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Comments ( 18 )
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Toffee Bean
Group Admin

I've been told that there was an issue involving LGBT, I am apart of this group. I'm gay and still trying to figure out my own gender. Anyways with that out of the way, clearly my first warning wasn't crystal clear. I said that make a thread that will start drama will not be tolerated, now I understand that not like something like star wars is one thing, but complaining about something like LGBT isn't cool because for some a story is the only way they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts. I'm sorry, but that isn't constructive criticism. In the end, I don't care what your beliefs are we all have them. But I told you guys in the last warning don't start a thread that will stir up drama.

This type of post will not be tolerated, this group is here for people to talk not to complain and fight. Next time this happens a week ban will be issued since a 1-day ban didn't seem to stop people from going against the last warning. Not trying to suppress people's belief it's just this isn't the place for this type of posting. This group is for fun stuff, this isn't a drama group.

3-tap #2 · Aug 2nd, 2020 · · 2 ·

If the story is well written and things are not put in there for the sake of being there, i am happy to read an LGBT story

If the story is good I have no problems with being it LGBT.

Here! Here! Praise be unto thee both!

Idiots. That’s exactly the reason why this second warning is being made! Because you assholes can’t take a hint!

No dude it is the people who HAS a problem with it

There a few people on this site who has a problem with anything LGBT in any stories no matter how small it is. Hence this warning coming from the admin.

Oh, that’s what you meant.

Yeah, we were talking about the same people. Those three were a few of them homophobes. I know what they said may not seem like it’s all that homophobic, but that’s why said it that way. I can explain further if you’d like.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

7291414 It has nothing to do with the subject, it's about the drama around it. This group won't let anything that will result in a large amount of drama. This has nothing to do with it being about LGBTQ+, I will not suppress people's belief no matter how much I hate that belief. This isn't about saying who is in the right and wrong this is about not having drama in the group. If this happened with something completely different this would still be a second warning. The focus of the warning was about the drama around it.

Then I suppose I’ll just be leaving the group. You don’t like that they’re homophobic, but you don’t want them to learn from their mistakes. You’re a coward who cares more about civility and not rocking the boat more than you care about making sure everyone knows that homophobia isn’t acceptable behavior. I have no sympathy for that mindset.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

7291798 Me rocking the boat will literally do nothing to help.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what thread you are talking about. I'm glad that it's been deleted. If a story has an LGBTQ+ character in it, I'm not fussed. If the story itself is good, I have no problems with it. In fact, tonight I watched the latest episode of a TV series I've been following and one of the characters admitted to another character that they were LGBTQ+ and the other character was just like me: "Oh, ok. That's totally fine. I won't tell anyone because it's up to you if you want to share that or not." Problem solved, drama over.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

7291798 Plus, just because someone has a different belief than you doesn't give you the right to punish them. As for me being a coward, I'm gay and someone being homophobic upsets me greatly, and being polite takes more effort than yelling at someone because of your feelings. If I was a coward why would I make a second warning about it? I'm not here to tell people what they should believe in, if I was going to I would do it behind closed doors.

I believe you're misunderstanding the intent that went into the making this post, whether intentionally or otherwise is not for me to say. There's a time and place for everything and there are places where sensitive discussions can be had in spite of the inevitability of drama rearing its ugly head and laying waste to any true discussion to be had, and this group simply does not fit that criteria. This group isn't meant to tackle real world issues in an attempt to persuade people's belief and winning an argument, it's for people to share their collective love for bringing fandoms together into a Melting Pot that molds everything we love of each fandom into a product that we can all enjoy and praise, or criticize and make better. Or it's to discuss all things crossovers such as who would win in a fictional fight to death and muse over what people love outside of the MLP fandom. And unless LGBTQ+ themes are relevant to the discussion being had, needlessly bringing them up benefits no one and only serves to detract from the original discussion at hand. It'd be as if people were talking about their favorite food and I randomly barged in and began preaching my religion and beliefs when the discussion they were having had nothing to do with religion in the slightest and I've only succeeded in ruining the mood.

Fact of the matter is, unless LGBTQ+ themes are relevant to the topic at hand, such as if Steven Universe was the central topic and how it handles its themes horribly or greatly depending on the viewer, then discussing LGBTQ+ themes where they are not relevant nor necessary, nor wanted in all honesty, is only detrimental and only done to spark drama, and that's including people who are well intentioned and ill-intentioned as well.

This is not the place to "educate" people about their biases, nor can anyone verify that they are qualified to do so. It would be nice to be able to change behaviours and attitudes so easily, but it's not, and doing so can cause drama.

Could not care less about what the sexual identity/preference of an author or their story character is
Why are people still hating on the LGBT community?
As I stated in the italics, I don't have any possible way to care less what gender someone identifies as and/or is attracted to.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
But if your opinion is in any way harmful in intent to any group at all.
You are better off keeping it to yourself.

I’m in full agreement with you there

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