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So I have found something out; something I won't be doing again in future fics. Once someone finishes reading a chapter in my fic, they will see at the bottom the name of the next chapter to come. I did this to try and add a sense of anticipation as I always try to have the name of the chapter act as a working theme. However, I have found that it kinda pigeon holes me into a theme that I haven't written yet.

More than once I have named a chapter something, then through writing, have found that the current chapter has absolutely nothing to do with the predetermined name that I have already said it was going to be called. It is rather funny, but a hassle as well. I have had to sneak into the posted chapters and rename the chapter I was about to post lol.

So this is just something I have learned to not do. What about you? Any other embarrassing tips and tricks you have stumbled upon through the writing process?


Don't write when really really really drunk.

My HDD was never the same.

Show don't tell was a thing that I had to learn the hard way. I'm the type of person who will give you the exact information that you need, and I had some trouble adding detail when I first started. I've since gotten better, so don't worry about that in any of my stories nowadays.:twilightblush:

Never caps lock, even in a comedy story. Italics are always funnier. Never caps lock in a random story.

Just... never caps lock.

Don't write something then just post it up right away. Better to let it stew for a day or three then look it over again and fix the errors you made.

I suppose "don't make promises you can't keep" would qualify as a very general rule.

941826 I do all y best writing drunk. Though "best" is somewhat qualified as I usually have to edit it quite a bit to fix all the spelling, grammar and rants against the tyrant Celestia...

941817 Yeah, general rule of thumb for me is no teasers if you don’t have a substantial amount of material you know you’re going to use.

A tip I have is try your best to be vague but foreshadowing of future events. That way you can pick on past details that are open to interpretation and make the whole thing seem more planed out. I mean the entire reboot of Battle Star Galactica was literal made up as it went along and some people praise it for its elegant and surprisingly well planned out plot.

:rainbowderp: Mysterious because… um:applejackunsure: ...mysterious! :rainbowderp:


Drunk I find okay. Its the 'really really really' part that gets me. I either write an incoherent mess of words that sometimes makes sense in English, or I write one of the most horrifying things that I delete immediately.

Granted the latter only happened once. Still scared the horseapples out of me.

Never tell your readers that you're doing something until you're nearly done. I've told people I would do a certain thing, or finish something by a certain time, but I've NEVER been right.

941817 Uhh... Don't listen when your friends say "Dude that'd be so awesome to write" unless you have other people check it out when you aren't all blazed out of your minds.

Don't expect everything to go to plan. I had a synopsis and summary for my biggest story all laid out. But over the course of writing, I found myself changing around plot points and rewriting entire sections, because they made more sense that way.

941826 The Demoman: I'm drunk. You don't have an excuse! :derpytongue2:

things can change from your master plan as you write. for my first story I had seven different planned out endings, one of them ended up being the planned ending for its sequel then that turned into three different planned out endings before I finally stopped on one ending, two chapters before it was supposed to end, then I forced myself into a themed chapter which I had so much trouble writing it took me two weeks to get out.

I also usually like what I write while drunk, probably because I have the time to think it through during the walk home at 2am. I had a job for a while that involved a lot of transcribing, so my typing stays pretty solid, and it makes me way less of a perfectionist.
...It's Adderall I need to avoid beforehand :twilightangry2::twilightoops::facehoof::twilightoops::twilightangry2::twilightoops::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::facehoof:

I guess also "don't neglect story fundamentals just because you want to write atmosphere."

Holy crap yes. Capslock is... I dunno, it's just kinda twee.

What ever you do, just make sure you never Herp yer Derp.
You can Herp.
You can Derp.
But never, EVER Herp yer Derp.

Don't put story critical information in the Author's Notes or in response to comments; if it's important enough and you forgot to add it, go back and work it in. You can always go back and edit


"don't neglect story fundamentals just because you want to write atmosphere."

I still don't get why do I have that stupid custom of making slow starts.

An error I still victimize myself in:
"Do not overestimate the reader's seriousness in reading."

I did not say, not overestimate the reader's reading ability but, specifically, seriousness in reading. You are writing fanfiction, not Anna Karerina or Don Quixote that the reader will have to analyze and write a thesis paper on.

I had a similar problem, and learned to finish the story before even thinking about submitting it. Schedule slip and rewrites are a thorough pain.

I learned not to try to use all your ideas- you won't be able to! And to reread your work before submitting- you won't have as may grammar mistakes. :twilightsmile:

941817 I'll chalk my mistake as being similar to what you posted. Basically, making claims about another chapter

"Expect a cameo/appearance of so and so" then when I get to actually writing the thing I get a great idea that doesn't coincide with what I promised.

/writer problems :raritydespair:

Ehhhh... I'd have to say, the worst mistake I've made as a writer, was putting too much emphasis on 'Showing', when "Telling" had it' place. Had many of my oneshots missing context all over the damn place.

And I reiterate: Ehhhhh...

Just write. Anything.
I don't care if Granny Smith somehow ends up raping Celestia with a hoe, then proceeds to shove Zap Apple Jam up her ass while singing EEEEYE EI YIIII YO!, just do it. You'll end up in a deadlock otherwise.

Better crap, than nothing at all.
Also, try a bit of insanity. You'll need someone to pose as your characters, and a personality with voices in your head is the perfect way to do that.


Don't try writing anything like Ballad of the Two Sisters again. A quarter of a year, that took.


What happened? Did you get burned out?

941826 Hemingway said, "Write drunk, edit sober."

'Course, blackout drunk is probably not what he meant, but the point stands.

I learned not to write to a schedule, 'cause deadlines are - if not the death of creativity, it'll maim it something awful, at least for me. I've faltered more than once, and the process I use to try to keep or catch up ain't pretty. It's also not conducive to sleeping well or getting up for work the next day.
So, no schedule. Needless to say, some time can go by between chapters ...


No, I'll get to the third part eventually - I'm kind of obliged to, at this point - but just look at the damn thing.

941817 You did the "next episode: Title" thing too? Yeah, I too learned early on that it's a bad idea, unless you actually have the next chapter written already.

Another thing I've learned is...Don't force yourself to write if you don't actually want to. It never goes anywhere good. It sucks when you've gone weeks without an update but that's what happens, don't force it.

I've also learned that sometimes the problem can be what your source of inspiration is. Like I find I'm the most inspired if I've been playing fighting games or arcade shoot-em-ups, so I try to play those a lot if I want inspiration. I used to read mystery novels, but I found they were sapping my inspiration so I stopped. You've gotta learn that just because you like something doesn't mean its good for you--kinda like candy.

Also, never write when you're sick, going a day without the medicine you need for chronic back pains, or otherwise just not in normal health. That leads to bad results. Also, don't write when you're depressed or angry.

And if you ever feel the urge to write about screwing a pony, seek help immediately.

That feel when I've caps locked :fluttercry:

Never promise the readers that the next chapter will be the climax, because you might find it really needs more story to set it up, and the chapter could end up over 7K words, three times the size of the previous one. :facehoof:

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