The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,812 stories
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1234 #1 · Nov 9th, 2016 · · ·

Here's your hub for you to ask looking for a good or bad __________ fic?

Have at it. Anyone who gets re-directed here due to posting said type of thread should learn to read the stickies to save the lives of innocent threads.

Thank you.

Somethin mean, lean and sexual. Anyone got anything?

something involving the god emporer

Shocks #4 · Nov 9th, 2016 · · 1 ·


to save the lives of innocent threads.

But I love crushing threads. Seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women.

1234 #5 · Nov 9th, 2016 · · 1 ·

They only lived for a few seconds RIP.

wlam #6 · Nov 9th, 2016 · · ·

There are no innocents in a bad thread, only different kinds of victims.

5624385 That down vote was by a Hilary Supporter.

5624328 Am I allowed to play in dead threads?
Weeeee!! It was fun for the short amount of time it lasted.
I picture a broken rundown park with odd(teeter)totters, cracked up slides, dead trees and lifeless grass with a... caravel??!!?!? The "spinny" thing slowly rotating in the breeze.
Its paradise and I LOVE IT

I want to see any fanfics about changeling Kings. Especially changeling Kings married to Queen Chrysalis.


I hear there's this one story where Twilight is a lesbian.

Anyone remember the title?


Hey there iv got a strange one for u

Does anyone know any mlp gameshow based fanfiction even if there's one bit in a chapter of a story u remember I'd really appreciate it if someone answers plz :)

Ps I know about discords dating game Iam looking for more unknow ones plz

Group Admin


Here's one I just found from a quick Fimfiction search.

Thanks anyone else know some?

So I don't know if anyone can help me, but I remember an old Rainbow Dash fic from way back when (probably like, 2-3 years ago) and was wondering if anyone knew anything about it. It was something along the lines of Rainbow Dash traveling west (or east? I think west) and (here is where my memory fuzzes) she eventually finds an old farm house burned down, and a grave stone, and (this is reeally me stretching my memory) she is running from something I think, she did something or failed to do something or something embarrassing happened. I know that is kind of "I remember a story, here's what it may or may not have been" but for the most part that I think is an entirely accurate synopsis. I never finished it, and if anyone has any information regarding it, I'd be very thankful for it. Cheers :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Rainbow Dash traveling west (or east? I think west)

I haven't read it myself, but I'm willing to wager you're thinking of Imploding Colon's Austraeoh saga...

5682799 Yes! Thank you! I hadn't realized it was such a lofty read, and a saga at that point!

Did anyone ever see a pony crossover with the game The Room?

Okay, I'm trying to recall a little one-shot about Rainbow and her coltfriend (I think Big Mac, but I could be wrong) going out for drinks. Some of the other patrons confuse Rainbow for a stallion, and she gets mad about it. The twist was that she was actually mad about something else that was implicit in them mistaking her sex. Not a lot to go on, but I'd love to find it again. I remember it being a cute story.

Thanks, everyone.

Sounds like What Did You Call Me? by Bookplayer. Rainbow is mad about being called cute.

(Dimly remembered, and found by searching for featured stories tagged Teen, Rainbow Dash, and Big Macintosh).

5708196 Thanks a bunch! Funny, I searched both for those exact tags and scrolled through bookplayer's page without any luck.

Looking for specific fic too. It was an abridged retelling of a griffin/pony war where a griffin champion with a super sword is downed by a pony hairdresser with a crossbow.

The ending comment is each side saying that the other really doesn't understand the point of war.

There was a story, somewhere on here, where the M6 get a blox with every season of Red vs, Blue, and they watch them. I really want to find that story, like, REALLY BADLY.

plz hlp dyng frm lak of rvb pones

I don't know which story that is, but I did stumble upon this massive cross-over story with red vs blue: I Against I, Me Against You by Flynt Coal

So I once was following a Fic, but I can't remember the name of it. It's an Alternate Universe that diverges after the Sombra Arc of the Show; in it All of the Mane Six and a few other ponies become Alicorns; also if it helps the Princesses are trying to find a way to bring Immortality to their Subjects. I was away from FimFiction for about 2 months due to work; and when I got back on, the story had disappeared. I'm trying to find it, but the search function seems broken when I try and use it, sometimes when I look for stories they won't show up. I would be extremely grateful for any help. I do remember the Story being really good. It also had a picture of all of the Mane Six as Alicorns with the Caption of " All of the Mane Six are Alicorns now. You happy yet? " as it's Icon if it helps. Thanks.

im looking for a fic where when nightmare moon is banished luna looses most of her memories and/or is de-aged to a filly and is looked after by twilight. please no suggestions with Nyx I want woona :twilightsmile:

The best fanfic.

Looking for good action and adventure Equestria Girls fics. Preferably something close to RWBY

Possibly an old one, looked around for it but didn't find it. I remember a bit of the synopsis: Twilight goes to College/High School/University, determined not to make any friends except Fluttershy, her best friend since childhood/fillyhood.

Help, anyone?

Oh, I know that one! The author deleted all his stories because of harrassment, and moved them to Archiveofourown.
The Great Alicorn Hunt!

5931933 Thank you so much! I loved that fic so much! One of my top faves.

Mmhmm. I panicked, because it siad you were offline for two weeks and that could mean you left fimfiction, and never find it again :pinkiegasp: It is really good, I had the same problem as you but I eventually found it on a google search.

5931973 Oh I tend to be gone for weeks or months at a time due to work and stuff. I'm not leaving Fimfiction anytime soon.

nice. im happy to have helped you out.

Have a like just for the comedy value. Well done!

I am looking for a very well written Skyrim crossover. I've put 207 hours into a character over the course of a month so I'm on a Skyrim trip at the moment. Thanks!


Well written, although it’s a lower-key crossover than most, and fairly short.

Hello, So I’m remember several years ago reading a fanfiction where a pony was found outskirts of ponyville and essentially his back story was that he came form a village that had been destroyed by monsters who went on a rampage after bring a driven to a rage when nightmare moon returned, he survived by being pushed into a cellar by his father. Now he wants to exact revenge on princess luna. He had black stetson hat similar to applejacks. Ands thats about all I remember about the fanfic, if anyone knows anything about this any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

you have awoken me from my slumber. prepare for the ultimate punishment

Hi I'm not sure if this the right place to ask but anyone here do any short Fanfics I can use for a Project I will credit the Authors.
Project here

Sweetie Belle dies and ends up in Tartarus (or whatever you call it) where she just laughs at all their attempts to torture her.

Edit: FINALLY found it. It's 'Sweetie Belle's drop' by WinterTwister. Thank heavens for FIMFetch.

Are there any really technical fanfics from the POV of Discord about manipulation, the science of his chaos magic, and/or his conflicted thoughts on Fluttershy?

Anybody know of any decent Twibra fics that aren't rated M?

Anyone have a fimfic that's a mix of mass effect and mlp?

Does anyone know a good Bloodborne crossover?

Anyone know of any good robot fics? I'm mainly interested in any that take after Isaac Asimov's stuff.

I'd also like to know of any good courtroom fics. Rewatching Daredevil and Harvey Birdman got me interested.

Group Admin

In regards to a courtroom fic, I'm afraid I haven't read it myself yet :twilightsheepish:, but I've seen a couple of people around say good things about the following story:

TPhoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm!
A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?
Firesight · 436k words  ·  1,903  74 · 29k views

6109525 Oy. Kind of looking for something smaller, but I may check it out.

Does anyone know any good pre-MMC (S3 Finale) Twilicorn fics, or have a list of them? I want to see how people wrote Twilicorn before she was actually Twilicorn.

I'm looking for a fic I read years ago. It was a retelling of S1E1 from Nightmare Moon's perspective except that she sort of knew all of the Main 6. Twilight was a reincarnation of her past lover, I think Pinkie was a leftover from G3 Ponies, and Luna knew all of the Main 6 or their ancestors for one reason or another even if they didn't know her. Pinkie was infused with the G3 "Wish" power or something. Luna and Celestia were something like the avatars of gods or something that had been there when they destroyed G3 to make room for G4.

Group Admin

Is there any chance that this is the story you're looking for?

TNightmares Are Tragic
Nightmare Moon spends a thousand years banished to the Moon, then returns to seek her revenge. From HER point of view.
Jordan179 · 33k words  ·  516  29 · 9.9k views
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