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I am about to put Applejack into a fighting tournament situation and I was thinking, if we could place the girls into different fighting styles, what would it be? I want to give her a fighting style that would be unique to her, and I want some ideas. I know I should focus on the kicking styles, but I think I could mod some.

Ersonally, I see Applejack as a street brawler, maybe mixed with Kapora.considering her kicks.

Well, I figure Applejack would more or less do traditional american boxing. Nothing too fancy, but effective despite its simplistic nature.

Edit: Oh wait, we're talking about ponies. Don't mind how retarded I am.

966771 add a little Muay Thai too

I agree with Merc. Applejack is very much a function over form pony, to a certain limit. Assuming a cadre of pastel-colored, peace-loving ponies suddenly developed a taste for violence, I imagine Applejack would draw the line at trickery, whereas a pony like Pinkie might utilize her, um, diversionary tactics to ensure victory. Applejack's fighting style would be a no-nonsense brawl, utilizing her prodigious strength to overwhelm her opponents.

Twilight would use calculated strikes to disable opponents with the least amount of effort.

Rarity would dance gracefully across the bloodied arena, never striking her opponent bluntly and waiting for the slightest misstep, whereupon she would punishingly pounce and disarm her opponent in a manner that seemed almost effortless.

Fluttershy would almost mirror Rarity's actions. She'd deftly dodge all attacks as she flowed like water, not submitting to the blows but bending and dissolving before their fury, thus avoiding all damage. She'd calmly, though regrettably, take advantage of a sloppy strike before grasping the overextended limb and putting the pony down with an artfully executed grapple. She'd probably apologize furiously and numerous times throughout the engagement.

Pinkie would take the first hoof to the face, and whip back around with a wide smile even as her party cannon leveled its sights on her attacker from behind.

Rainbow Dash would have none of this bullshit. Pfft, like anypony could land a hit on her, anyway. She'd be a blur of strikes, and her opponent's blows would frustratingly swipe at empty air as she is way too damn fast, and awesome, to allow her opponent to land a blow. Every dodged hoof would see the pegasus responding with a flurry of strikes.

Applejack, though...Applejack would take every hit, then stare back arrogantly with a shit-eating grin before dealing out twice as much pain as she just suffered. What is pony flesh to her bucking hooves compared to the hardened bark of trees, anyway?

966771 Applejack can't kick! She bucks!:trollestia:

Applejack = Brawling/Boxing
Rainbow Dash = Brawling/Some popular form of martial arts(something that looks "awesome")
Fluttershy = Jiujitsu/Aikido (Rarity forced her to take self-defense classes)
Pinkie PIe = Party-Ninjutsu
Twilight = Knows every form of martial arts, but has absolutely no experience in using them
Rarity = Aikido/ Tai Chi (there had been a eastern-culture wave in Canterlot's high society), or go read Dresden Fillies: False Masks


Well, if the girl were to rear up on her hind legs, I could make it work. Also she could just as easily thrust out her front hooves for a good punch.


Muy Tai could definatly work, its just rough enough

AJ would buck ponys in da face:ajsmug:

Rainbow was at the dojo in ponyville so karate?:rainbowdetermined2:

Pinkie would use party cannons:pinkiehappy:

Twilight would fire bolts of magic:twilightsmile:

Rarity would probably throw stuff with her magic:raritystarry:

Fluttershy was weaponised cuteness and the stare! :yay::fluttershysad:

If we had to go straight martial arts, I'd peg AJ as a Muay Thai fighter. It specializes in kicks and extended range. Capoeira doesn't seem like a good fit, since a lot of it is about following a rhythm, and I think AJ would just look silly bobbing her head to an unheard beat whilst whaling on somepony.

As for the others, I'd give Rainbow Dash Kung Fu, which specializes in hitting quickly, not necessarily with more raw strength; Fluttershy would have Aikido, which is very passive, focusing on redirecting the opponent's momentum. Pinkie Pie would use either Capoeira or Drunken Boxing. Do I even have to explain?
Giving a specific martial art or style to Rarity and Twilight would be tricky, since they don't do a lot of fighting. Perhaps Rarity would do something along the lines of Tai Chi, while Twilight would probably use some magically fueled supernatural martial art.

Check Call of the Cutie, Rainbow Dash has a black belt in Karate. (Carrot-ey?) :rainbowdetermined2:

966821 It's extremely rough, and AJ wouldn't have a problem, I'm sure. It's mostly kicks, punches, elbow- and knee-strikes - of course I'm basing this on a description for a role-playing game, but they have to get it (kinda) right, don't they?

Ever seen the Mane6 devs talking about the fighting styles in Fighting is Magic? I like to use that as reference.

Twilight's probably read a lot of books about fighting, but can only do a few basic punches. I like to think she likes the supposed technical superiority of Krav Maga.
Applejack's the strongest and most capable fighter, and practices traditional American boxing.
I don't see Rainbow Dash as someone having a traditional fighting style, and taught herself through being bullied or street brawls. So she's a mixed martial artist who improvises her own moves, relying on her speed and reflexes to win.
For the record, Rarity's been willing and able to fight, considering she kicks a manticore in the face without hesitation and almost takes on three dragons. I like to think she's well-versed in Taekwondo, and she's the second most capable fighter next to Applejack.
Pinkie's harder to tell, but perhaps she'd do something more improvisational like Rainbow Dash, but less honed and effective. Otherwise, she's the type who pulls out a tire iron or bike chain during a fist fight.
And Fluttershy... clearly she's the Bruce Lee of the group. :flutterrage:

966815 are we talking 'health' Tai Chi or 'combat' Tai Chi?

966896 Take a look at the topic and then ask me again...

966907 :facehoof: i was asking what type the "eastern-culture wave in Canterlot's high society" promoted. my bad for not being clear:twilightsheepish:

966923 While it would probably be a story of it's own, if all of the Canterlot nobility suddenly started martial arts, I was refering to health tai chi. xD


Using the Canterlot Wedding as a reference when it comes to Rarity, I think she would be a good Tai-Chi fighter, after all, its graceful and elegant and can help to calm down.


Sadly I never saw them talking about it.

I also agree, Flutters is Bruce Lee,


I like this one :applejackunsure: Though its mainly AJ fighting...he description is probably one I am going to us.


You know you're right, Capoeira would defintaly fit Pinkie, while Applejack would be more of a straght on attacker, which what I have seen Muy Tai being.

966807 I've been on a major "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" kick ever since I started watching the 2012 anime, and I can say without reservation that Pinkie Pie would be like Joseph Joestar on a perpetual sugar high. :pinkiehappy:

Applejack would be more like Joseph's grandfather, Jonathon. Straightforward and relatively simplistic in her style. Not to the point of simple-minded brute force, just more focused on lining her opponent up to get the most bang for her bucking. Like Jonathon, I can see her being willing to power through and ignore attacks from her opponents that would have other fighters flinching away if it means putting herself in a position to finish the fight with one solid hit.

Another possibility for Applejack is Systema, a Russian martial art used to basically ignore any hits taken, as in "Oh, you kicked me in the face. Cute. Too bad for you it does nothing." :ajsmug:

Of course, that's only against blunt attacks... Someone stabs you, and, well, you're gonna bleed. :ajbemused:


She'd calmly, though regrettably, take advantage of a sloppy strike before grasping the overextended limb and putting the pony down with an artfully executed grapple. She'd probably apologize furiously and numerous times throughout the engagement.

Dude, when I was taking Aikido lessons, I got to meet one of the branch founders. He was totally like this, even apologizing when he threw me across the dojo. He was an awesome guy, and going at him was really intense... still sends shivers up my spine.

I felt AJ was more of a savate type.


Nice to see other aikido practitioners here.

:scootangel: Awesome. Kokikai branch here, you?
Shuji Maruyama-sensei was absolutely incredible, though. For real.

I actually had Apple Jack get involved in a fight in one of my stories. I had her rely on her apple bucking techniques and spamming forehoof blows when all else failed.

Here's how I see it:

Apple Jack -- strong, brutal but traditional. Her form borrowed heavily from her farm labor. :ajbemused:
Twilight -- Calcuated in her approach, yet lacking confidence. Risk-taking when need be. :twilightblush:
Rarity -- Hesitant to hit, but not so to hit back. Brutal but graceful. :duck:
Fluttershy -- Accidentally doing her foe damage as a result ot true pure skill or a mishap in her foe's form -- suchas accidentally tripping her opponent or knocking into their body and pushing them over. :yay:
Pinkie Pie -- I see Pinkie being quite evasive, tirelessly and effortlessly so, much like Mohammad Ali. I see her frustrating her opponent to exhaustion, occasionally giving them a playful push doing more damage than it appears to have intended to... until exhaustion and submission from opponent. :pinkiehappy:
Rainbow Dash -- I see her being the fastest fighter and, while powerful, not nessarially the strongest. For every blow Apple Jack lands she'll land 3, but AJ's will be a little less than twice as a strong. :rainbowhuh:


Shin shin toitsu.

Missed my chance to meet Tohei Koichi-sensei, though.


I feel bad, as much of a lover of martial arts that I am, I never heard of that. I need to check that out.

It is pretty obscure. I only even know about it because it's one of the martial arts featured in this game I play. It sounds really freaking awesome, but learning exactly how to take hits like that sounds like it would be painful.
Excerpt from Paragon Universal RPG, regarding Systema:

Its practitioners can endure punches to the throat, kicks to the groin, and even bats to the head and suffer no ill effects.

One can only imagine what kind of hellish training one would have to go through to achieve mastery of this martial art.

Ooh, I get to talk about fighting now! I'm no martial artist, so bear with me.

Applejack is a hardy kind of fighter, willing to pit her strength against her opponent's. She'll get into grapples and take hits, and every time she hits back, you're going to feel it. Her signature move would definitely be an adaptation of her standard applebuck - powerful, but extremely easy to anticipate because she has to get herself into position first. But even if you have the advantage, that famous Apple stubbornness means you're going to really have to work at it to keep her down.

Rainbow Dash is the DPS to Applejack's brute force. She's easily the most agile of the six, and loves to dance around her opponent and pepper them with rapid strikes from multiple angles, wearing them down. If she wants to send you reeling, though, she's going to take several steps back and throw herself into you, letting momentum do the rest. She's a bit extremely overconfident, though, and has the tendency to taunt and toy with her opponents while fighting.

Twilight's performance in a fight will vary. If she has time to prepare, you're screwed. It's like fighting Batman or Doctor Doom. She'll do the research, and she will figure out your weakness before the fight even begins, and then exploit it in the most efficient way possible. If she's thrown into a fight, though, she's more prone to panic. But time and determination solve all things; she'll teleport and put up shields until she can get a read on you, and finish you off with a powerful magical blast to the face.

Rarity knows how to accessorize. With a quick sweep of the surrounding area, she'll find something to use as a ballistic weapon and throw it at you with a precision and force honed by a lifetime of telekinetic training. She'd prefer not to fight, if she could help it. But Celestia forbid you make her mad - she'll come after you with everything she has, civility be damned.

Fluttershy... you had to have done something really wrong to get Fluttershy into a fight. She'd prefer to avoid fighting at all, to the point of cowardice. If you get hurt while she's running away from you, you've either tripped over her or just have extremely bad luck. But Fluttershy's a different pony altogether when she's determined. If she has a justified reason to fight, she will do so, and she'll do it well. What she lacks in force, she makes up for with grace. She'll parry your everything, and if you're particularly unlucky she'll send you to the floor.

Oh, Pinkie Pie. So innocent. So happy-go-lucky. So totally not the pony you want to fight. With a nigh-preternatural ability to sense her opponent's moves, she'll know exactly how to deal with anything you can throw at her. She'll bounce all around you and frustrate you to no end, and once she's got you pinned down, she'll finish you with a smile on her face.


Rarity knows how to accessorize. With a quick sweep of the surrounding area, she'll find something to use as a ballistic weapon and throw it at you with a precision and force honed by a lifetime of telekinetic training. She'd prefer not to fight, if she could help it. But Celestia forbid you make her mad - she'll come after you with everything she has, civility be damned.

Except Rarity tends to go straight for the kicking in the show. Maybe she's picked up a few self-defense classes.

I can't really say for certain.

I think Pinkie Pie might do something similar to Hercule's special moves in the Dragon Ball Z Budokai franchise. Specifically the famous "Got A Present For You" except she'd actually land a decent blow, she'd pretend to be helpless, offer up a gift that's actually a trap, let the foe take the gift, sneak away, pull out the denotator, press it, and kaboom! She'd rely on trickery and randomness to win, she'd confuse opponets by switching fighting styles. She'd likely be the hardest as she'd probably be like the copycat fighters in Tekken (fighters that copy other fighters style and change each match).

Rainbow Dash if Call of The Cutie is to believed shows she has a black belt in karate. Rainbow Dash would likely use a strike before stricken and speed over power approach. She'd rely on speed to win and would try to take down her opponets before they could bust out their best moves.

Applejack would likely rely on her back hooves to get the job done. She'd use her earth pony strength to endure most hits and let her opponet wear themselves out then deliver a swift and powerful buck to send them flying.

Rarity would probably be whatever the type of style she used in "Return of Harmony" and "Dragon Quest". She'd likely dance around her opponet only striking if stricken.

Fluttershy would probably be like Rarity except she'd basically just rely on dodging and cowering to win. She'd use her cowardlyness to literally trip up her opponet.

Twilight would potentially study various fightning styles. She'd rely on her magic if she could but if magic was not allowed in traditional fightning tournaments she'd likely use a mixed style trying to blend the best of each style she'd read.

I use the changeling brawl as an example of their fighting styles; AJ and RD are straight fighters, Pinkie uses "exotic" means, Rarity channels the power of "don't underestimate me because I'm a lady!" and just socks them with a solid right hook, Twilight uses ranged attacks, and...

... this falls flat with Fluttershy. She takes out a changeling by cowering in front of it. This is a visual gag that cannot be put into words, and even if it could, it would have no place in any kind of fic save for a comedy. The best I can think of is to have her cleverly manipulate enemies into hitting each other or falling over themselves.

In short, the way I see it.

Applejack- Boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, sort of your get in there, do it simple, do it quick, and hit hard. She's one heck of a strong pony already, so she doesn't need much fancy stuff.

Twilight- Pressure points and lots of countering. Twilight's very tactical mind would probably be very adept at predicting her opponents moves and positioning them into effective counter-attacks.

Rainbow Dash- Karate and lots of mid-air attacks. Think jump kicks, flying kicks, chops, and lots of fast and flashy moves to dazzle the eyes and distract the opponent just as she wallops them right in the face.

Rarity- Taekwondo and a mix of weapons styles. Rarity is extremely graceful and adept with precision work with her magic, which would definitely benefit her should she wield weapons with it. She would probably focus on getting her opponent to overextend themselves and then hit them with a heavy attack.

Fluttershy- Jiujitsu, Aikido, etc. Lots of throws. Being the passive and kind pony that she is, she'd probably rather not do much amount of damage to her opponents most of the time, preferring locks, grappling, takedowns and pins to immobilize and prevent her opponent from attacking, and probably resulting in a tapout.

Pinkie Pie- This is just for kicks, and I think it sort of attests to Pinkie's random and hilarious nature, but I'd say Drunken Kung Fu or "Zui Quan", "Drunkey Monkey" in English. Pinkie's unpredictable movements and erratic, seemingly random movements would throw off her opponent, misdirecting them before she delivers a strike they didn't see coming.

I may have went a bit over board with the descriptions and length… But this is how I think each of the Main 6 would fight if they had no other choice.

Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash would be the first to rush in to a fight- usually, if not always, without thinking of any consequences that might occur by doing so or of a strategy for actually defeating said foes. Her main weapon would be… well… herself. She’d fly into enemies to topple them over, she’d kick them, head butt them- in desperate times, even bite them if she had to. She wouldn’t really have any sort of fighting style or grace (She has too little of an attention span to learn anything martial arts related by watching a demonstration or studying up on it- hell, she probably earned the black belt she had by going to the dojo and doing whatever she wanted which always ended up with her opponent defeated). She’d just fly straight into the battle, whether it is just starting or it’s at its climax, and start beating the crap out of everyone who wasn’t aiding her or on her side.
If she was ever alone in a fight against a certain adversary or even a large group, the same kind of fighting would probably take place. She might even be more compelled to get extra violent since her friends aren’t around to nag her about holding back and telling her when it’s time quit the assault or to give up (Twilight Sparkle being extra guilty of this).
The strength of the opponent would determine how excited and willing to give it her all she would be. For a weaker opponent who’s an ally or friend (maybe they are just sparring to strengthen their skills) she would go easier on, but still use enough force to win. For a stronger ally, she would keep her level of fighting skills down still, as to not do any major damage, but increase the strength of her attacks as her opponent did to make sure she still was the overall winner.
Weak opponents she would humor to a point, but in most cases get tired of pretending and rather bored and would finish them off swiftly. She would go at opponents who proved to be strong with no restraints- using her usual teeth and hoof tactics, along with some flashy original techniques.
Her main weaknesses would center around her lack of strategy and her rather sloppy way of attacking. It would be easy for more intellectual opponents to outsmart her or to even trap her into hurting herself. Her drive for victory would keep her fighting even in an exhaustive state, so if one were to keep sending fighters (lackeys, minions, brain washed zombies, whatever the story call for) at her she would keep fighting until she collapsed, making it easy for the main ‘boss’ to swoop in for the final blow.

Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pie is a very energetic and unpredictable pony. She wants to befriend everyone and always have a good time. If her attempts at making friends with the enemy become futile and she is forced to fight, she would probably not aim to seriously hurt her opponents but still be on a more offensive level of fighting. Pinkie would probably be a pony to use more of a ninja styled approach despite being everything opposite of an actual ninja. Her main weapon would be the usual party supplies to slip up or confuse her opponents. She could use rubber chickens as traps for others to trip on, or silly stings to tangle people up and use bright lights or even small bits of electricity from certain pranking tools to stun them while they are immobile. Her main goal in a fight would be avoiding seriously wounding anyone while still immobilizing them through different playful restraints or causing unconsciousness in a non-lethal way. Her method of escaping from an unnecessary brawl would be some sort of container she could throw causing poofs of pink smoke coupled with an explosion of confetti and glitter. Her physical attacks would be erratic and it would be very hard, if not impossible for even the most intelligent, observant ponies.
While she normally would fight in a playful manner with a goal to make the opposing side stop attacking her friends by the most humorous means possible, there would be a darker side to her fighting styles. If Pinkie were to enter a state of unhappiness (such as what happened in ‘party of one’) she would cast aside her mercy towards the opponent and start fighting viciously. Instead of using her usual party goodies as weapons she would start using anything she could find, whether it be lethal or not. She would attack opponents with the intent on actually hurting them. The more control she has over her mind, the more stealthy and ninja-like her attacks would be (she would rely heavily on projectile-like weapons/objects- things that are easier to throw and do damage). The more desperate or unhinged she got, the more physical her attacks would be. She would end up fighting in a very straight forward manner, like Rainbow Dash, with no stealth or tricks. Unlike Rainbow, Pinkie would probably find a weapon to use before heading straight into a hand-to-hand combat situation, though if her sanity is strained enough, she would probably just dash in with the mind set of ‘I’ll kill them with my bare hooves’.
“Sane” Pinkie Pie’s weaknesses would consist of the possibility of running out of weapons/items to use and her tendency to be overly merciful and try to reach out to an opponent, which could prove a fatal mistake if she’s facing the type of pony who would easily take advantage of that through lies and back stabbery.
Mentally unbalanced Pinkie Pie would not have the problem of running out of things to attack with unless the setting of the fight was a very flat area made of smooth, hard material (such as concrete or metal) and lacking any object possible to grasp and swing with or throw. In the early stages of her spiraling mental stability she would be able to think clearly, even more so than when she was her normal, happy self, and would have the ability to make snap decisions and plans even in mid-attack.
Her main downfall in this state would be her lack of control as she kept falling down into the depths of insanity and the lack of care she would have about taking hits. She would eventually stop dodging attacks altogether and would be defeated soon after from the injuries she sustained.

Twilight Sparkle: Twilight Sparkle’s main goal in an unavoidable fight would be to protect herself and her friends from harm and injury. Her main weapon (or in this case, shield) would be her magic, of course. She’d be capable of creating all kinds of different barriers to shield her friends, whether they were close together or separated and in need of individual force fields. She would also be the one to go to after sustaining an injury. She would be able to heal you up as good as new. When faced with an opponent she cannot avoid and there are no other allies around to protect her, she would use spells meant for subduing or immobilizing another. She has a vast knowledge of magic and spell casting, being able to do a range of things from simple daily activities such as chore and physical maintenance to being able to paralyze other living things and calling upon natural elements, such as fire and plants, to aid her.
Despite having the potential to decimate vast areas with her skills and magical abilities, she had taken an oath to never intentionally hurt another living thing as long as she lived. With this oath in her mind always, she only uses her powers to protect her team mates from receiving damage.
Although she personally will not do anything to hurt the opposing side, she understands that some conflicts, no matter how big or small they might be, are unavoidable. She lets her friends fight, keeping close in case they need her assistance or healing expertise. She is the main strategy expert and will commonly gather the others around her to go over her plan of action, usually with the exception of Rainbow Dash who almost always dives into the conflict head first (literally). Pinky Pie is often absent for these ‘strategy huddles’ too, though in mind rather than in physical presence (she is usually thinking about anything and everything but the scuffle at hand). She is very quick at coming up with new plans and strategies and has ways of letting the others know if the original plans have changed without having to gather them together in the middle of a battle. She is also heavily protected even without the aid of spells. The others always make sure she is well guarded.
Though she stays painfully true to her oath, there is a rare but still possible chance that she would lose control of her abilities and end up doing massive damage to everything and possibly everyone around her. There are a lot of signs that indicate her abilities are about to go haywire, such as the blinding light that emits from her body (mainly her eyes). She also tends to start spacing out and incoherent right before she is about to lose control.
Her weaknesses are her vulnerability against any physical attack aimed towards her, which is a result of continuing to keep her research time constant, rather than taking any time to strengthen her body. She does not have much physical endurance and is easy to take down with physical blows granted you are able to get close enough to hit her. She is usually an enemy’s first target because of her abilities to prevent any harm coming to her allies. Though highly unlikely to happen, she is able to over exert herself and become worn out. If the area of the fight is magic proof via barrier or other magic-blocking means, she becomes a helpless sitting duck with no real way to defend herself.

Rarity: Rarity despises dirtying her hooves with such brutish fighting. Her main way of attacking enables her to paralyze her opponents to allow her team mates to bring them down easily without much effort at all. Much like Twilight Sparkle, Rarity uses her abilities she was blessed with by being born a unicorn to deal with her attackers, though she is more likely to damage her opponent without being held back by any sort of oath. Surprisingly for her, Rarity is very knowledgeable of what makes a living being tick. She knows many weak spots to various creatures. It may be very possible for her to be able to locate the weaknesses of others similar to her ability to see jewels that are well hidden in solid rock or even deep underground. She is able to use this to her advantage in a fight. She can inform the others of the weak spot and have them take the brute out. When she is in a tight spot, she can also use her knowledge of the bodies of living things to strike them at their weakest point, leaving them in a state of agony or even paralyzing them completely. Her main focus is on the pressure points of her attackers, knowing of many areas where pressure points are located as well as the reactions that will occur after said area is tampered with.
Rarity is a very helpful partner when it comes to strategy making and is usually a key part of Twilight’s plans of action. Though Rarity’s abilities are nowhere near as powerful as Twilight’s, she is much more capable of defending herself when magic is not an option. She is able to use her charm on a lot of weak-minded enemies, sometimes even being able to convince them to join their side of the fight.
Rarity’s main flaw in battle is her unwillingness to ‘get down and dirty’. She relies very heavily on the others to do the actual fighting and will only actual use physical attacks as a last resort. Despite being stronger than she looks due to some requirements of her normal occupation, she is still pretty easy to take out with physical force.

Fluttershy: Fluttershy absolutely abhors fighting of any kind. In major conflicts, her main strategy is running or flying away as fast as she can. She is also very good at hiding and crafting camouflage out of any potential ingredient around available to her. When she is unable to escape or hide from the situation, she usually aids her friends by means of information, much like Rarity. She knows about many terrains and different types of plants that could aid in obtaining an advantage over the enemy. She mainly works as a scout for her team mates and is able to keep an eye on all sorts of things with the help of the native animals relaying information to her. When she is cornered in anyway by an enemy, she goes into a state of panic which raises her adrenalin to unnatural levels and kicks her ‘fight or flight’ instinct in gear. Like with a lot of animals, being in this state allows her to accomplish feats of strength and speed she is normally not capable of without feeling the effects of wear throughout her body. In some instances she is able to surpass Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack in feats of strength and speed, sometimes exponentially.
There are times when she can do these kinds of things when she’s not getting a panicked induced adrenalin rush. Like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy can go through a drastic change of personality/fighting skill. While Pinkie’s change is influenced by becoming increasingly depressed and in turn mentally unstable, Fluttershy’s ‘trigger’ comes in the form of an uncontrollable rage. It is very difficult to get the usually gentle Fluttershy into this mode in most circumstances. She has had minor outbursts that occur when her pony friends are badly or unfairly hurt. The best way the get her to snap completely and go on a blind rampage is to involve any sort of animal. The closer she is to the animal, the longer and more damaging her wrath will become. She can potentially even hurt her own friends and comrades very seriously if her rage is strong enough.
When not in a state of panic or in ‘berserk mode’, Fluttershy is rather lacking in the physical area of things. She has a decent amount of speed, but tires a lot easier than most fellow pegasai. While her panicked and rage filled adrenalin rushes make her considerably more powerful than normal, after she calms down she finally is able to feel the wear that her aggressive actions had on her body and will likely collapse from the pain, most often falling unconscious.

Apple Jack: Apple Jack is known for her honesty and true spirit. She will avoid fighting up until the point where she can see it can’t be avoided. She keeps a strong code of honor while fighting, making sure all her attacks are fair and giving the weaker opponents she faces an opportunity to flee before she demolishes them with her powerful strikes. She is stronger than Rainbow Dash in the aspect of physical strength and is one of the only ones that can best her in the athletic ability area. When she feels the need to use a weapon in order to battle, she usually uses heavier, blunt weapons. Like Pinkie Pie, she has a way of making anything lying around a weapon, such as large tree branches and even heavy rocks. Her main method of defeating those in her way is through the use of her super strong back legs. She is able to move boulders by kicking them. Anyone unfortunate enough to receive a kick from her are most likely to go flying great distances. Even the heaviest of enemies have been thrown off the ground by her powerful kicks. AJ is very sturdy and can endure multiple hits from even the strongest attacks. She is capable of wearing heavy pieces of armor, making her defensive skills just as good as her offensive attacks. Like Rainbow Dash, most of her attacks are aimed to be more physical and have a greater chance to do bigger amounts of damage.
The draw back of her physical strength is that she tends to be slower than the others while attacking. Running is never an issue, but dishing out a powerful attack takes her longer, especially when she is using her heavier weapons.

>applying human fighting styles to small herbivorous quadrupeds

No, but seriously, I wouldn't know anything about specific fighting styles. Everything I know about is either rough defensive Taekwondo and self-taught stuff. Have fun with that.

966771 Rarity knows karate. That's canon.

Group Contributor

Rarity loves to dropkick things. That's canon.
We have no idea if she's trained or just a very, very spirited amateur.


I honestly don't think any of the Mane 6 really would have a fighting style. Except maybe Dash, since she seems to like her martial arts.

AJ would probably be a pretty frightening brawler though, given old Bucky Macgillicuddy and Kicks McGee. I could totally see her being relatively practiced with that, in an amateur way.

Fluttershy's super-amazing style would be cowering. As per her particular fighting shot in Canterlot Wedding. Where she was.... well... cowering.

Twilight finally got off her plot to learn some magic missiles. It only took her two years of danger to get around to it. She then proceeded to give Trixie a mustache instead of hitting her with them. I'm just going to put my doubts about her Will of the Warrior here.

Pinkie is an anime ninja as scenes require. A really silly one. Picture a ferret. Picture feeding said ferret a bunch of caffeine pills. Picture poking said caffeinated ferret until it decided to play-fight. Add a cannon. There we have Pinkie's fighting style.

Rarity... Yeah. Really, she adores hitting things. You can tell. Her level of proficiency, or training is presumably up to the writer. So long as it involves hoof-punching and drop-kicking.

Why not stick with the fighting style the season 2 finale?

Or from the previews of that Mane6 game, before it got transformed because they got a Cease And Desist from Hasbro?

For Applejack especially I would imagine her using something similar to Hung Gar Kung Fu, using the branch jokingly called "Zombie Style".

It seems to fit her, I think.

I noticed that the last person at the bottom was supposed to be Pinkie Pie and not Fluttershy.

I just wanted to point that out.


You resurrected a thread from 2013 just for that? :rainbowhuh:

Ah yes, thank you! Just edited it.

You're welcome!

Well, when you put it like that..

But in all seriousness, I honestly didn't realize that would be a bit minor to do that.

So just to even that, here is one series of martial arts pictures I come across awhile back:
My Little A$$kickers
This was a series of pictures that depicted the Mane Six, Spike, and few others utilizing some form of martial arts.

Here is one for Twilight:
Her martial arts is silat. The artist described using because it uses manteras, or spells, which revolves around the magic part of the martial arts. Of course, in real life, its probably not magic, but for this case yes.


Well, when you put it like that..

But in all seriousness, I honestly didn't realize that would be a bit minor to do that.

Thread necromancy isn't strictly against the rules, per se, but does tend to be a bit frowned upon around here.


Wow, you actually replied.

That's kind of amazing.

Crazy, huh?

This is also another post from another forum from a user named MidnightMask:

From MidnightMask:
If they all learned a martial art (like a Pony Fu episode), my picks, based on personality.

Twilight Sparkle: Probably kung fu of some type, as Twilight likes to read a lot, and much like magic, there are all kinds of 'kung fu scrolls'. Despite a lot of advanced knowledge, she's not much of a fighter as she tries to learn too much, and practices it too little. Still, if she studies an opponent first, she might have a good chance as she's so well versed.

Pinkie Pie: Drunken boxing. I can't see Pinkie ever wanting to stop partying to fight, but being able to do both at once while clowning around? Right up her alley. Pinkie's Pinkie sense and her ability to keep moving make her relatively formidable until she gets distracted.

Applejack: Muay Thai. Part of the traditional training involves kicking trees/sticks with your shins, and apple bucking is pretty much right there with striking a tree. Hard, no nonsense style.
Note: If she learned to use a flying guillotine, she'd probably be an unstoppable killing machine with all her lasso skill.

Rainbow Dash: Jeet Kune Do. Fast, explosive, has a cool figure to latch onto. Besides, can totally see Rainbow Dash wearing the yellow Bruce Lee suit.

Fluttershy: Traditional Judo and/or possibly Aikido. Both these arts do a lot to care for one's opponent, redirecting energy rather than smashing or beating them outright, tossing them around rather than hurt someone. It's a good self defense for someone of gentle disposition.

Rarity: Tai chi. Slow, elegant motions to practice forms, it'd be a way for her to calm down and focus in between new designs, as well as being a 'beautiful' and generous style.

One final thing, does anyone know if there was a sequel topic that delves about the fighitng styles of other My Little Pony characters?

Such as Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia, Luna, etc.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

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