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I endured most of the first episode and then bailed. The taller girl, Hagi, or Haggis, (don't quite recall her name, don't care), doesn't accept anything that's happening, and has nothing but disdain for everything and everyone around her, especially the male characters. She sneers at one of the Princes, labeling him as being "controlling," but when her friend, the blonde, pleads with her to allow her to stay and learn (why she's asking Hagi for permission isn't explained) Hagi's arrogant response is, "I'll think about it."

THAT was when I said, "Fuck it," and dipped.

This could have been a great show, but it was just another virtue-signaling, 'Girl-Boss', pandering Netflix dumpster fire. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE strong female characters, but (1) don't be a hypocrite, and (2) don't shit on the male characters "just because."

Also (and I say this as a Black man), I can't stand it when they have a Black character that's infallible just because of her race. That's some unrealistic, pandering bullshit, which is unfortunately becoming a trend with more than a few untalented directors.

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