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Find a quote from Tv, movies, plays, YouTube, whatever and find a clever way to include the word pants. All forum and Fimfiction rules still apply. We must reach 500 quotes with pants!

Bonus Points for using Mlp: Fim quotes

Bonus Points for using a pants quote without changing a single word

Points are not an actual thing.

Please quote the source. If you cannot remember the source but have the quote, you always have Google to help you.

I’ll be nice and start us off with ten quotes! Have fun!

P.S. you may want to come back and number your pants quotes later as there will likely be a rush. Post some pants and then come back later to appropriately number them!

“Eight rules for writing a pants story (by Kurt Vonnegut)

1. Use the pants of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.

2. Give the reader at least one pants he or she can root for.

3. Every character should want pants.

4. Every pants must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.

5. Start as close to the pants as possible.

6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to their pants—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.

7. Write to please just one pants. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your pants will get pneumonia.

8. Give your pants as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Pants should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.”

9. Toy Story
“You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pants.”

10. Spongebob
“And then I ripped… my pants.”

11. You had my curiosity, but now you have my pants. (Django Unchained.)
12. Shut up and take my pants!(Futurama)
13. The pants...shall last...forever!(MLP:Fim)

15 and 16(Connected): "You killed my pants!" "No, Luke. I am your pants"(Star Wars)




Patrick: Liar, liar plants for hire.
Spongebob: It's 'pants on fire' Patrick.


18) "You know what I miss? Soft underpants, how it lifts and cradles? ... You wouldn't understand."
Daxter, from Jak 3, no words changed, emphasis added,

19) "His amazing superpower to talk to pants!"
Rugratz, no words changed, but it is a mis-appropriation of an earlier statement "His amazing superpower to talk to plants!"

20) "While I'm away, if you could send these newly designed pants to monkey park for me..."
The Professor, Ape Escape 2, no words changed.

21) "At the midpoint of life's journey, I found myself in a dark forest, where the clear pants had been lost."
Opening of Dante's Inferno, one word changed.

18) I just ripped, MY PANTS! ~Spongebob Squarepants

23) "Brr! I sure could use some pants." Slowking, Pokemon 2000, no words changed.

24 - "It's pants! I'm talking about pants!" (Handsome Jack, Borderlands 2)

25- "Then go make yourself some f*****g pants" (Gat, Saints Row the Third)

26 - "All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you pants, don't wear them. Make life take the pants back. GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN PANTS! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?! DEMAND TO SEE LIFE'S MANAGER! Make life RUE the day it thought it could give CAVE JOHNSON PANTS! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I'M THE MAN WHO'S GONNA BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! WITH THE PANTS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent combustible pants that's gonna BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!" (Cave Johnson, Portal 2, some fanengloing required)

27 - "Pants changed everything. They destroyed our bodies, our minds; we couldn't handle it. Best friends butchering one another, babies strangled in cribs... the whole city went to Hell." (Atlas/Fontaine, BioShock)

28) All the world's a pair of pants, and all the men and women merely wearers. (William Shakespeare, As You Like It)

29) Londo Mollari: What possible excuse is there for the slaughter of innocent pants?
G'Kar: Curious, we wondered the same thing when you invaded our pants.
(Babylon 5 - "Midnight on the Firing Line")

30) Unnamed Senator: The Earth Alliance can't go around being the galaxy's pants.
(Babylon 5 - "Midnight on the Firing Line")

31) Catherine Sakai: I don't mean to alarm you, but your pants are talking to you.
Commander Sinclair: I know.
(Babylon 5 - "The Parliament of Dreams") - unaltered quote

32) Garibaldi: Mind if I ask you a question?
Sinclair: Sure.
Garibaldi: Okay, it's morning, you're getting ready for work, you pull on your pants - do you fasten and zip, or zip and then fasten?
Sinclair: What kind of question is that?
Garibaldi: Well, look, we've got two hours to kill --
Sinclair: Forget it.
(Babylon 5 - "Babylon Squared") - unaltered quote

Now to try and find an unaltered pants quote from FiM...

33 :pinkiecrazy: : "APPLEJACK!!! You broke your PInkie pants!"
-Pinkie Pie, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Season 2 Episode 14.

34 - Jules: Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like.
Brett: What...?
Jules: [points gun directly in Brett's face] Say "what" again. Say "what" again. I dare you. I double-dare you, mothertrucker. Say "what" one more goddamn time.
Brett: He-he's black.
Jules: Go on.
Brett: He's bald.
Jules: Does he look like pants?
Brett: What?
Jules: [shoots Brett in the shoulder; Brett screams] DOES...HE...LOOK...LIKE...PANTS?!
Brett: [in pain] No!
Jules: Then why'd you try to wear him like pants, Brett?
Brett: [faintly] I didn't.
Jules: Yes, you did. Yes, you did, Brett. You tried to wear him. And Marsellus Wallace don't like to be worn by anybody except Mrs. Wallace.
(Pulp Fiction, fanangeled and abridged.)

35. - "Wanna know how I got these pantsss!?"
(The Joker, The Dark Knight)

901702 The "combustible lemons" change-over had me laughing for a while.
Just FYI, I have the t-shirt, which makes it even funnier.

36. "What has it got in its pants pocketses?" - Gollum - one added word
37. "One Pair to rule them all, one Pair to find them. One Pair to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, in the Land of Levis, where the Demin lies." - obvious adjustment


38 - "It's over Pharoh now we're the ones wearing the pants on this show!"
(Marik Ishtar, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Leather Pants)

39 - "Pants? Are you crazy?"
(Pinkie Pie, MLP FiM "Ticket Master")

40 - "Take that! Who's wearing the big boy pants now?!"
(Ham Samich, TF2 2Fort Interactive Adventure Do It Live)

41 - "Because I ripped my pants!"
(Spongebob Squarepants)

42 - "Behold the crystal pants!"
(Random Crystal Pony, MLP FiM "Crystal Empire Part 2")

43 - "Batman does not eat pants!"
(Batman, Batman The Brave and The Bold)

44 - "Gentlemen! Pants, have threatened man for generations."
(Dr. Weird, Aqua Teen Hunger Force)

45 - "Do not grieve. Soon I shall be one with the pants."
(Optimus Prime, The Transformers The Movie)

46 - "I desipse pants!"
(Rarity, MLP FiM "Sleepless in Ponyville")

47 - "Little men steal our pants!"
(Heavy Weapons Guy, TF2)

901834 ((Y'all are going to need to adjust your numbers, given 901825 's response.))

48) "Somebody order a pair of exploding pants?"
Mythbusters, no words changed.

49) "Hey baby, I'd like to get inside your pants."
Countless pickup artists

50) "Yeah, well, I wish I could fit in my own pants as well."
A fat woman's rebuttal to the above pick up artist.

51) "To boldly go where no pants has gone before."
Star Trek: The Next Generation, one word altered.

52) "To pants, the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems."
Homer Simpson, one word altered.

901840 Change those numbers unless someone else has posted.

53 - "I eat your pants!"
(Scout, TF2)

54 - "I'm the one who wears the pants in my family."
(Roger Jr. Tekken 5)

55 - "Pants? Seriously?!"
(Rainbow Dash, MLP FiM "Wonderbolt Academy")

(Rarity, MLP FiM "Ponyville Confidential)

57 - "I really do like the pants."
(Yami Bakura, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Leather Pants)

59 - "Screw the rules I have pants!"
(Seto Kaiba, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Episode 1)

60 - "My pants give me super strength."
(Tristan Taylor, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Episode 6)

61 - "Goddamn it pants!"
(Vegeta, Team Four Star Dragon Ball Z Abridged)

62 - "When the patient woke up his pants were missing and the doctor was never heard from again! Ahhahahaha!"
(Medic, Team Fortress 2 "Meet The Medic"

63) "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different pants." - Albert Einstein

64) My pants are black, you know.
- (Crona, Soul Eater, One word changed)

65) The pants only open one way; they open inward.
- (Crona, Soul Eater, one word changed) {It might sound dirty even though I did not intend it to sound dirty.}

66) I don't know how to deal with pants right now.
- (Crona, Soul Eater, One word changed) {You know that Crona might actually say that at some point.}

67) Wait a minute. They have pants. Why don't I have pants?
- (Daxter, Jak 3: Wastelander, no changes)

901863 Actually, in your post above his, you went 44 45 44 45, so you're actually the one that has to fix their numbers.

65) or 66), depending on if 901894 and 901914 number their posts accordingly as well.

"Dear Chief Replacement,

I wanted to send you these friendly little pants to inform you of your imminent demise. If you're curious about the frequency with which I've sent these pants, it is merely to instill as much fear as I can. As if basting a pair of pants. Which I will then proceed to have sex with. That's right. I'm going to FUCK the fear pants.

Sincerely, Alucard."
[TFS Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 3]

69) Your pants are mine.
- (Maka, Soul Eater, one word changed.)

901920 Your line is 68


70) "It's a pant!"
(Admiral Ackbar)

71) “Houston, we have a pant."
(Apollo 13)

72) “I love the smell of pants in the morning.”
(Apocalypse Now)

73) “Pants on, Pants off.”
(Karate Kid)

74) “May the pants be with you.”
(Star Wars)

Gotta find more

901920 Actually 68.

75 - "Buy some pants!"
(Apple Bloom, Friendship is Witchcraft)

76 - "You must learn the ways of the pants if you're to come with me to Alderan."
(Obi Wan "Ben" Kenobi, Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope)

77 - "Lookie here at what I made I think that it's some pants."
(Applejack, MLP FiM "What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me)

78 - "Yeah Pants!"
(Yeah Toast)

79 - "Man I hate pants. Die pants die!"
(Yami Yugi, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Episode)

80 - "I'm going to rip you! Like a pair of pants!"
(Goku, Team Four Star Dragon Ball Z Abridged Episode 30)

81 - "Stitch by stitch, stiching it together. Twilight's pants."
(Rarity, MLP FiM "Art Of The Dress"

82 - "Pants!"
(Cheerilee, MLP FiM "Hearts and Hooves Day"

83) Pants... pants never change. (Fallout)

84) MY PANTS ARE MY POWER, AND I'M THEIRS! (Sora / Ven, Kingdom Hearts)

85) Let the pants save you! (Kitaniji, The World Ends With You)

86) We managed to avoid pantsing! (Raiden, Metal Gear Solid 2)

87) Have you seen junior's pants? (Van Halen - The Cradle Will Rock)

88) The pants were singing and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky - (Half Life: Full Life Consequences)

89) Vanitas: "It's always about your pants, isn't it?"

Ventus: "At least I have some!" (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep)


Um... I don't know what number this is. That said:

8x: "You still refuse to ACCEPT... my pantshood? KEEP your own pants! In fact... this might be a good time to pray to them! For I beheld Satan as he fell from denim! LIIIIKE LIIIIIGHTNIIIIIING!" -M. Bison, the Street Fighter movie

(Numbering later)

I am the King... of No Pants! -- Tycho

Lord, why couldn't he have been the King of Pants? -- Gabe

(Penny Arcade)


901940 901947 You two are mixing up numbers. Remember to refresh the page constantly.

74) "This. Is. PANTS!" Leonidas - 300

901982 Also fixed. I'm not sure if I want to post anymore if I have to keep changing the numbers all the time. This was a good idea at first but people's comments take a while to upload and when they do everything is out of order. It gets confusing. :applejackconfused:

95) Allen Gamble: Do you wake up in the mornin' and say, "I'm puttin on my big boy pants. Look, I'm wearin' a belt. I got big boy pants on."
(The Other Guys) - unaltered

96) Pinkie Pie: Maybe Twilight is right. Maybe Gilda isn't a big meanie grumpy mean-meanie-pants. Maybe I'm just a big jealous judgmental jealous-jealousy-pants.
(My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - "Griffon the Brush Off") - unaltered (Haha! The pants points have been doubled!)

902066 Did someone else already post 91-94? :applejackconfused:

Comment posted by SuperPinkBrony12 deleted Apr 25th, 2013

I can't believe this hasn't been done yet...

THE PANTS HAVE BEEN DOUBLED! (Luna, can't remember which epsiode, one worded changed one altered)

94)"How many pants does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? The world may never know."
~Tootsie Pop Commercial

95)"Pants, apply directly to the forehead"
~That forehead acne commercial

96)"Long ago in an ancient land, I Aku- shape-shifting Pants of darkness- unleashed an unspeakable evil. But a foolish samurai wielding a magic sword dared to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time where my pants are law! Now he seeks to return to the past, and undo the pants that is Aku."
~Samurai jack opening.

97) "What was our name again?"
"The pants brigade."
"Right, the pa-" SMACK"
~Angel Beats

98) "He did what in his pants?"
~Mater, Cars.


99) "A room without pants is like a body without a soul.”
(Marcus Tullius Cicero)

100) “So many pants, so little time.”
(Frank Zappa)

101) Spy: "This is Scout. Pants make me cry!"
(TF2 Spy Domination Quote)

102) "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all pants are created equal."
(Abe Lincoln, Gettysburg Address)

103 - "But make no mistake. Pants are coming, in all their glory, and all their horror" (Unnamed person, Starcraft II)

104 - "Tyrants will fall. Pants will burn. We are the Swarm." (Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm)

105 - "And in the end of days, pants shall fall" (Diablo III)

Kay, I'm out of Blizzard games, and quotes. For now.

105. I AM THE PANTS. (Breaking Bad)

106. You're tearing my pants apart Lisa! (The Room)

107 - "Where are your precious pants now?"
(Medic, TF2 Intel Securing Quote)

108 - "Don't let me wear pants! I hate pants!"
(The Doctor, Doctor Who)

109 - "My ass has finally decided to eat my pants! *Crunch!* It hungers! For more!"
(Dr. Weird, Aqua Hunger Teen Force)

110 - "If only you knew the power of the dark side of the pants."
(Darth Vader, Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back)

111 - "If they set those pants free it will be the end of all of us! NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
(Trunks, Dragon Ball Z)

(Chugaconroy, The Runway Guys Mario Party L.P.)

113 - "Pants. Of course. Doh!"
(Dr. Neo Cortex, Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back)

114 - "May the pants be ever in your favor."
(Gale, Katniss, and Efile Trinket, The Hunger Games)

902491 I have some stuff from Warcraft to counter your other Blizzard titles!

115. "Now my blind eyes see what others cannot. That sometimes the Pants of Fate must be forced!" (Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne)

116. "Imprisoned for ten thousand years. Banished from my own homeland. And now you dare enter my pants? You are not prepared..." (Word of Warcraft: Burning Crusade)

117. "My son, the day you were born the very pants of Lordaeron whispered the name Arthas." (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King)

118. "But the truest victory my son, is stirring the pants of your people." (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King)

119. "The world heaves with my torment! It's wretched pants quake beneath my rage! But at last the whole of Azeroth with break. And all will burn beneath the shadow of my pants!" (World of Warcraft: Cataclysm) Held out for the combo on this one :raritywink:

Yeah, I got nothing on vanilla WoW or Warcrafts 2 or 3 and I'm not touching the pack is disbelieve in.

Very nice. I only had those three up here with me, so...

902979 Believe it or not, I haven't played either WoW or WC3 in quite a while. I just remembered the bad guys needed to be mocked a bit for all their dramatics.

Voice acting is a difficult thing, especially if you can't see what the character looks like, or does.

902988 Just listen to Illidan's voice acting for a bit and then read those first two and just try to keep a straight face, especially the Burning Crusade line:rainbowlaugh:

"Put on some pants and fight like a man!"
(Magnus, Chapter 2: Dark Lord Gaol, Kid Icarus: Uprising)(No words changed)

Pit: "Step one: inhale deeply. Step two: clear mind."
Magnus: "Okay...."
Pit: "Step three: remove pants!"
Magnus: "What--hey! Those are my pants!"
(Pit and Magnus, Chapter 18: The Ring of Chaos, Kid Icarus: Uprising)(No words changed)


122) "Pants, pants, everywhere"
Toy Story

123) "Pants and burn!"
MCR, Na Na Na.

124) "Jizz in my Pants" (no changes.)
The Lonely Island

"There were no birds singing and the pants were dead."
Half-life: Full Life Consequences
yes, that is an actual quote. I did not add "pants."

126. "It ain't over till it's over, you son of a pants." (Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty)

127. "But there are other pants, more powerful than you, and who may know there next move?" (Ending of Hexen)

128. "I'm gonda get pants." (Moon Moon)

129. "Damn you pants! Damn you!!!" (Heretic II)

Ragnaros - World of Warcraft

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