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I'm curious to see what you guys have to say.

For me, it all happened in season one. In the first seven episodes, AJ yanked Dashie out of the sky by her tail three or four times. In JUST SEVEN EPISODES. I thought that was cute. Then in Swarm of the Century, Dash had her hooves draped over Applejack's back like she frickin' owned it. And Applejack wasn't complaining either. I started to ship them at that point. They became my OTP during Fallweather Friends.
As for my favorite moment with the two of them, I think the bit in Fallweather Friends where Applejack dusted off Rainbow's face with her tail was cute (Who am I kidding. It was ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS:ajsmug::heart::rainbowkiss:)

I honestly think it started for me when I took note of Applejack's strange obsession with Rainbow's tail. Then I read a few really good fanfics about them falling in love and I was completely sold on the ship. Granted, I ship Flutterdash and Rarijack just as much, but still!

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5941407 I read a crackfic comedy that had it in there as a side-joke and then I sort of just stubbornly kept going.

Oddly enough, I can't point to many Appledash moments in the show that sold it to me before I began shipping it, although retroactively, Fall Weather Friends is probs a big one. Actually, I wasn't a big fan of Applejack early on in the show. Found the accent a bit irritating. After I shipped it, I can point to plenty stuff, especially in some comics and in Castle Mane-ia (which was a good episode regardless).

I guess the origins of my Appledash addiction dwell deep within the realm of irony. Which is fine for me, because now it's just ironclad.

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Fallweather Friends. When I saw the look AJ had when she asked Dash if she "wanted to go for another run," I knew it was my divine duty to spread the beauty and truth of this ship throughout the land.

Whenever I watch a show, I always click with the badass tomboy, and then try to ship her with her best female friend. AppleDash is only natural, damnit!

When I started the show, it was just before the first EQG movie came out, so I binged through the first three seasons on Netflix in about two weeks. As a result, I didn't really stop to dwell on the characters much, I just kind saw it as a new version of Looney Toons.

Then, while waiting for season four to begin, I discovered the fanbase and started reading the fiction out there. I was wary of getting into the shipping section because I've had a history of being on the losing side when in comes to shipping wars. But I tried it nonetheless.

Surprisingly, I actually started off as a Flutterdash fan, really only because that was the first couple I came across. Then I came across a story that featured both Flutterdash and Twijack, which led me onto that couple. However I couldn't find much other Twijack, but I think it did start to solidify my liking for Applejack as my favourite character.

The next step, believe it or not, came with the infamous Cupcakes fanfic. I'd heard the stories about it and, while I'm not a fan of gore and gross out fiction, I decided to read it as a sort of "challenge" to myself (in the same way I made myself watch The Human Centipede:pinkiesick:). The story was barely worth commenting on, but on the wiki, I noticed a mention of an alternate ending where Applejack saved Rainbow and the two struck up a romance. Always eager to see more of A.J, I gave it a read, which turned out to be The Cupcake Chronicles. I think that was my first Appledash fic, or at least the first one I paid attention to.

The next step was when I checked out more work by the same author and came across Letters From a Disgruntled Freindship Student. It's mostly a cynical parody, but I was caught by the chapter that parodied the cider episode from season two. Basically it's about A.J writing to Celestia about the events of that episode, and then it came to this line:

Their machine is certainly impressive. I even managed to get Rainbow Dash to eat dirt! Heh, imagine what she could do if I poured cider all over my body. Ooh...

I don't know why, but something just clicked when I read that line. I had already been reading Appledash, but I was still at a point where I was totally okay reading other ships involving one of the two. After this line however, I was hooked. No other ship matters to me like this one does.

As for favourite Appledash moment in the series, I hate to repeat what other people have said, but it probably has to be the events of Castle-Mania. I mentioned in another thread that this was the first Appledash episode I saw after really getting into the ship, so I guess it really sticks out. Plus, not long after the episode aired, I recall Megan McCarthy posted a tweet where she joked about the scene where Rainbow thinks A.J's putting her hoof around her shoulders.

I never fooled myself into thinking this made things canon, was still awesome :twilightsmile:


Actually, I wasn't a big fan of Applejack early on in the show

Booooo! Hisssss!

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5941561 In my defence, I also wasn't a fan of Rainbow until Sonic Rainboom, Rarity until Castle Mane-ia, Pinkie until I got really drunk that one time, and Fluttershy until [PENDING].

I also rushed through the first three seasons and a half in, like, a few weeks, so I didn't really let a lot of characters grow on me over time, which is I believe a real big factor for me.

Ponies are like fungus. They start out annoying, but once they've grown on you, you're stuck with them.

5941589 I know, I know. I just hate it when other people have opinions...:ajsleepy:


I ship Rarijack too. I can't help it. I ship Appledash more, but Rarijack is still adorable to me. :)

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5941624 Yeah, me too. Opinions suck, man.

The way I see it, there are two sorts of opinions. There are wrong opinions, and then there are my opinions.

Castle Mane-ia was adorable. :D
I was sold on Applejack from episode one, literally. She's always been my favorite from the moment I saw her. For me, it was Rainbow I didn't like - but she's really grown on me now that she's had so much character development.

YES, oh my goodness. The look on her face was amazing. That bit where AJ bucked the apples onto Dash's head though ;) 5941459

5941407 My favorite moment with them is probably Rainbow Dash indicting Applejack as her best friend in "The Mysterious Mare Do Well."

Lets's just pretend it made things canon;) I mean, both she and Ashleigh Ball have posted Appledash stuff on social media, so... one can always hope right?5941561

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5941678 Until Sonic Rainboom, I only really liked Twilight (and to a certain extent Fluttershy and Spike) because she was just kinda the most 'reasonable'. After Sonic, Rainbow was my favourite, and it was also the first episode I really, really enjoyed. Lot of parallels to my student life, or at least, a lot of perceived parallels.

I came around to Applejack pretty quickly after that as she replaced Twilight as the 'reasonable' one.

I'm not sure...I can't point to a particular moment, but like I mentioned in the relevant chapter in my story Cruising, RD seems like the kid that picked on the one they had a crush on in middle school, and who is she always getting into tiffs with?


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When this group was like "prizes for AppleDash stories" and I was like "ugh, I can't write fillyfooler ships… or can I?" and it kinda went on from there. Turns out they're really fun to write.

I kinda started during the episode of Fall Weather Friends, when it got to the ending when those two ran off in the autumn forest together.

Not until after Season 4.

I'd already watched through the whole series twice. I was rewatching Simple Ways and at the end when Applejack said, "Look, you're a fine pony, but, well, I'm..." and got interrupted by Rarity, I sat up and said, "Wait, what was she about to say?"

Then I read Katie Cook and Andy Price's Reflections from IDW comics.

Reflections spoilers below. (By the way, if you haven't read Reflections I highly recommend it. It's Volume 5 of IDW's My Little Pony comics.)

It was the scene where the Mane 6 meet mirror world King Sombra. He's presented as basically the handsomest thing in two universes. Rarity's heart is pounding out of her chest, Fluttershy's knees are shaking, and even Twilight and Pinkie Pie and blown away. I immediately looked at Applejack and, yup, she was entirely unimpressed. But then I noticed Rainbow Dash was also unimpressed.

So I thought, "Huh, what do you know," and left it at that. Shipping them still hadn't crossed my mind.

Then Ashleigh Ball posted that fanart on her Instagram of Applejack and Rainbow Dash getting married... which led me to looking up more Appledash fanart... which led to me finding the above mentioned tweet by Meghan McCarthy (and at this point I'm 100 percent sold on the ship)... which led me to even more Appledash fanart... which led me to fanart and a fan song from Will P. Sherman's Pillow thoughts... which led me to reading Pillow thoughts... which led me to FimFiction... which led me here.

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I don't think I had a particular moment, really. I was browsing images online after watching a number of episodes of the show, because i'd seen so many random pics of this horse show. Watched eps, wanted more, looked for art, found this art repository that wasn't or even ponibooru or whatever at the time. Was browsing AJ pics, and found this:

I dunno what it was about this pic, but it sold me on the ship. Then I consumed all the appledash art and fics I could and the rest is history ;P

I forget when exactly I first became amenable to AppleDash, but what really sold me was Hail Mary by Arby Works and Ezrienel.

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I'm not really sure when I first started shipping AppleDash. I think it was a combination of how well they went together in Fall weather friends, and discovering bookplayer's fics. The way she wrote AppleDash, along with the AppleDash project which highlighted their hints in each episode, it just felt natural.

Lately, my interest in AppleDash has been a bit on the backburner though. No fic seems to really grasp my interest.

I actually just joined:rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, I can easily picture her being that kind of kid too;)

That moment was adorable. ;)

My friend, you have just blown my mind. I never thought about it that way!! Oh my goodness, now I'm dying to know what Applejack was going to say! (My mind imagines her saying, 'Sorry, but I'm taken' as Rainbow Dash pops out of nowhere and says You got THAT right!'). Wow. Now I'm gonna go write a story about that.
As for the comics, I have indeed read them all, but again, I never thought about it that way. I'm just gonna go rethink life now...

Definitely gonna read that now.

The Appledash Project is pure genius ;)

I know, right? By the way, about that line with the story if she wasn't interrupted, can you please make that story? I've been dying to see something like that and Hest just wants to hear about it!

You know what, I just wrote short 100 or so word story about it. I'm gonna post it as part of one of my new stories soon:3

:rainbowlaugh: I love that one! Hest nearly died from laughter the first time!

Oh, yay! :yay: Tell me when it's out, okay?

Thought of another moment! Anyone remember that scene in Daring Don't where Rainbow arrives at Twilight's place to find a party going on? She asks why no one invited her and a rather annoyed Applejack has this to say:

:ajbemused: "I came to invite you personally. But it seems you were a speck too busy re-reading the last Darin' Do book for the twelfth time."

I love how she uses the word "personally", and sounds like someone telling off their girlfriend/boyfriend for not paying enough attention to them. Plus, how did she know Rainbow had read the book twelve times specifically? She could just be exaggerating, but people tend to use multiples of ten in those situations. Using the number twelve makes it sound more exact. Paying a lot of attention to what Dash is doing with her free time, huh A.J? :rainbowdetermined2:

Also, why would A.J be the one to go and invite Dash, assuming she was in her cloud house? She'd have to do one of the following:
A) Yell up to her from the ground and hope the house was low down enough for Dash to hear her.
B) Borrow Twilight's balloon and possibly a cloud walking spell.
C) Get Twilight to cast that temporary wing spell.
Seems like a lot of work when Twilight or Fluttershy could have easily flown up instead. Which means we can only draw two possible conclusions:
1) Everyone figured the only pony capable of tearing Dash away from her beloved Daring Do was Applejack.
2) Since Dash had been re-reading the book so much, A.J probably hasn't seen much of her lately, and jumped at the chance of being the one to invite her, since she was so eager just to see the feather brain again.

:facehoof: I'm just saying, it'd be much easier if I just teleported up to Rainbow's house and-
:ajbemused: I. Got. This.

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:facehoof: I'm just saying, it'd be much easier if I just teleported up to Rainbow's house and-
:ajbemused: I. Got. This.

Later that day...

"I didn't got this."

"Applejack, darling, you know how she gets invested in these sorts of things."

"I know, but it don't make a lick of sense. She's tough. I'm tough."

"Yes, but..."

"We both go on adventures."

"I know, darling..."

"We're both a sort of orange-ish brown."


"We both wear hats."


"What does Daring Do have that I don't?"

"...she's a fictional character, you know...?"

"I ain't jealous."

Even later that day...

"Well, on the plus side, at least you aren't getting beaten by a fictional pony any more..."

"We both want to do things on our lonesome a lot! We both live in out of the way places!"

"I think I should leave you alone."

"Today has been the worst darn day!"

5947789 After the Daring Do convention
:ajbemused:Dash, why do you have two of those pillows?
:rainbowderp:...This one's for you?

TO: A.K Yearling
FROM: The Court of Princess Twilight Sparkle
Restraining Order
Rainbow Dash, Applicant
(Temporary order for protection against stalking, aggravated stalking or harassment)

A.K Yearling, Adverse Party

You, the adverse party, are hereby notified that any intentional volation of this order is a criminal violation and can result in your immediate arrest or issuance of an arrest warrent

:facehoof: I feel like you're taking advantage of my position
:ajbemused: "Temporary"??

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5947793 On a tangential side-note, it had been my personal headcannon that Rainbow Dash, one day whilst exploring an ancient ruin, found a strange and mysterious portal, and in a fit of adventure, jumped inside. It just so happened that this portal led to an alternate dimension twenty years in the past with no way of going home.

Rainbow realised she was in a bit of a pickle, and in order to make sure that her and her newborn self from this universe didn't have any issues, she took the name of a popular character from a book series she enjoyed a lot and went about forging a career as an adventurer. It so happened that the Daring Do books were also being written, and Rainbow colluded with the author so that she would help provide material to write, so long as she would be able to take the author's pen-name when convenient. Over the years her mane turned grey and her coat was bleached by the sun, and one day she met the version of herself that was twenty years younger.

5947800 And then she and her younger self tried to proposition Applejack for a threesome


5946187 Please link it

Lol sounds like her. ;)

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