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Group Admin

I'm making this so someone else doesn't first. Open spoilers allowed in the thread itself, read at your own risk.

Group Admin

I'm just going to go ahead and assume this gets me out of seven seasons of the AppleDash Project....

I'm pretty sure that AppleJack and Rainbow Dash were a couple in the future. When they walked in, they certainly were arguing like an old married couple when they said:
Rainbow Dash: Maybe we could get to places on time if you let me do some of the chores instead of always doing them yourself.
AppleJack: Maybe I would if you did them the right way.
Which implies that they're living together.
And then the ending shot with the Mane 6 sitting atop the hill with the sun setting behind them, you can see that RD is laying her hood on AJ's head.
Not that any of that makes it official since it hasn't been stated yet. But very strong implications.
Gosh, I hope they're canon. My little gay heart wants to know. :rainbowlaugh:

I now feel like they’ve actually been in a relationship since the beginning and their rivalry is just a beard for that.

Group Admin

Given that Ashleigh Ball has joked about it before at cons, and even tweeted Jackie's lovely AppleDash wedding picture for Pride Day a few years back, I wonder if it was an in-joke with her, or if they asked the VAs if there was something they wanted to see. They don't usually do that for episodes, so that could explain the relitive absence of ship fuel in later seasons, then (damn near) sailing the ship at the end.

But either way, can't argue with results. :rainbowdetermined2::ajsmug:

I thought of you the moment I saw that, for the record. :rainbowdetermined2: :ajsmug:

I saw some script/creator's notes or something where "showing they are a couple" was written in with AJ/RD's cute little arguing about chores. Same with Fluttercord, but....Fluttercord never even spoke in the last song. At least AppleDash gave each other loving looks and RD caressed AJ's head. My Fluttercord OTP didn't get the big kiss I was hoping for...

And I can't be the only one shocked that Rarity wasn't in a relationship at all, AND that she was the only one with gray hair!

On the other hand, Spike is hot now. Bet Rarity's kicking herself for turning THAT down.

Group Admin


And I can't be the only one shocked that Rarity wasn't in a relationship at all, AND that she was the only one with gray hair!

I did notice that! Especially the grey! I suppose it offers an air of sophistication.

And I'm going to assume, as a consolation to all of those "opposites attract" RariJack shippers, that Rarity married Prince Rutherford. :trollestia:

I'm so happy for them :') I never expected any of the mane 6 to get paired up so when those two walked in with the rest of the implied couples, talking in such a close, deliberately hint-y way, I almost lost my mind. Just, I know I'm gonna rewatch this series 100 times and now every time RD and AJ have a moment I'm gonna know that there's a tiny spark in their hearts that one day down the line leads to a realization and reciprocation and now they're (implied to be) happily together sharing their lives... I'm still on cloud nine my feet haven't touched the floor all day.

(As for Rarity, I was shocked that such a romantic didn't have anyone to mention in the end, but I wonder if that and the gray streaks are because she's married to her work? At least she gets to hold AJ's hand in a different universe, haha.)

Well, the RariTwi people are saying that clearly, because Rarity and Twilight were the only ones not obviously paired, that they were smooching on the sly :V

Probably not though~

I was hoping for canon RariJack, but canon AppleDash is acceptable too. I do like the pairing, after all. :rainbowkiss: :ajsmug:

I wasn't sure if they were actually going to shoot for the moon after the LyraBon thing, but Lesbians Ever After is apparently a thing now.

"Maybe we could get to places on time if you let me do some of the chores instead of always doing everything yourself."

"Maybe I would if you did them the right way."

Though I think Weird Al had the best reaction to the finale.

Group Admin

That Wierd Al reaction is amazing. Thank you for sharing it.

omg im so happy this has been the most perfect ending ever.
hopefully there will be more appledash fics to come because of this.

Group Contributor

I look forward unironically to seeing the mental gymnastics other shippers will perform to explain why it totes wasn't romantic, guys.

Group Contributor

7022427 I'll take your entire stock.

I had already seen some mild stuff on TWG and elsewhere arguing that it was more 'sisterly' but then I think the leaked creators notes dropped somewhat heavily, not unlike a microphone of some sort.

Pretty interesting to me that after seasons of no serious AppleDash activity, this is what comes at the end.

Group Admin

It is endlessly amusing to see, yes!

Group Contributor

7022442 The best comedy is always the saddest.

I confess for a bit in the middle there I thought AppleDash had been sunk by sheer inactivity, but it turns out it's a motherfuckin submarine.

Group Admin

I think the endless rarijacking in EQG was a bit demotivating (though I haven't written anything in years so I can't blame that :P), but hey, AppleDash got the last punch in, so all is good in the world.

Group Contributor

7022450 I mean, AppleDash was always going to struggle after its initial explosive start (which I missed, because I'm a 2014 boi) since there's frankly only so many times you can write horsewords about the same two ponies over and over, but yeah.

I mean, it could have been any ship really that did it. It was just the lack of AppleDash that became rather maddening. There just wasn't ever that much to work with...

Group Admin

And what eps we did get were just rehashes with slight changes. Unfortunately, the fact that they're similar ponies worked against them and the writers felt you could only do so much.

Compared to the absolute polar opposites between AJ and Rarity, which makes for entertaining TV and more varied situations. Which for some reason, even if they were fighting, people took as shipp. Wat.

Silly people. We won the war! :ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2:

Group Contributor

7022503 I actually also theorise that since AJ and RD share a VA, I wonder how easy it is to get the same VA to voice essentially 90% of an episode...

How many eps had Fluttershy and Pinkie alongside each other? I confess I didn't keep track.

Group Admin


Compared to the absolute polar opposites between AJ and Rarity, which makes for entertaining TV and more varied situations. Which for some reason, even if they were fighting, people took as shipp. Wat.

Thing is, I actually enjoyed AJ and Rarity when they were fighting. But sometime around S6 (and in EqG) they got super shippy with them, and not only was it annoying but it was boring.

But really, AJ was underserved in general in the last few seasons (...and the first few seasons... but seasons four and five were good for AJ!). Last episode of hers that really got her character and did something with it was actually the last great AppleDash episode: Buckball Season. ( 7022505 speaking of minimum VAs, maximum ponies!) (Though I'll give an honorable mention to Viva Las Pegasus.)

Group Contributor

7022528 I can't really speak for seasons 6 and onwards since I stopped watching at that point.

Ironically it's why I'm really enthusiastic now. Now that I don't have to worry about spoilers, watching episode discussion threads on TWG, and adminning the perpetual wheel of discontent among elements of the fandom, I finally feel free to actually enjoy the show once again. And I have something to look forward to in the end now...

Things feel like they're looking up for Hap.

Group Admin

I'm kinda thinking the group is overdue for a makeover... :rainbowdetermined2:

...And maybe someday we should read the incoming fics. :applejackconfused:

This may be a weird request, but since I can't see very well, I think I missed a lot of the background and reference stuff. And I sadly don't have any bronies in my life. Could I get a rundown of the superawesome shippy slice of life referencey things that were happening?

Group Contributor




I couldn’t help but think of you guys and all the RDxAJ autors in this group after watching the epilogue. To think your Appledash stories are about a almost canon ship now. I don’t care if it’s implied, the intent was there.

Perhaps, a new contest awaits in the future? :)
Hopefully. And I also hope this group gets more active and filled with new stories from now on. That’d be nice.

Dash is helping with the farm chores because AJ is "busy." And her hips aren't as good as they used to be.

Group Contributor

I was wondering where everybody was. We're canon now, yall, we should be partying! Hory shet!

Make Appledash great again!

I was so happy Appledash became canon. I started shipping them before I started watching the show. I came for AppleDash (and interesting fun stories), I was not dissappointed. :D

Group Admin

Hey. Hey guys. AppleDash is canon. :rainbowkiss:

...another contest may very well be in the future.

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