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I need some help with finding the name of a story I've read before,and downloaded, seemingly it was deleted when my pc bluescreened yesterday,it's about tirek having conquered the world and now sets sights on Earth,and his forces start failing,and humanity goes to Equestria to fight him back ,if someone replies to this,pm me please,I shall keep looking

Something to do with Celestia doing something out of character

Hey I'm looking for a fic here that's simmilar to a story called The Enchanted Library only this story features a stallion OC and Celestia who has been turned into a unicorn.

Can anyone help?

Good Afternoon,

A while ago I was reading this really interesting fic and then my computer crashed and I lost it. Twilight sees a falling star and rushes to its impact. She discovers Twilight and Spike arriving from an alternate universe. What's more, the universe they're in is devoid of magic. That's as far as I got. Anyone know this story?


I’m looking for a horror fic that is about 22 foals that find themselves in a strange place that kills them one by one. If you know the name of the story, please let me know.

Thank you.

I’m looking for a fic with the idea that every alicorn was a hybrid of two pony races before they ascended and is a godess of one of those races. I think that Twilight was born an unicorn-earth pony hybrid and became the unicorn godess, Cadence was the pegasi godess, Luna was the testral godess and Celestia was the godess of some long lost pony race. Does anypony know the title or author?

There is a fic I read a while ago, but I can’t remember the title. I remember that the main six were human, not EQG, RD was a lesbian, Fluttershy was Muslim, Twi was black, and Rarity was rich, I don’t remember what AJ and Pinkie were, but I also remember them going to a new school, where they would meet each other for the first time.

That's actually one of mine:

TTricks and Traps
Twenty foals trapped in a maze fight for their lives.
Samey90 · 37k words  ·  60  6 · 2.3k views


Thanks, bummer you haven’t updated it.

I’m looking for this one story where the main six were humans, and that they met in this high school. I remember Twilight being black, fluttershy was Muslim, and rd was a lesbian, and rarity was rich. Anyone know the fic I’m thinking of?

Does anyone know any good fim stories about a world ruled by discord like: “if chaos prevails” and “Discords reign”.

It could be the whole story or just a chapter or two in story if you know one. Also it doesn’t have to be discord if also be interested if there’s any story’s simmiler with beings like discord with reality warping powers.

If anyone knows a story or two that fits this bill I’d love to get a link please.

I’m looking for a fic called pain in the dash. It’s a my little dashie story crossover with max pain. I know, I hate my little dashie, but I just need to look it over to get an idea of a crime type story.

I once read about a filly with a debilitating heart condition. She could bearly move. It was because her parents were carriers of bad genes. The doctors warned them that they shouldn't reproduce because the foal would be disabled, but they were selfish and didn't care. And then they got the disabled child and they were like, "Okay, this is our fault. We knew this was going to happen." And the filly was like, "Why did you do this to me?" And they didn't know what to say because what they did (reproduce) was inexcusable.

And then the filly died because she had really bad genes and the father was like, "We screwed up with that one, didn't we?" And the mother was like, "Yeah, what were we thinking, reproducing? We screwed up big time."

I wish I could find that story again, but I lost it.

Are there any deep sea exploration stories? Just a team of ponies diving into uncharted depths.

Okay, so this may seem mildly manic, but I need to know if something exists in the wild, either as part of the fandom, or as part of the canon, particularly for EqG. It may also be a separate "thing" that my brain could have latched onto somewhere.

And I need to write it down while I'm still remembering the fragments of it that I have.

Ponies and humans on both sides of the Mirror contacting each other on a wider level. Humans with magical powers cropping up over the course of time, particular precognitive/vision based ones that have been getting some of them locked away for being crazy/seemingly dangerously psychotic. Changelings on both sides of the Mirror, either escapees/refugees/exiles from Equestria or already natives.

Moondancer and several others having significant memory gaps that seem to coincide with having done things that have undermined their relationships/standing in the rest of the world. I'm like... 90% sure that at some point Moondancer/her counterpart was involved in events that led to at least one complete psychotic breakdown for someone, and 60% sure that breakdown probably involved a mass shooting almost taking place.

Dammit, I'm losing the bits and bobs, but still remembering parts of the flashes I was getting. There was something with Chrysalis leading the old-school changelings into the desert and gradually going more and more cult leadery.

Something was happening that was bringing the pairs who were communicating together to try and figure out what was going on; involved EqG and MLP halves having to connect and figure out what was going on with the gaps and parallels between worlds, as well as the differences, all of them gradually tying around a book and visions that were indicating something having to do with the whole Chrysalis, loss of time incidents, visions, and seemingly ongoing breakdowns of people who wouldn't be expected to violently snap.

You know how The Light in the Darkness is a palate cleanser for the infamous Cupcakes? Well, there's a fic I'm looking for that is the palate cleanser for Rainbow Factory. I know it exists because I remember reading a TvTropes page about it years ago, but I forgot the name. Does anyone here have the title of the fic?

I don’t suppose you mean Pegasus Device?

TPegasus Device
In the sequel to Rainbow Factory, can two foals survive the secrets of the Corporation?
AuroraDawn · 51k words  ·  1,523  88 · 71k views

Close, but not the one.

So I've been noticing a lot of artwork circling around the fandom depicting Sandlewood x EQG Fluttershy:

However I haven't had any luck finding any stories that include or revolve around this pairing. I was wondering if anyone knew of any fanfics on this site or another that had these two as an item. I think they look cute together and I would like to read a story like this. Thank you guys, and have a wonderful rest of your day.

Is there a fiction about a pony who looked down by the rich of canterlot and decide to rob the bank? Or about the main 7 getting into a haunted hotel?

Is there a fic about an obsessed fan of one of the mane 6 that tries to copy her?

I'm looking to find a fic that I read years ago, that had a particular scene.

In one scene, two of the Mane 6 were on a date at a restaurant, and the pegasus ordered a seafood dish (fruits de mers?). The other pony was shocked to find out what the dish contained. My memory is hazy, but this could have been an AppleDash or AppleShy story.

Does anyone recall the name of this fic? It's been bugging me for a while now... and neither google nor fimfiction searches have turned anything up. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Additional points (I think) included:
- Reference was made to "western pegasi cuisine" or some similar concept
- The other mare noticed that the pegasi's teeth were slightly more pointed than other ponies

Group Admin

@CoolDash, regarding the fic you described:

I'm looking to find a fic that I read years ago, like pre-2016, that had a particular scene.

In one scene, two of the Mane 6 were on a date at a restaurant, and the pegasus ordered a seafood dish (fruits de mers?). The other pony was shocked to find out what the dish contained. My memory is hazy, but this could have been an AppleDash or AppleShy story.

Does anyone recall the name of this fic? It's been bugging me for a while now... and neither google nor fimfiction searches have turned anything up. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The story you're referring to is probably one of my own. The title is The Many Complications of Interspecies Romance, and the characters involved in the specific scene you are referencing were Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

There was an official book, Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity, written by G.M. Berrow, in which Rarity's new apprentice, Charity, starts to copy Rarity's style and mannerisms.

Here is the description from Amazon:

Rarity is excited to welcome her new apprentice, Charity, to Ponyville. Rarity is sure that the two of them will become best friends, bonding over their love of fashion and glamour. But after Charity dyes her mane and tail to look more like her mentor, and begins to copy the fashionista's every move, Rarity realizes this pony is a problem!

Group Admin

7058615 7058616 Sorry, wrote reply whilst you were posting in this thread. See my original comment.

Sweet Celestia! That's the one, thank you so much! :rainbowlaugh:

I remember loving this fic to pieces when I first discovered fimfiction, and I've been trying to find it again for years. Have your much-belated fav-and-follow, good author. You deserve it! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

7058636 Glad you enjoyed it!

Felt pretty weird not only recognising the story someone on these forums was talking about, but also realising that it was one of mine...

After combing the Rainbow Factory TV Tropes page, I found What Rainbows Are Made Of, which seems to fit the bill.

Anyone know any good werewolf stories?

Did you ever find that story? I can't find it myself, but it sounds really interesting.

7071976 No. I've spent hours looking for it but haven't found it. I wonder if it's been taken down.

That's probably what happened. If I see it, I'll share it with you.

Thanks. It was an incredibly addictive fic.

There was a certain Spike story I was looking for, and it was something related to a Paw Patrol episode, "Pups save a Friend"

I've been looking for it for a couple of years now

Does anyone know of a story where a nature spirit of unicorn that controller nature helps twilight and friends get to the castle of the two sisters. ( it can be a human)

I'm looking for a story that I believe was called Colors of the Heart, which was slice of life about an albino unicorn mare, who eventually falls in love with Fluttershy. One of the most memorable details was that albinos in that Equestria differed magically from normal ponies; ponies were colorful because their magic expressed itself outward through their coat/mane/tail, etc., leaving each unicorn with just one color for their horn magic color. Albinos' magic on the other hand expressed itself internally, so their coat/mane/tail were white (colorless), their eyes were pink, but their horn magic was of every color (a full rainbow). The main character was initially hesitant to cast magic where anypony else could see, because she was afraid ponies would be scared off (or something) by entire rainbows of color coming off her horn.

Does anyone remember this story?

I’m looking for a story. It’s an Equestria Girls doc where Fluttershy and Adgario hate indirect kisses with sweets that Fluttershy brings to school. I tried searching with tags but the story won’t show up. Does anyone know the name of the story?

It's probably "Sucker for a Cute Face" by EyeswirltheWeirded.

Hi guys. After thoroughly checking my saved fics and browser history, there’s one fic that I know I read recently, but can’t find again. Any help locating this story would/will be appreciated.

I don’t remember the title or tags, but I do remember the bulk of the plot. Celestia and Luna visit Ponyville, because there’s been some sort of incident at the Library. There they find a very embarrassed Fluttershy, Twilight and Applejack who had been ‘enjoying each other’s company’ if you will. The sisters then share a similar story about the Founders and the upshot is that Clover, Pansy and Smart Cookie were Celestia and Luna’s parents and that Twi, AJ and Shy have conceived a new alicorn.

That story sounds like an author in dire need of learning about the bees and the flowers in a more accurate form and with some technicalities included.

I get what you mean, but it made sense in context. And the story was actually really good which is why I wanna find it again.

I'm trying to find a story, it was an EQG story where sweetie belle had died, and the CMC found her diary with a DND campaign written in it, and Rarity played through it in order to find closure.

Hey, I know this one! You're probably thinking of 'She Kills Monsters' by Chiko.

TShe Kills Monsters
After losing her sister, Rarity buries herself in her work. Just as lost, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, armed with a personal Ogres & Oubliette's module, try to help the seamstress open more than just her boutique.
chiko · 15k words  ·  138  3 · 1.5k views

Hrmmm I'd say something that's funny but mature without being smutty and I'm a gore horror fan

Comment posted by Midnight_Blood deleted Mar 9th, 2020

Hrmmm a good one with all the young 6 but creepy horro themes

Hey, I wanna find some good crime fics, like ones where characters are investigating murders, disappearances, etc. Any recommendations?

Does anyone know any recent stories where discord or some being that can warp reality and stuff like him is a villan in it?

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