Second Person Stories 1,826 members · 1,562 stories
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Note: I know I've posted this before, but I came up with a short preview for it, and decided to add it to the thread. Also, I hope more people decide to pay attention to my thread this time. Thanks.

So first off: Has anybody here read Regret? If not, then please go check it out! It's a really great fanfic, and you'll understand what I'm trying to say a bit better.

For anyone who's read Regret (or other Self-insert fics similar to it), you know how the story starts off as you being in love with a canon character, and trying to make her love you by doing everything you can? Well, that's definitely an interesting idea. But unfortunately, I don't see people do that a lot. Especially with different characters in the show, even the ones we don't know much about.

Now, with that being said, let's present the idea I've got in mind. Until know, you figured that the MC loves Rainbow Dash in that story, right? So what if we had a similar storyline, but with Sunset Shimmer in it? Specifically, the time she was studying in Canterlot? Here's a short summary:

When Sunset Shimmer was studying at Canterlot, she had caught the eyes of many ponies. While many of them wanted to get close to her to gain power and influence, and possibly protection from Princess Celestia, you were the only one who wanted her for who she was. You wanted to be sensual with her, and the fire of love burned deep inside your heart. However, Sunset seemed to brush everypony (including you) away from her, saying that she didn't have time for low-lives like them, and she only needed to continue on with her lessons. Of course, that didn't discourage you, and it didn't keep you away from trying. But as time went on, you were beginning to lose hope. And just after a short while, you heard that Sunset Shimmer has betrayed the Princess, and ran away from Canterlot (In reality, she had gone through the mirror, but that was never made public).

Now, it's been a few years since that fateful day. Everypony lost hope on finding her a long time ago, and while you always hoped that she'd come back one day, you had no choice but to move on. However, when she suddenly returns from her exile, and tries to make amends with the ones she did wrong, that still left you with one question: What did fate held in store for you? And more importantly: Is it too late for second chances, even if it's with heartbreak?

P.S. I don't wanna write the story. It's just an idea for grab. Though, I do appreciate it if anyone informed me about writing the story, just for me to sometimes consult things and all.

6875014 sounds like it could be a great tragic love story

I mean its a good idea and people probably did pay attention the first time you posted it but there are plenty of other ideas out their for writers to draw inspiration from. If you want something like this written your choices are write it your self or find an author that is taking commissions and pay them to do it.

Im not trying to be rude or anything but if you really want this story to exist just posting the idea again and again is not the way to go about getting it.

I just put it up there again because it came to mind... again. I just informed people that I'd be happy to see the story come to life.

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