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Her name is literally APPLE PIE. Could this be the missing link between the Apple Family and Pie Family? Hidden in plain sight, introduced in the very first episode, long before it was revealed that Applejack and Pinkie Pie might have been distant cousins.

So many stories could happen from this revelation. Have fun with this knowledge.

*Update* Just realized, while this mare is shown during the Apple Family montogue... her name is sometimes credited as Perfect Pie... no apple at all. Does this make her a missing link, or an Pie member posing as an Apple, *EPIC PLOT TWIST*

Do keep in mind Pony names don't typically follow a familial theme. The Apple's and Pie's are exceptions to the rule.

Look at Twilight's family. The only commonality it Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Velvet, though that comes from the fact that Twilight Velvet was originally going to be Twilight Sparkle's name, but Lauren Faust decided to change it.

Still, an interesting idea.


Look at Twilight's family.

Not to disagree with your logic, but the theme is pretty obvious there. Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor even Flurry Heart have a theme of light rays. Cadence is married into the family ergo her name's conflict makes sense. However, her name when connected to Flurry Heart both having a theme of love.

If anything the reverse of your logic is more often true in the series. When you look at all the names in a family, rarely do we find one without a theme. Example, Rarity/Sweetie/Cookie/Hondo being the only one of the main six without a naming theme. All the other openly do. To the point that Fluttershy's own family try was canonized as Shy with Mr and Mrs Shy despite her brother not quite falling into the mold of shy theme, but rather the wind theme of found in the other half of her name,

You also have Rainbow Dash, Bow Hothoof, and Windy Whistles. Scootaloo, Snap Shutter,
Mane Allgood, Holiday, and Lofty. I can go on.

Also, your example of Twilight’s family is a bit of a stretch. 'Twilight' is a time of day, and 'Shining' is just a reflective quality. The link is very, very distant. His name was chosen because he is a literal knight in shining armor. Twilight Velvet's name was chosen as a reference to Twilight Sparkle, as that was originally going to be her name. Even her design was the original version.

Fluttershy's parents being called Mr and Mrs Shy is also a bit of a stretch. We don't have actual names for them. For all we know, it's just the way ponies reffer to friends parents, like calling Rainbow's parents 'Mr and Mrs Dash'.

Also, 'Flutter' is completely unrelated to the wind. It's a type of motion that is light and graceful.

Also, a 'flurry' is a type of light snow storm.

Wrong for Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash, Bow Hothoof, and Windy Whistles

Scootaloo is not Rainbow Dash's sister.

Holiday, and Lofty are not Scootaloo's mothers, rather they simply raised her. Even then, Loft and Loo are both Scotchish words, so the connect still exist. Sure I'll agree this one is a stretch, but considering you're calling more logical names as a stretch it seems we are mut.


Fluttershy's parents being called Mr and Mrs Shy is also a bit of a stretch.

Okay, now I know you are ignoring the ACTAUL CANON of the show. it's right there. Those parents don't even have canon first names, just fan first names. Their CANON names are MR and MRS SHY.

As for Flutter, it's not just grace, "She fluttered in place." In other way, FLYING which connects to Zehyr which takes his name after a flying god.

Heck even the fanon names like Posey Shy connect with Fluttershy in your original idea of grace. So even random fans agree with my logic over you, because it's mostly canon, not a stretch.

Applejack knows her family, and that includes her extended family. If there was a cousin that directly linked the Apple family and Pinkie Pie, Applejack would know, and we wouldn't have had that episode.
In my opinion, if they did have a common cousin way back then, it'd be so far back that legally, and even genetically, they wouldn't be considered related. Hell, Pinkie could marry Big Mac and no one (other than the rabid relationists) would bat an eye.

Marriage was not a complaint here. I already knew such things are complicated in general. Which is why I don't ship Marble with Big Mac. This thread is simply talking about the strange coincidence that all the way back in episode one, the writers presented APPLE PIE in their giant apple family montague.

I'm curious if they always planned for the family connection, or were inspired by this random name drop to make the family connect canon. And what other story ideas could grow from the possible connection this mare has to her two cousins.


Rainbow Dash, Bow Hothoof, and Windy Whistles

Okay, this is just silly. Sharing a single sound is not a family name. Also, 'wind' has nothing to do with either of the other names.

Scootaloo is not Rainbow Dash's sister.

I never said she was.

Holiday, and Lofty are not Scootaloo's mothers, rather they simply raised her.

No, they're her aunts. They're family.

Their CANON names are MR and MRS SHY.

Their first names are NOT 'Mister' and 'Missus'.

As for Flutter, it's not just grace, "She fluttered in place."

Note flying is not mentioned at any point.

In other way, FLYING which connects to Zehyr which takes his name after a flying god.

And flying has nothing to do with anyone elses name.

Heck even the fanon names like Posey Shy connect with Fluttershy in your original idea of grace.

A posey is a flower and has nothing to do with grace or posing. Also, Posey was Fluttershy's original name.

Okay, arguing with this idiot has gone on long enough. I've already told the admins about them wasting the thread's time with complete denial of canon facts I provide at every turn. Hopefully their messages can be removed soon and we can get back to the statement at hand which is talking about the fun ideas that could be had with this mysterious Apple Pie.

Pony names follow a very loose naming convention. While some names are popular among families, there is no requirement for that name to be used. In families where certain parts of names are popular, the same full name may turn up multiple times over generations. Hence, there is a current Apple Pie who is the same name as a pony who may have given a popular name to the Pinkie's family.

Also, Equestria is largely rural and has a much smaller population than most major Earth nations, it is highly likely that over the course of a dozen generations just about everyone, particularly if they are in the same tribe, have a common relative if you go back say 500 years. It wouldn't be shocking if almost everyone in the country could have massive overlaps in ancestors if you go back a thousand years. This is just like how almost everyone of Western European ancestry can probably claim Charlemagne as an ancestor as well as claim as an ancestor almost everyone else who was alive in Western Europe during Charlemagne's time, that is just how ancestry over long periods works. Everyone is your cousin so many times removed, it is just how far removed they are, and after so many times removed we lose track of it in records and generally stop caring about it. The description of how far removed Pinkie is from Applejack actually falls into the segment of so far removed we don't care anymore, but she just happened to stumble on the name of a particular common ancestor that was traceable by records, and she made a bigger deal out of it than most would.


It wouldn't he shocking if almost everyone in the country could have massive overlaps in ancestors if you go back a thousand years.

To summarize what you are saying, all ships, except cross species, are incest.

Just kidding. I would be glad to see a massive family tree connecting all the crazy names.

dsmith #13 · May 1st · · ·

In my opinion to discussion above, ponies may have single or double personal names and optionally family names or not. So, we don't know whether "Apple Pie" is just a personal name, or any part of this is a family name ("Apple" may be too).

That kind of goes with one of the headcanons I've might have mentioned in an early comment, not sure where. But basically, some ponies might change their name after getting their cutie mark. It would at least explain why out of all the main six, the one that the most vain would have the confusing family naming convention. Rarity's name isn't original, hence her mother is cookie themes and her father is New York themed. Though Sweetie Belle is both music and beauty themed, could this mean something else like... New York is big for musicals, so Sweetie Belle gets her name from her father, but where does Cookie Crumble fit into all of this. Unless either Rarity's original name was cookie based... or Cookie Crumble might not be the mother of Rarity and possible Sweetie Belle.

Plot twist *Brain explode*

Yeah, I'm not touch that mass of headcanon and shipping fuel. Let's stick with the character whose canon name is Apple Pie.

Someone use this to write something, please.
I'd read it.:raritywink:

I've used the other thread based around Pinkie Pie's sisters to expand my handling of them in my SWWC anthology.

But this one, no.

Maybe I could expand on the family tree in the far-flung past like during my JTHW series and thus explain the connection these two have. After all, the next in that one will be tackling the Earth Pony Conglomerate, a pre united earth pony civilization founded on super marketing rather than classic crop culture. I've already established that Applejack's ancestors are directly involved in the story beforehand. So all I would need to do is explain the Pie family connections. Given the Earth Pony Conglomerate is where they will encounter Puddinghead, a Pinkie Pie analog, shouldn't be too hard.

However, if you want me to write a story solely to explain who Apple Pie... No, I frankly have too many long term stories currently. It's one the main reasons I created this thread in the first place. Present people with the idea and this being the missing link between the APplie and Pie family and seeing how someone other then me can run with it. Because I am just too busy to tackle every thought that pops into my head.

Oh no, I don't mean you have to write it. Not at all.

I was just linking my comment to your idea since I didn't specifically talk about what I was referring to.

I'm only addressing anyone who comes to this thread in the future who would be interested in writing about it.

Sorry for the confusion.:facehoof:

That's okay. I'm glad to talk about these threads at least.

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