AppleDash 3,016 members · 1,089 stories
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You mean the little mini fic I was gonna write? Ok, will do, soon as I finish.

Wow, you're right! Nice eye for detail. ;)

If I remember correctly, I started to like the pairing after reading an old fanfic called "Upon Wings of Sacrifice" by Rated Ponystar. That was way back in 2012. Then I kept reading more AppleDash fics and it took off from there.

You're welcome, hoped you liked it!

I started watching maybe just before Rainbow Rocks came out or just after? Anways i basically binged the first half of season one, then the rest up to season three or 1/2 of four. Right from the first time i saw Rainbow bust through the clouds in the opening I had my favorite, and Applejack bucking the tree I knew I'd like these characters. but even from their first interaction forward i had started wondering how close they were. All that tail grabbing seemed really personal to me and only seemed to happen between these two, plus the playful banter they shared. I was picking up on all the little possible hints to ship them pretty quick into my first foray with FiM. Within a month or two I'm sure i was consciously aware I saw them as something like a couple. It wasn't until about 4 months in and having watched most of the 4 seasons twice, some eps more, that I started looking into the fan side of things. Art and fiction on DA for a while, knowing full well that the internet was gonna have some r34 of these characters so I stayed pure from that for more than 6 months.

Anyways, long story short TL:DR it was almost immediate subconsciously, solidified with Fall Weather and MMDW (the only good thing of this episode).

to this day I feel like if there is a romance between any of the main characters that's not already pretty much canon, its with these two. Really after the first four seasons, how is it not just accepted that they are some sort of couple without explicitly showing it? Neither one, to my knowledge, has an actual suitor they've responded to or pursued themselves right? Applejack going into the hen house to avoid Trender, isn't that like beating us with a club of a hint? Twilight has hers, Rarity has her crushes, Pinkie might have an interest in one of the party stallions? (could be professional?), Fluttershy most likely has Discord (is he flirting with Celestia or just being friendly? lol). Really I hope they leave this much alone and dont introduce any guys for these two, i'd be pretty disappointed.

Certainly I'd be pretty excited if they got confirmed, but I'd be just as happy with the show ending with some ham fisted hints as well. As long as they dont break the ship XD

I started shipping them when I read that old ass story AppleDash: New Girl. From tgere, a taste of an Apple on fan fiction, and TwilightUCrazy's "Hey, It's me".

From there, it's been uhh...well, all Rainbow dash with some Apple on the side.

Oh, and I have only watched three episodes, so, uh. Can't really tell my favorite moment.

God I'm so freaking late AGAIN.

Anyway, I actually started shipping it before I came into the fandom and actually knew it was a thing. I'm being serious. I guess what sparked it was castle mania. It was so adorable how they were playfully teasing each other (i may go as far to say that they were flirting). You might be thinking why it wasn't fall weather friends, but tbh they didn't flirt in that episode, so yeah.

Every time they stand together or talk to each other. Even though I didn't ship any shippers at that time, I can feel I am so glad to see AJ and RD are together. Maybe because of their colors, blue, orange and rainbow, so beautiful and matching. I can also feel that they really cherish their relationship, no matter how stiff the competition they had. The contests are the best appreciate they gave each other although they never realized.

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