The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,813 stories
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Me and another user are planning on Crossing over our stories.

Any advice on what to avoid while doing this?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Both stories should be totally readable without the other, and you should not need to read the other to know what is going on.

I also wouldn't post the same chapter in both stories. If you are covering the same events in both stories, both of you should post your own chapters, from the point of view of that stories characters. If someone is reading both stories, don't give them too much they need to skip over, too.

It might be easier to just have, say, one or two characters vanish from one story for a bit as they go over to the other story, then reappear. If you have most of the main characters of both stories in the same place at once, it's going to get tricky.

Also, plot out what's gonna happen well in advance, and make sure you both have plans for what to do with your story if the other story gets cancelled for some reason, or doesn't get updated for half a year.

Not to mention, try not to do anything permanent to the other authors characters or mess up their plots without permission, and make sure you both look over anything published with stuff with characters from both stories, so one stories characters don't zap the other stories McGuffin or such.

--Sweetie Belle

Thank you very much.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem!

I'm pretty sure delays or cancellations in one story out of two that are crossed over has caused major trouble for the other before. I expect if one story did go dead, the other author would have to either adopt the characters that crossed into their story or find a way to write them out...

--Sweetie Belle

Yeah,we are trying to plan contingancy plans if something goes wrong.


SweetAI Belle, is it possible to pin this thread or something similar? That Advice may come in handy for the future authors.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, I'm a bit hesitant to add much to the pins in this group, 'cause they have a tendency to get a little out of control. There are 11 threads pinned right now! (Though I see a redundant one I should take care of...)

What I did just do, though, is I added it to the Legend of Important Threads and Groups, since that's got links to a lot of threads on really useful writing topics, even if most are pretty old. That thread is actually my version of one or two older threads, in fact...

I wouldn't mind adding more threads to it, actually, but nopony ever mentions it, so I end up not thinking about it. My being able to edit it was part of the point of redoing it a few years ago, too, since the originals were by CosmicAfro, who's no longer an admin and is not exactly on fimfiction much any more, IIRC.

--Sweetie Belle

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