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How is Puzzle's new enterprise different from his old. He was an information broker and now he runs a mercenary company that acts as spies. How are these two different and how is Puzzle's new organization built on sand like his old one was? Don't mean to criticize I just didn't understand that part of Tears in the Rain.

I think his organization is more centralized, thus his subordinates don't have the power or resources to start a full blown war the moment his back is turned

The problem with that is if the organization is still based on his force of personality then as soon as his back is turned a civil war will break out, his subordinates will just need to borrow alot of money or get patreons(probaly borrow money).

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His organization is different in a number of respects. For one, his organization is being rebuilt to be more respectable in Freeport society. Before he was sitting in a bit of a grey zone, since his organization was half-criminal/smuggling/ne'er-do-well in nature. Where not officially he's a bit more above board in his dealings. Now instead of it being a criminal organization with a veneer of respectability and acceptance by society, now it's a legally a mercenary company with a specialization in spying. And the majority of his money now comes from legitament sources (businesses, shipping, some factories, etc.), where at the start a lot of his money was made through his jobs and technically illegal operations. He's been carefully investing his money over the years for such a transfer.

He's also being careful about how her distributing power this time, the internal culture of his organization, and its purpose. Before his organization was primarily a money-making organization. Which lead to issues when certain of his lieutenants no longer thought Puzzle was good for their bottom lines or prospects. Now he's trying to build an espirit do corps within the new organization intended to push towards improving Freeport in the long term. He's hoping this will help keep it from tearing itself apart.

Also, there are additional reasons why he wants kids. Puzzle wants to be able to pass everything he's build onto someone, as well as create a legacy where his organization will continue on with his goals through the generations.

So correct me if I'm wrong but its mostly a change in ideology and overall goals right? I imagined that in Freeport mercenery companies that don't have strong history behind them and exist for profit would suffer a crisis of leadership when the leader disapears. Is that a wrong assumption to make?

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