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im writing, a fic that takes place around the same time as the founding of ponyville and Granny smith will have a semi important role to play. the only thing im struggeling about is her name.
in my mind Granny smith is just a nickname for when she got old. My first thought was Annie smith but that dosent sound very ponylike. any suggestions?


Her name IS Granny Smith.

959336 My suggestion is to look up various apple types.

yea but it just sounds so wrong to use when writing about her in her teens, early adulthood.

959347 Why

A Granny Smith is a real apple

It's her real name. Use it.

Granny Smith, after the apple Granny Smith.

It's just a coincidence that she happens to be a grandmother by the time the series takes place.

alright, now it makes a little more sence. never heard of them before now:p (that apple name i mean)

If you really need a name you might go with "Maria Ann Smith", the woman who created that variety of apple.
And wouldn't bother if it doesn't sound "pony". Pinkamina Diane Pie doesn't either.

If you really want to, you could call her Annie Smith as a nod to the cultivar.

I recall a few writers going off the idea that her real name is "Greenie" Smith. Since it sounds similar to Granny and goes with her coat color, it's my preferred headcanon.


Well, I have a head canon in which Granny Smith married into the Apple family, thus eliminating the need to give her an 'Apple'-based name. I'd look for something to do with the 'Smith' in her name; maybe she comes from a blacksmithing family?

I just finished a Granny Smith fic myself, and ran into that same problem. To solve it, I gave her a childlike nickname of Smithy. Sort of like how you would put a "y" at the end of a name to make it sound cute for a child. Ex: names like Andrew becoming Andy, Susan becoming Susie, James becoming Jimmy, William becoming Billy, Patricia becoming Patty, etc. She can keep the name Granny Smith while having a kid nickname equivalent. Hope that helps!

i might acually do that. thanks a lot for your input.

959336 Zazzle. Her name would be Zazzle.

959336 Find a list of apple names, figure out any other smiths


No problem at all! Best of luck with your fic.

The only other type of "smith" in apples is the Edith Smith apple. It wouldn't be too hard of a jump

I also nce planned to write a fic like that. My plan is retain her name as "Granny Smith" and have several ponies making fun of her for it.

I doubt her name was Granny originally. Even though ponies have a way of being named after their talent at birth before they even have a talent. Considering she is from the Smith family, not the Apple family, her first name is probably something else. Something unrelated to apples. And as she became older, she gained the nickname 'Granny' Smith because she IS a grandmother and it's a clever nickname because 'Granny Smith' is, duh, a kind of apple.

Just a thought:

Granny Smith had that pie cutie mark since before her family settled in Ponyville and became apple farmers. For all we know, that's a rhubarb pie on her ass.

Seen people use Edith.

960647 Will Smith.

glad this question was answered. now i can finally write my painfully tedios granny smith was a lesbian story :yay:

Group Contributor

Brain bleach. Stat!

Seriously, time is a factor here.

Group Contributor

You, sir or madam, are a monster. :twilightangry2:

Why am I the only one to suggest Annie Smith?

Mrs. Smith. Miss Smith. As above, Annie Smith.

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