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I think way too many people underestimate the abilities of an Earth pony, we know that Pegasi can create all type of weather like rain,snow, tornado, etcetera. And before the princesses came along unicorns was in charge of the sun and the moon.

But what about the Earth ponies? All they have in most fics is being stronger, but what everyone forget is that they said in heartwarming eve that only the earth ponies coulds make food grew, but that not all they are call EARTH ponies and as we know none of things in Equestria is control by nature except the Everfree forest.

So what if the Earth ponies were able when they are in mass, to push magic throught their hooves thus creating Earthquakes. Or even more as we know a lot of land are created by volcano on Earth so what if the Earth ponies could wake these volcanoes thus creating most of the land in the world of Equestria?

So what are you through about this headcanon?

Earth Ponies = Chuck Norris-tier badasses. Boom :moustache:

That's actually kinda cool... Earthquakes and volcanoes would never have occurred to me, but I like it.
I always just figured plants and agriculture were their main thing. Like that's the reason AJ's kicks knock useful amounts of apples into the baskets, etc.

Earth ponies are like the normal men in fantasy fics. They're actually the only ones with enough conviction and drive to get things done. That, and they're usually able to resist magic just through pure toughness.

For me, this comic sums up my headcanon best:

In one of my stories I also make them longer-lived than the unicorns or pegasuseses pegasi, trying to reconcile Granny Smith being there when Ponyville was founded along with Ponyville's purported age of hundreds of years, but that was because it worked for that story.

To make a long answer short (too late, I know), I wouldn't adopt your headcanon for myself because I don't think earth ponies are any less gifted, but I wouldn't object to seeing it in a story, either. :twilightsmile:

My own headcanon is that they live longer than any other race as Darth Wedgius said. Also as Pinkie was originally from a rock farm I would say that they do have some control of more than just plant life. Another example is the Running of the Leaves which I see as originally being an earth pony only tradition, other races ended up joining in for a good work out or just to have competitions with other ponies or show that they are just as resilient as earth ponies, so the idea of them being able to cause earthquakes wouldn't be too far fetched to me but volcanoes stretches the limit for me.

- Earth Ponies live longer than any of the other three races.
- Strong and resilient.
- Just being around living things like crop plants and animals domesticates them and increases the rate at which they grow.

My headcannon is that earth ponies are often physically the strongest of the tribes and the only ones capable of growing their own food. They usually produce the most powerful stallions and have the most control over plants and animals as well as anything connected to the ground. In a sense they have their own kind of magic "Earth Pony Magic".

Pegasi often rival the earth ponies in strength and on occassion like with Rainbow Dash they can be stronger then earth ponies.

I kind of feel sorry for the unicorns since they usually don't have very high physical strength from what we've seen. Of course like we see with Rarity, Twilight, and Trixie unicorns can improve their physical strength to the point of being able to haul heavy objects.

As for Alicorns I figure they blend the strength of the earth ponies with the flight capablities and weather control of the pegasi, and the magical talents of the unicorns. In a sense they are a blend of the three tribes.

Earth ponies have no special ability; that's their special ability. They are peerless generalists and while they may not have a "special" racial ability, Earth ponies find it easier to be good at a lot of different things. Look at AJ and Pinkie Pie, both who have a wider array of skills than most of the other girls. Twilight has magic and reading, Rainbow Dash has flying but Pinkie Pie has baking and singing and machinery and musical talent and let's not forget the Pinkie Sense.

The average earth pony tends to be stronger and faster than pegasi or unicorns not as an inborn trait but as a result of them working hard to improve themselves. That's why I don't like the "alicorns have earth pony strength" headcanon. Earth ponies aren't born with strength; they work for it. They can't fly or use magic so they hone their physical abilities to perfection and that's not something you're born with. Their talent with growing things is also just an extension of their work ethic; it's a collection of skills and secrets passed down from mother to son. They grow so well, unicorns and pegasi think they have some kind of magic about them. But in reality, it's just hard work and knowhow

And that, at the core of it, defines Earth ponies in my opinion; they're workers. When confronted with an obstacle to overcome, pegasi fly over it, unicorns try and think their way around it but earth ponies go straight through it. Anything can be overcome through hard work and determination.

Because in the beginning, when the three races weren't united, Earth ponies didn't have access to weather control and magical convenience. They had to suffer through bad weather and they couldn't run to the nearest wizard to help them. So they turned to themselves and fought harder than anypony else to survive. They've earned their place in the world by simply refusing to quit.

So if Pegasi bring the weather power and flight and unicorns bring the magic, Earth ponies bring the grit, the toughness, the work ethic and perseverance. They can adapt to any circumstance and overcome any obstacle without magic or wings through hard work and personal discipline

Just really have to look at it in basic MMO terms really.

Earth Ponies = Tanks
Pegasi = DPS
Unicorns = Mages
Changelings (?) = Rogues(?)

You don't get to play as Alicorns :raritycry:

It's all about balance. Earth Ponies can't fly or use magic, but they have very high strength, and resilience. Pegusi may be able to get around faster, and have the power to control the weather, but if you look at Rainbow Dash, Derpy, any other Pegasus, they get hurt very easily. While the Unicorn's may seem the most powerful at a glance, they do not have the control needed to manage the weather (see Rarity). Plus they cannot handle themselves in physical feats (see Rarity again, she lost the race)

Alicorns are Gods, and should not be lumped in with the other castes (not tribes). Anything all the other Ponies can do, the Alicorns can do better. They are either extremely long lived; if not immortal. They are also much, much wiser than they let on., I need to stop playing MMOs for a while, geez.


nything all the other Ponies can do, the Alicorns can do better

I would rather say that anything any pony can do, alicorns can do also an they have the time to work and perfect that skill.

930778 There one litlle plot-hole in your explanation, Zecora is a Zebra and she seem to know a lot more about magic than the normal unicorns. Sure we could say it's for that she's hiding in the forest but I don't think Twilight would be the type to be friend with somepony that make illegal practices

930323 I generally headcanon that they have an attunement to growing things, though I'm not averse to more overtly powerful abilities if a story calls for it.

This short showcases my headcanon:

Okay the short version of my head-canon is that Earth Ponies can ALL break the laws of physics the way Pinkie Pie does, so long as the way they are doing so directly ties into their cutie mark and their desires.

The thing is, most Earth Ponies don't really "want" too much out of life other than providing enough for their families. So most often, their power directly translates to physical things. They become stronger, faster, they grow more food, etc than a comparable pegasus or unicorn. Normally this doesn't really raise a stir, but every so often you run into those one of those ponies (Pinkie Pie, Time Turner, Big Macintosh...) that's almost terrifying in the amount of power they consciously or subconsciously wield.

Granny Smith's mark is an Apple Pie--so it has something to do with baking. This explains why all the strange stuff she does to make Zap Apple Jam actually makes a difference; she cares enough about getting it "just right" to put on a bunny suit and paint polka dots in the kitchen.

I'll go into detail in one of my actual stories eventually...let's just say I've actually put a lot of thought into this.

931207 I know that but in 'magic duel' she seem to know a lot about magic when she was teaching how to beat Trixie I think in Equestria you need to know a lot about it if your an alchemist, since a lot of plants are magic.

That's... Frankly silly.

And besides, Zecora isn't just an alchemist. Or at least I'd wonder what she put in that water to allow her to wave her hoof over her cup to refill it when Twilight kept spilling it.

930323 Well, I've been playing this RPG that I found on Deviantart called "Pony Tales" and it describes Earth pony Magic to be anything that has to do with taking care of plants or other creatures... So I assume that to be how medicines as well as home remedies are made to work.

I've got something in to the editor about this, actually. Unicorns are moving into agriculture using mechanization and modern agricultural methods. Meanwhile earth ponies are doing it "the old fashioned way." Doing it this ways allows for them to basically force things like apple trees to produce for 3/4 of the year instead of just once. It's just so labor intensive though, that they're no longer capable of keep up with needs.

Earth ponies also have those rock farms which I've decided are an ecologically friendly means of extracting minerals from the area. This allows for the metals needed for a society to function, but without all the smelting, purification or extraction mess.

They're also good for growing things other than just food. So, city planning, family counseling, even non-magical engineering tends to be earth pony areas of specialty.

... For some odd reason, Earth Ponies always struck me as Communists.
And for whatever reason, people seem to least prefer them as a race.
Me personally? They are my favorite. They have some hidden, innate power, something that could just have as much potential, or even more than unicorn magic, if applied and practiced correctly. Unicorns simply have a much easier time of it.

For example: Never Judge a Book By Its Cover.

Description Synopsis: A young filly's special talent is magic but she is an earth pony.

The story of a young virtuose who can't hear or play music.

Oh, by the way. This was written by a person who has worked on Assassin's Creed of all things.
In case you have been living under a rock for the past four years or so, allow me to give you a picture to elaborate.

To me, earth ponies have an untapped potential that could go far beyond what they seem to be capable of.

Hell, I would even warrent enough one making it into the Wonderbolts if they were so tenacious. I mean, we did it, so why not them?

What if earth ponies are simply more inclined to performing exceptionally at earth-related activities. Such as farming, landscaping, excavating, and building. Maybe Canterlot could be built on a mountain because of earth pony capabilities.

I believe that Earth Ponies are not only stronger and more resiliant, with greater stamina, than other races, but their tails seem stronger, used more often as additional limb.

They also have the ability to affect the nature, though it's rather passive. Also, their stamina along with them being more geared up towards hard work allows them to learn a wider range of skills even outside their cutie mark. Pinkie is great at playing instruments, baking and rock-farming while her cutie mark is for hosting great parties. Applejack not only bucks apple trees but also takes care of other duties on the farm.

Summary, earth ponies are stronger, have greater stamina and can more easily affect nature. They also can learn more skills outside their cutie mark faster than other races.

930323 I imagine Earth ponies as being able to use earth-based magic with proper training. in a fic called "It's a dangerous business, going out your front door," they are able to use a technique called "Standing Firm," whereby they ROOT THEMSELVES TO THE GROUND AND CANNOT BE MOVED. of course, it's a learned skill. other than that, earth pony mages could also essentially be druids.

Ha, you just reminded me of something.
For my battle descriptions for my crossover fic, I have AJ being a Hand-to-Hand grappler,
I wrote that she just beats things with her fists, like Tifa from FF7 or Chuck Norris

It's not magic, it's science!

It's staring into my soul, giving me its gentle yet stinging approval

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