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Group Contributor

They called us mad, when we put a piece of fruit in charge of The Writer's Group. They cannot appreciate our brilliance. Perhaps they will understand, instead, when we take a page from history. Everyone loves history. Emperor Nero was said to make a horse into a head of state. We will do the same. But we will do better. If one horse is good, two, surely, is even greater!

The first, recommended by... ahem... celebrated filmmaker Michael Bay:

HapHazred is a seasoned admin of The Goodfic Bin, and Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges, sure. And sure, you see him around here often, commenting with due sage wisdom. But really, he's also combusting (or exploding) pretty much 24/7. And that's what it takes to be a TWG admin, in my books.

Recommended by TWG's more sane admins:

gamexpert1990, who changed their avatar from a pony while I was typing this, and who will thus be totally fired when I put the paperwork through our crushing bureaucracy for ruining my joke, is an admin in Helping Hooves, The Shameless Self Promotion Bureau, and several thousand other pony groups. He is not an expert at games from 1990. Put away your SNES controller.

The hunt continues for the really scary Dr. Mario player you all deserve.
We'll get it one day, guys. Promise.

On a more serious note:
This should be it for the new crop of admins! The school year is starting soon, in high schools and colleges, and a few old hands are idling. So we're making sure that we have plenty of eyes out there to watch your every move make sure you all have the best TWGing experience possible. HapHazred and Gamexpert1990 are both smart, sensible, mature sorts, vetted by experience and coming as a result of a whole bunch'a back and forth on who we would all trust and feel totally comfortable handing over unlimited cosmic power to. If you need help, or if something goes horribly wrong, they've got your back!


The hunt continues for the really scary Dr. Mario player you all deserve.

I regularly give people the daily dose with Dr Mario on Smash 4, y'know.



Now that the the staff is a bit more robust, I'm going to deactivate my behavioral filter and I'm going to start spamming threads, start flame wars with mods, post threads that are against the rules, and just start acting like an asshole in general. I thought I'd give you a heads up. Gotta keep you admins on your toes; don't want the new recruits to become lazy!

Group Contributor


They called us mad, when we put a piece of fruit in charge of The Writer's Group.

Heck, even I called you mad.

But really, he's also combusting (or exploding) pretty much 24/7.

The mark of a fine admin, indeed.
Truly, admins here at The Writer's Group are hired based purely on their combustibility.

He is not an expert at games from 1990.

I keep telling you, he's an expert at one thousand, nine hundred and ninety games. 1990 games exactly.

Congratulations to both Haphazard and gamexpert1990. They're both capable, sensible and downright friendly friendos and I hope their reigns are long and tyrannous.

After party at my place, anyone?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Yay! I've got a good feeling 'bout our new admin team. I think this'll work out pretty well. Congratulations to both gamexpert1990 and HapHazred!

Well, I also made us a new area to keep track of who we're giving warnings and bans, so I suppose that could work out...

--Sweetie Belle


After party at my place, anyone?

Sure thing, I'll bring some snacks!

Group Contributor

Let's all admit it. That's a whole lot of non-DH7'y work. Instead you're gonna get drunk and give me a really sappy hug or something, and be totally adorable and mushy. :rainbowkiss:

I'm so sorry. :fluttershysad:
I'm sure you'll graduate to a cool character one day.


Nobody appreciates my genius! Not even the beneficiaries!

Me too. I admit, my tyranny has one benefit. I can front-load kind, smart people. And those niceness-rich people can help me kidnap even greater numbers kind, smart people. Which I can then put to work in the forum mines.

This is why they should make Lumie the One True Ruler of All the World. :rainbowkiss:
The new Niceocracy cannot fail! It's Flutter-approved!



Even drunk Dh7's don't hug.

But yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

Group Admin


who changed their avatar from a pony while I was typing this,

I'm sorry, I just figured I'd put some more color back into my avatar. :twilightsheepish:

and who will thus be totally fired when I put the paperwork through our crushing bureaucracy for ruining my joke

But I could easily change it back just for your joke. :twilightoops: I just got this gig! :raritydespair:


He is not an expert at games from 1990.

I keep telling you, he's an expert at one thousand, nine hundred and ninety games. 1990 games exactly.

I'd really hate to burst anyone's bubble about this, but I think I'll clear the air on this one: Contrary to what my name implies, I'm actually not that much of an expert on that many games. This is just a username I came up with and thought sounded cool back around when I was 10 years old, and it's just stuck with me ever since. :twistnerd:

Anyway, thank you. I shall endeavor to do my best! :scootangel:


I'm so sorry. :fluttershysad:
I'm sure you'll graduate to a cool character one day.

I'll 1V1 your ass using Jigglypuff right now.

Group Contributor


Why would you just go and ruin my headcanon like that?

Group Admin

What's stopping you from pretending you never saw what I said and still using that headcanon? :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

4642467 I only actually set myself on fire once. I'm not that bad of a fire hazard. And I came out mostly intact.

I did, however, manage to set spaghetti on fire.

Hmm. Maybe I am a bit more explosive than I thought.


unlimited cosmic power

Should have said phenomenal cosmic power, Lumi. Gosh, don't you know how to reference? :rainbowwild: We definitely had the itty-bitty living space thing down. I just got a tiny cardboard box in the corner. Didn't even cover me; everything from the chest up stuck out. And I had to curl up the fetal position just to fit.

Congrats on the promotions, new admins! Maybe one day, with enough hard work and kissing up to Lumi, you can get a big cardboard box! That'd be cool, right?

HapHazred and gamexpert1990? I recognize these names, and I have a terrible memory for names. That means these guys must be worth something!

Congratulations on your promotion. TWG is a safer place with you around! :twilightsmile:

4642653 Well, you're all admins now. You could delete eachothers' comments for petty reasons.

I would like to point out I would make a terrible admin for the above reason. Also, I would ban the other admins for the sole purpose of them not posting any more pinned threads. Again, petty reasons.

4642467 War of the Admins is coming... I just know it... soon, we will drown in the juices of a fruit, and the wiring of an SNES controller... may Luna Praise Be Unto Her have mercy on us all...


They called us mad

But for good reasons.

Best of luck to the new admins!

4642467 Sounds cool. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I just figured I'd put some more color back into my avatar

You are welcome.

Group Admin

That's certainly one way to take care of that. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks, I think I'll use it for now. :moustache:

Group Admin

4643350 You'd better enjoy it. That was a whole three minutes of my life I'll simply never get back.

Three. Whole. Minutes.

Group Admin

I will certainly enjoy it since it took you all of 180 seconds to give my avatar a 180° change in color. :twilightsmile:

Wonderful choices!:twilightsmile:



1990s Disney was pure awesomesauce.

Sorry to nit-pick, but I do believe that it was Caligula who made his horse a senator

4642467 Don't worry, they're not masters of minerals like I am. Only I rule with an iron fist :3

We shall be gods.

Angry gods.

That was one of Disney's best jokes. Not only was it funny, but it also helped set up the resolution.


Let's congrat you both, for being the chosen ones.

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