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Comments ( 17 )
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Toffee Bean
Group Admin

Please do not post political threads or any type of thread that will result in drama. This behavior will not be tolerated, this group is for entertainment base content not political subjects. Failure to heed to this warning will result in a one day ban.

I'm fairly sure it was a troll trying to start needless drama. Glad to see it didn't go anywhere.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

7282635 Either way, there will be zero tolerance for this behavior.


Finally an admin who says it. The fandom needs rules like this everywhere.

7282630 Excellent, and thank you.
I hate political stuff as it is, WITHOUT it intruding on one of my fave websites.

Aye aye, captain. Won't hear no argument from me at all.

Deep #11 · Jul 25th, 2020 · · 1 ·

I was actually looking forward to the drama haha.

That said, good job for not tolerating this type of trolling. Most would've been too afraid to do what you did.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

7282975 This type of behavior can't be given any room to wiggle; like the saying goes "give an inch and they'll take a mile".


It should definitely count lol. This isn't a political forum or even a political website.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

Sadly I was asleep during this time and would like to know more information about what was going on. A screenshot would be helpful too.

Me too I am kinda curious.

I think you may want to also extend it to the comment section too. Somebody brought up religion and it went out of control and I apologize if you think I was apart of the problem too.

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