AppleDash 3,016 members · 1,089 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

Howdy folks! :ajsmug:

Late last year I embarked on a mission to get this group's submissions folder sorted away into proper folders, but I ran into a bit of an issue: our folders here haven't been updated in a good many years. So many, in fact, nested folders weren't a thing! For example, everything EqG-related has been relegated to the Humanized folder, despite those being two very different things. So, today, I'm here to propose some changes and gather feedback for what our folders could look like.

I want to strike a balance between ease-of-use/maintenance and the ability to find exactly what you're looking for. After putting some thought into it, I've come up with the following folder structure that I think is a good starting point:

  • Submissions
  • SFW

    • Pony | Friendship is Magic

      • Romance
      • Polyamory
      • Friendshipping
      • With, but not focused on AppleDash
      • Anthologies
    • Equestria Girls

      • Romance
      • Polyamory
      • Friendshipping
      • With, but not focused on AppleDash
      • Anthologies
    • Humanized | Other

      • Romance
      • Polyamory
      • Friendshipping
      • With, but not focused on AppleDash
      • Anthologies
  • NSFW

    • Pony | Friendship is Magic

      • Romance
      • Polyamory
      • Friendshipping
      • With, but not Focused on AppleDash
      • Anthologies
    • Equestria Girls

      • Romance
      • Polyamory
      • Friendshipping
      • With, but not focused on AppleDash
      • Anthologies
    • Humanized | Other

      • Romance
      • Polyamory
      • Friendshipping
      • With, but not focused on AppleDash
      • Anthologies
  • Contests and Events

    • AppleDash Contest #1 - ???
    • AppleDash Contest #2 - Applejack, the Chaser!
    • AppleDash Contest #3 - Competition
    • AppleDash Contest #4 - A Little Twist of Lemon
    • AppleDash Contest #5 - Second Chances
    • AppleDash Contest #6 - Go Big or Go Home!

Now, I know that looks like a lot of folders (and it is!), but bear with me a moment.

First off, I chose the ordering for the folders based on what FIMFiction shows you in your feed when a story is added. Unfortunately, despite being nested, the site will only give you the name of the exact folder a story was added to:

Despite the full folder path being:

I think that the romance/polyamory/etc folders are the most important and are, therefore, the deepest in the order.

Second, I have removed the "Holding Pen (Pending further updates)" folder from my proposed structure. This folder is usually perpetually full of stories that haven't been updated in years, some of which are particularly unlikely to receive further updates.

As such, I think the general rule for the group should be to add stories once the AppleDash is present and not when a story has been published with the expectation of future AppleDash (be it friendshipping or otherwise). This should both remove the need for a stale "pending" folder and should also ensure that everything in the group does contain AppleDash in some form.

Third, I have moved the contests folder to the bottom. While I like having it at the top in a prominent place, it, unfortunately, takes up a lot of space in an already small add-to-group dialog box, even with the folders as they currently are:

This will only get worse when more contests/events are added (another of which will be happening very soon!).

For a similar reason, I have moved the "Submissions" folder to the very top. This will make it the most accessible folder for people looking to add stories to the group.

Fourth, and on a related note to the third point, is it even worth keeping the submissions folder around? I think the idea behind it is sound: every story is pretty much guaranteed that it will be properly sorted. But as sorting is limited to contributors/admins, it can be a fair bit of work and as people become more inactive we run into the opposite situation: nothing gets sorted.

This could, of course, be remedied with getting more contributors on board, but I think this is a good discussion to have regardless. No matter the consensus of this particular point, I will be working hard to make sure the current backlog gets cleared out (and staying ahead of a future one). I've already been tracking which stories would go where in the background.

Fifth, I have removed the "Mature content can be skipped" folder. I'm not sure about this change, but I don't see where I would fit it in with the rest of the structure. As of writing this, it only has five stories, so I think it could be reasonably folded into the regular NSFW folders, but let me know what your thoughts on this particular change are.

Finally, if you want to play around with the proposed structure, I've created a group here for that exact purpose:
It's free to join and you can do whatever you want with adding stories there to see how the folders and notifications function. It'll all get deleted once we're done with it, so go nuts! I'll also be updating it with any suggestions that I get so that it'll be a good representation of the current proposal.

I'm posting this here for the express purpose of gathering feedback. Please tell me what you think about the above proposal, be it good or bad (but keep it constructive if you can :P). What could I do differently? Did I forget anything? I want this to be a good thing for as many people as it can be!

Group Contributor

That looks solid given the limitations of the tools. I quite agree regarding your fifth point to remove that category as it is a very niche situation.

I think it's a solid idea.

Group Admin

If there's no further comments/criticism on this, I'll start planning the reorganization this weekend. I'll probably end up organizing everything into that temporary playground group, then spend a day deleting all the folders here and re-adding everything (maintaining the existing order as best I can). I'll be making a new post a little before the start of that so you can turn off story notifications if you don't want to get spammed.

Group Contributor

7212389 It's fine, I like being spammed.

Let's me pretend I'm relevant! : )

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