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Well thins one has bugged me for quite some time. In the show we see several ponies that have facial hair, and obviously maintain them in shape somehow (not to mention there is a character named Starswirl The Bearded).

So, how do you think ponies are able to shave without damaging their coat? Is it magic? Is it a special razor? Or something else...

I would like to hear your opinion, as i (sadly) do not have one.

With great difficulty. :moustache:

Okay, actual idea. Maybe it's some sort of trimmer type attachment, like they have at the barber shop? Cuts to a specific length and no further?

Unicorn barbers I imagine.

Comment posted by OkemosBrony deleted May 13th, 2013

982908 They probably more of trim their beards instead of full-out shaving them. Or maybe they shave in a way that won't damage their coats, similar to how you could theoretically use any knife to shave your face as long as you know what you're doing.
I can't say I really know, I've never really tried to shave a pony before.

Well, we know that stylists exist, as in the spa. Therefore, barbers and other ponies must specialize in the trimming of fur and hair. They probably use these services.

There was recently another post bout this, you might want to look it up.

My theory is that facial hair is grown by magic only. Hence Twilight having easy access to a spell to sprout a mustache on Spike's scaly face. In the past it was a sign of great magical prowess to posess facial hair (having the skill to grow it on your own face), hence Starswirl the Bearded. But now it's something that every ordinary unicorn barber can do for you, either growing it, or removing it.

Basically the answer is, they don't shave. And the ones who do (I'd say because they're too lazy/can't afford to go to the barber) wind up looking like shit. Like the gruff moving pegasus boss guy. Crafty Crate some call him. Always looks like he has a real bad 5 o clock shadow.

Also worth noting (despite my headcanon) that classical unicorns are depicted with goat beards.

My guess would be that they can grip stuff with their forehooves.


I figured older males sometimes developed them but it wasn't anything structured, and they just happen to grow in the ways we expect them to because humans are the audience.

Hence, Starswirl was old, and happened to be bearded. Maybe his beard was particularly notable, or perhaps his son was Starswirl the Beardless. :pinkiehappy:

982936 As I was going to say didn't someone already ask this?

Most electric razors have different ends for different lengths. This could be the case for ponies: they have electric razors which come with a set of heads. These heads have to cut hair that only exceeds a certain point, which is set considering the length of the ponies coat.

Ex. If a pony wanted to get rid of an inch of hair off his 'regular' coat, he'd attach a head (regular coat length +1 inch) to his razor, and go over himself with it.

That's my idea anyway.


Texture might be a factor - whiskers are much rougher than hair. Maybe they've developed a blade th only cuts whiskers but ignores hair.

Magic duel answered this already:trixieshiftright:

982908 I imagine with scissors, so there isn't really a whole lot of "shaving" involved.


You took the words from my mouth.:pinkiehappy:

I'm impressed by how many legit answers people had for this question. :twilightsheepish: Kinda wondered about it myself.

Well, Celestia has to use a #7 clippers twice a day, or she gets awfully shaggy around the face. Hence, the saying, "By Celestia's Beard!" which indicates a very busy day where she has not had a chance to tidy up.

Ponies don't shave. Rarity just declares Fancy Pants' face as the new pinnacle of fabulosity as needed.
"Fancy Pants, a goatee? Who incredibly fashionable!" :raritystarry:

The problem is their facial hair is the same color that their mane is, which is generally different from their coat color, so if they were to shave it in the usual ways (e.g. not entirely as to not leave a bald spot) - there STIL would be a patch of differently colored fur.


So far i like theRedBrony's theory the most, because it explains that.

And sorry, i did not found that older thread, would someone link me please?

I've got a better question.

How Earth Ponies brush their teeth? They usually hold things with their teeth, but if they did it here, they wouldn't be able to hold the toothbrush. The tails are too short and they can't hold them in their hooves.

Think about it.

Ponies can hold things with their hooves - it has been shown in show on many occasions, it has been told in interviews, however that animators resort to this only if there is no other way (no magic/mouth/forehooves grip) available. So i guess they do it with innate magic (all ponies are magical), but its uncomfortable for them so they do not use that often.

I always summed up a pony's ability to grip with their hooves as an expression of earth magic, ie. connecting to things. Apple bucking isn't knocking apples out of a tree by force, but communicating with the tree to drop its apples. Their stability and balance is connecting to the earth through their hooves.

However when someone linked me to this article, it made for some pretty hard headcanon for the frogs of a pony's hooves.

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