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Seriously. Where did that mare come from? She's the niece of Celestia and Luna so do they have, like, a secret brother or sister we don't know about and they had a kid? Is that it? Is Hasbro keeping secrets from us?

...Because, to be honest, I can't think of any other logical explanation.

(I made this thread because I'm bored and this thought popped in my head.)
(Also, is it "Cadance" or "Cadence"? I always get confused. >_>)
(Note: MLP Wiki says Celestia and Luna are her adoptive aunts. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!)

The toy line.


She came from Conveniently Available Alicorn Production land... either that or the void filled chaos of an alternate dimension...

958714 How do we know she is even related to Luna and Celestia?


When a mommy and a daddy love each other VERY much...well, let's just say this next part involves whipped cream, fire and exlax. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Silver out!

958721 I'm 99.9% sure it was revealed in "A Canterlot Wedding" they said that Cadance (Cadence?) was Celestia and Luna's niece.

Is she even a niece of Celestia? Everyone claims that like it's canon, but I just rewatched S2E25-26 the other day and I don't recall it ever being said.

958714 Maybe she's the adoptive niece that had to come to Equestria due to the real royal family of the Crystal Empire having been exiled by Sombra when he took over. :twilightoops: I don't know, that's the best I've got.

958729 Wiki says they're her adoptive aunts. So...?

958714>>958721 Actually, I think I heard somewhere that Cadence's origin was dealt with in an official comic. She isn't related to Celestia or Luna, she's a pegasus by birth who ascended in a manner similar to Twilight.

958725 But also remember there's a Prince Blueblood as well, we dodged a bullet there. We could've been stuck with an Alicorn Prince Blueblood, who's foppishness would surely invite another incursion from the changeling nation.

They said that to try there best to tie in her and Shinning Armor to the story so they do not seem like they were only made to sale toys. Which, in fact they were made to do so by Hasbro and MLPFIM writers just had to roll with it.


958735 Mind sending a link to this comic?

Label this either question or discussion.

And she came from the love that Celestia and Luna share as sisters?


Project File: A-12, subject Mi Amore Cadenza (aka Cadance).

Project Summary: Cadance is an early prototype for artificial alicorn. While showing limited success, she had to be relegated to princess status after failing the primary task of containing Chrysalis (See file E-6). Power levels nominal, but the window of application is severely limited by focal point and psychological constraints of subject. Can possibly perform as arcanomantic amplifier/accumulator. Notable as the first surviving prototype that did not exhibit psychotic tendencies.

Currently considered phased out of active testing and repurposed as province administrator, overseen by Shining Armor (Knight-captain of royal guard, see guard archive, file 13-37).

For additional information, see files A-11 and A-14, also corresponding information in Miniluv archive, under Cadance.

Project Status: Obsolete, superseded by project A-14.

Well son, when a daddy stallion and momma mare love each other very much, particularly alicorn ones, they do the "birds and bees" so to speak.


And that is how Equestria was made! :pinkiehappy:

Princess Cadance is featured in the chapter book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell.[7] The book tells the story of Twilight Sparkle after she'd been made an alicorn and seeks advice on being a princess. She turns to Cadance, who tells her life story, how as a baby Pegasus she was found in the woods by Earth ponies, who took her to their village. When she grew up she reversed a love-stealing spell cast by a pony called Prismia. Prismia wore a magic-enhancing necklace that amplified her evil and jealousy, but when Cadance confronted her, the necklace amplified Cadance's love. "Once Prismia changed her horrible ways, Cadance was surrounded by magical energy and transported to a strange place" where she met Celestia, who adopted her as her royal niece.

Best I know of, from the MLP wiki. It's official merch, so that's canon.


958754 Ohhh, yeah, I don't know where to buy the books and I'm much too embarrassed to ask about them at my local library so thanks for that.

I have a rather bizarre headcannon concerning alicorns, but I'll need to back up a step.

If the events of Hearthswarming are considered to be true in canon, then the story doesn't work but also admits that Celestia and Luna are relatively new to the world.

The admission by the assistants that they don't hate each other immediately moves into a world-changing surge of friendship and love, which doesn't work and makes no logical (or even narrative) sense. It does, however, serve as a Disney-fied version of events.

A more logical version, and what I can't help but see as the 'real' version, is that the three assistants, Clover, Cookie and Pansy, had secretly been in love for years. Trapped in the cave, their leaders frozen and presumed dead, and the ice closing in, one of them decided to admit her feelings before the end. The others did the same and they decided to make love one time before the end.

Clover's *ahem* "explosion of love" is pretty much what everyone's thinking right now and was a 'truly perfect' moment between all three races and a combining of their magic, and marks Celestia's conception.

From there, any number of alicorns are possible, but also exceedingly rare. If Luna and Celestia are biological sisters, then the three managed the stunt a second time. I'd argue, as sappy as it is, that this is not something that one can set out or intend to do.

If not, then they are sisters in spirit and have separate parents.

Either way, if we assume this, then Cadance's parents are 'just' another trio that managed a stunt only achieved twice before in history.

There's canon about it: EQD: Details on the Crystal Heart Spell Book. You may grab it at amazon or your local bookshop.

958714 I like to think she was adopted into the royal family or rather what was left of the royal family of the Crystal Empire that fled Sombra’s takeover. I have more but it would spoil a side plot to my story.

958714 She is a genetically engineered, cybernetic, biological weapon from Princesstria. Princesstria is the neighbor of Equestria and they want to CONQUER THE WORLD! :pinkiegasp::rainbowderp::fluttershbad::applejackconfused::twilightangry2::raritycry:

958746 A-14 is the Twilicorn (Nicknamed Princess Twilight)? :duck:

958755 What!?
You asked!

I mean, Rarity totally did not convince me in any way, shape or form to-



Nope. Twilight is A-13.

958763 ... Annnnnd there goes whatever fanon and I had about this issue...
Bloody canon. Stop stick yer nose where it don't belong!:raritycry:

958714 Celestia and Luna have 3 brothers. Cadence is the daughter of the one that's younger than Tia, but older than luna

958805 And you know this how? Was it, like, confirmed or something and I missed it? :derpyderp2:

958813 No, never confirmed, just an idea i had that seems plausible.

958817 Ohhh, ok, yeah, that works.

958821 It was also partially inspired by a story called the Sisters Doo by Ponky.

958817 YAY Prince Tempest

958789 You seem to be confused. Shooting down fanfics, that's what canon does.:trollestia:

958896 Alula= wind magic
Castellan (Cadence's dad)= Water magic
Piedra= earth magic.

None of them are as powerful as Tia or Luna

958907 Prince Tempest is best alicorn prince

958912 He's a distant cousin of Tia and Luna. Alula's the reason Ditzy has a daughter.

958900 And thus my point! Why even bother to write fanfiction when people will just ignore it in favor of canon? You say you want fanfiction, but then you go cry wolf over something that isn't aligned with your "canon"! So does that mean we shouldn't create our own original offshoots? Discard anything that we worked hard on?

I write fanfiction for the reason that the show will not go into, ever or even rarely.
To have canon butt in seems very intrusive. VERY much so. Again, what is the point of fanon if it is only going to be discredited?

If you are so dead set on obeying canon, then you might as well novelize each episode and NOTHING else.

I'm not "dead set" on canon. Quite the contrary, I enjoy AU very much. But if I had to choose between eg. an episode about Celestia's and Luna's youth and any fanfic, I'd go with the episode. If the series would respect and somehow stay away from everything the fandom has produced up to now... What could they even put into the series anymore?
If you want canon to keep it's grubby fingers of your stories, you will have to go where Hasbro will not follow: [Teen], [Dark], [Tragedy], [Crossover], [Sex], [Gore]. And for what it's worth: it took canon about a year to get from "A Canterlot Wedding" to "Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell".
But nothing lasts for ever.
Except Celestia and Luna.
And Discord.
And Cadence and Twilight Sparkle.

959139 Again, what is the point of writing fanfiction if people are just going to trash it later down the line? Perhaos we should have a ban enforced on certain categories of storytelling. We cannot possibly go against canon, right? So let's go out and delete anything that isn't up to status quo.

I do mean ALL of it. Worthless drivel and garbage, the lot of it. Ban anyone who doesn't conform. Label them as heretics. Any Season 1 fanfics? Gone. Divergence? Eliminated.

Anything slightly original or stubbornly cling to their filthy fanon? Annihilated.
Only a pure form of canon should be allowed here, correct? Purge the dissenters.

To me fanfic is about the "What if"s, no matter how crazy. If you can think it, write it. There are quite a few examples of stories that contradict canon from the get-go and still manage to present an interesting narrative. I don't quite understand why you are so worked up about canon validating your story. This is fanfiction on the internet, if you want do work on something that will be remembered for eternity you'd better take a look at List of unsolved problems in mathematics or start a war or something.
But the ultimate reason to do anything: Because it's fun! :pinkiehappy:

959184 I am not concerned that it doesn't conform to canon. What I AM concerned about is that everyone else is dumping whatever fanon they had on the spot, and replaced it with only canon. Are they ignorant of the fact why fanfiction is called "fanfiction"? Are they not aware of the multiverse theory? Why does it seem to be that they think that canon is the only true gospel, and anything else is garbage? Thus the reason for my rather jaded, cynical sarcasm.

Luna is easily an example of this.
Tell me, was Luna all "Thy, Tis be not harlot" before the fact Eclipse came along?
Why have so many dumped their interpretations after the fact? Are they completely ignorant they could set up different universes for different settings? Surely not, considering the general "conform or you die" attitude that has been cemented in the fandom.

958789 Disregard expanded canon, accept better fan theory, That's what you should do - don't let changes to canon bother you too much, ignore them and stick to your fanon if you like it more.
(958714) Cadance/Cadence can be whatever you make her out to be - adopted, long lost niece, alien shapeshifter, anything really.

And then canon has the gall to not even keep up with it's own decisions! In "Sleepless in Ponyville" Luna only used a fraction of the middle-English she used in "Luna Eclipsed". And no royal we! What the... It's like the writers of canon want to present an actual character here.
How dare they! :raritydespair:
Honestly, I'd recommend you take a deep breath and relax. People will follow a good presentation of a character and canon has the direct wire through their eyes.
Deal with it.


You know you don't have to accept merchandise as canon, right? It's not like Hasbro has an official canon policy, and given that we know things like Pink Celestia and Applejack's truck exists, it's not altogether unreasonable to deny certain merchandise canon status.

Comment posted by ForlanceAbice deleted May 7th, 2013

959216>>959245>>959267 Pfft. I suppose most of this can be attributed to bitter jealousy and greed on my part. Here I am, the irresponsible ranter who want to preserve things, while not being able to deal with change. I do not submit to authority, something that is most undesirable. To write fanfiction, is to make a character in part your own.

To give way to canon in the name of conformity. Pfft.
Would you lads be in favor of deleting anything that goes against status quo?
It must be said that this drivel must be wiped. Season 1 Fanon Luna? Erase it from existence. Your story doesn't have Shining Armor and Cadence in it? You must be a complete moron now not to include it. Fanon is completely worthless, and their authors complete jesters and fools that need to be hanged at the gallows. (Me being one of those fools.)

Those who cannot deal with change die. You either conform, or burn out with a whimper. Exterminate the weak and foolhardy. It does not pay to think. Only obey. Perhaps disenters such as myself are in a heavy need of being severely handicapped and punished for our line of thought. Thought breeds dissent. Dissent breeds disorder. Disorder breeds chaos. Chaos brings about utter destruction.

I guess that means any story that is pre-Season 2 is must be erased. Do not diverge with any pitiful excuses of fanon. It will always be inaccurate. It will always be terrible. The writer must conform to the publisher's whims or fade into obscurity.

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