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Aray #1 · Dec 18th, 2017 · · 2 ·

I don't know if anyone knows about the leaks. But I just thought I'd give a heads up and tell ya we get an awesome Applejack/Rainbow Dash episode in season 8, which is mostly centered around them. Spoiler

It actually addresses the two's having kinda overcome their competitiveness or how their trying to.

I won't tell you the name, but it's on youtube right now with the other leaked episodes, and will probably be taken down in a day or two.
It doesn't have a complete ending, but is only missing the last minute and you can pretty much guess how what will happen.
It's just a great episode, and shows that Applejack and Rainbow Dash are still entertaining and intriguing to watch when they are put together in the right circumstances.
Search the episode if you want! It's awesome. Or wait, just know we finally get another proper Applejack/Rainbow Dash episode!

How about you fuck off with the spoilers?

It's not really a spoiler, I just gave a very bare synopsis. I didn't give away anything really in the episode, and a lot of people know about the leaks now, so meh, no need for fowl language is all I'm saying.

I'm sorry, I just hate spoilers, and seeing something that looks like a spoiler sets me off.

Group Admin

It is spoilery enough that it should be tagged, so I renamed the thread. May as well have a place for this stuff.

Carry on! :ajsmug:

Group Admin

And next time, just PM the mods. We're all in different parts of the world, so one of us is almost always available.

6249205 Not good enough when it can show up in people's feeds with spoilers in the text preview. Don't say "carry on," delete it or edit in a bunch of whitespace at the top so people don't accidentally see what's inside without clicking.

Really, not saying anything about spoilers is such a basic courtesy I can't believe there are people who actually think they're helping by shoving this in people's faces.

Group Admin

I can't edit his post, just the thread. And while spoiler space would be nice, I think as long as there's warning in the title the bare minimum has been met and it doesn't merit deletion.

6249576 That doesn't stop the spoiler text from showing up in people's feeds. Warnings are all well and good, but only when the spoilers are actually hidden and not sitting in plain sight. Otherwise it's not enough to keep them from accidentally being seen.

Group Admin

I would agree if the text was bold, colored, or designed to stand out, or if the spoilers were obvious or specific rather than in the block of text. While I know we have people here who are very spoiler adverse, some of it is on them to avoid reading things -- even in their feed -- that are clearly marked.

I would have left spoiler space, and if
6249177 wants to edit the post it would be nice, but that's more politeness than a rule I'm prepared to enforce by deleting something that was obviously intended to be on topic and friendly.

Group Admin

Also, you can set your feed to "compact view" which shows only titles, if it's something that's worrying you.

I put a spoiler block line on it. Hope that helps. I really wasn't trying to be a d* or anything.

So... I am the only one who is excited for the new season because of it?

Group Contributor

Uhh... guys? About that last episode of the series...

I'm pretty sure we won, right? Yeah, we totally won. I mean, it was implied, but come on. I just wish the writers weren't so cowardly and vague about it, but it was more than clear enough.

I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone's hard work for finally making this happen. We did it, ya'll! I'd also like to formally tell everyone who has ever shipped TwiDash to eat their hearts out. You nerds never stood a chance.

Okay, sorry. Crawling back into my grave now.

Group Contributor


Gonna need a lil more than that to refute it, doncha think?

Group Contributor

That's what I thought. :ajsmug: God, I'm so happy.

Hey, no hard feelins. Maybe you guys will win the next series reboot.

.... Actually, no. I don't even want to joke about that.

Whatever are you talking about?

Rainbow was helping AJ the slow with her chores, because AJ's husband, Trenderhoof, was too worn out to do his part. Since he did his part the night before.

Group Contributor


AJ, with a husband? That's disgusting and you know it.

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