of Equestria will be updated. (Finished)

4th Week of December - No Updates, Merry Christmas!

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October to November Update Scedule · 5:05am Oct 19th, 2015

I'll just start doing these, sorry for the lack of news and updates this early to mid-October. It's been very busy, IRL speaking of course, and it will continue to be... What with a job and all.

But that won't stop this person from updating his stories, especially the main one. So here is this and next month's update schedule, all questions you have, please post in comments or PM me.

3rd (Current) Week of October - Saiyan of Equestria will be updated. *Moved to November*

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Don't mind me and my odd update patterns. · 6:13am Oct 24th, 2018

"What If..." is kinda just updating whenever I feel like it.

Pony-Me and its spinoff, Pony-Me: Rogue both gain about 100 or so words a day each, and will update at the same time until the completion of one or both in order to keep my sanity as far as the in-story timeframe goes.

Pony-Me: Outtakes is just kinda sitting there until I have some random ideas or story scraps to feed it with.

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Back to School · 11:20pm Aug 10th, 2015

Well, it's that time of year again. Children everywhere cramming every last bit of energy they had into having fun in fear of the big bad school teacher coming to blow their sense of freedom down. Despite the rant, I actually enjoy school, and I'm actually one of the lucky few who are set to attend a private school this coming Thursday. I doubt anyone reading this post will honestly give a flying f--- about my personal life, so I'll get to the point.

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actually, i think ima just update as the chapters come like i did with Pony-Me. · 8:23am Dec 15th, 2019

Never really been all that good at sticking to a strict update schedule, anyways. And I'd much prefer being able to post as I go instead of having a massive number of chapters piling up behind the scenes.

Ao, I'll just update whenever I finish writing another chapter, just like old times. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Into Equestria update schedule · 7:42am Dec 12th, 2019

Probably gonna aim for about a chapter per week, though given my history of sticking to updates, that's more of a suggestion than a plan. I do have several chapters already written out and edited in advance though, so if I do decide to slack off for a week or two I've got some buffer material I can lean on until I write something again.


Expected update schedule for Splintershard · 6:34am Jun 12th, 2020

Alrighty now, it's been a while since I've tried to have a legit update schedule.

I've got some chapters stocked up ahead of time, so hopefully that'll give me a good buffer in case things happen. Now, on to the schedule!

I'll try my best to publish once a week every Wednesday. If I start missing the schedule and/or posting chapters late, then that means I'm either too busy to write, or I've been slapped in the face hard by writer's block.

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Plan for the rest of the forever- story wise · 11:51am Aug 1st, 2016


Now as you may have gathered from the last I dunno ten? or so blogs I rather like writing something- and then life happens and I stop writing- now that's primarily from a whole lot of issues- interest, drive, depression, general borderline personality disorder type stuff (a rather interesting read for a mental hula hoop that doesn't get talked about a lot- even with the problematic name)

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Tentative 2020 Chapter Update Schedule · 5:36pm Nov 20th, 2019

Existing Story Plan
Bragging Rights 2: Chapter 3 (Finale)
Tomb of the Nameless Evil: Chapter 3
A Change in Scale: Chapter 5
Tomb of the Nameless Evil: Chapter 4
Tomb of the Nameless Evil: Chapter 5
Tomb of the Nameless Evil: Chapter 6 (Finale)
Fecundity: Chapter 26
Fecundity: Chapter 27.1
A Change in Scale: Chapter 6
Fecundity: Chapter 27.2
Fecundity: Chapter 28.1
A Change in Scale: Chapter 7
Fecundity: Chapter 28.2
Fecundity: Chapter 28.3

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Update Schedule · 3:25pm Aug 15th, 2016

In order to instill some sense of balance, I'm going to keep to a bi-weekly update schedule for PXZ, publishing a new chapter every other Sunday until Part 1 is completed.

Following that, here is a list of update dates I shall work hard to uphold from this point forwards:

Act 1, Part 3: August 21st
Act 1, Part 4: September 4th

Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 1] : September 18th
Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 2] : October 2nd
Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 3] : October 16th

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 27 results