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claiming: Introductions

933371 Damn you.
933363 I demand another prompt nao! :flutterrage:

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"Are you sure you're okay? I mean, I don't want to sound worried, but you seem more nervous than you were when we at my parents' house..." Fluttershy said.

If you keep asking if I'm nervous, I'm going to scream. "No, no, I'm fine. It's cool. They already know you, right? We've been friends since forever! They like you! There's nothing to worry about!" Dash's heart rate was up in the pre-race levels.

Dash didn't even quite get to the door when it opened. Her father stood there, smiling. "Dashie! Welcome home! It's been to long!" he scooped her up in a hug.

"Hi, dad." Dash tried to squirm out of his embrace, while Fluttershy giggled.

"Hello, Fluttershy!" said dash's mother from behind the doorway.

"Hello Mrs Dash," Fluttershy responded.

"Ugh, don't call me that. I just got ma'amed at the grocery store this morning and now I'm Mrs. Dash." Dash's mother frowned a bit. Fluttershy did notice the wrinkles it formed in her face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! You look great, by the way! What shampoo do you use?"

Dash's mother gave Fluttershy an indulgent look. "Thank you, dear. Now come inside, please."

They went into the kitchen and took seats at the table. There was already a salad prepared; Mrs. Dash never missed an opportunity to feed guests. Or family. Or complete strangers.

They ate in silence for a little while, enjoying the meal. After a bit, Dash's father asked "So what brings you two to Cloudsdale? I know you both love living in Ponyville even if you can't make me understand it."

"Well, actually, I... kinda have and announcement to make." Dash couldn't quite meet her parents' eyes. "I... I've... I've found a special somepony. A... very special somepony."

Both of Dash's parents' eyebrows raised at the same time, and the same amount. Fluttershy thought that was adorable, that two ponies could grow to be so similar.

"Er... who is it?" Mrs. Dash asked. Her eyes flicked about.

"I know this isn't traditional, and I know there will be problems, but... well, it's a mare." Dash said. "It's... it's Fluttershy."

Fluttershy would have shrunk down at the sudden attention if 'shrunk down' wasn't her default state.

There was silence in the house for about half a minute. Dash's mother reached into her purse, pulled out five bits, and slid them across the table to her father.

New prompt: Varmint

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Author's note:

Dash's mom is: Mrs. Dash.

He mane is a speckled blonde, her cutie mark is a spice rack, and he special talent is seasonings.

That is all.

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933407 You're up, I think.

btw, "broken" was a great prompt, I seriously considered dropping it here.

933566 Mrs. Dash, bwahahaha, perfect. Claiming, btw.

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933613 It came to me as I was typing the line...

933561 That was brilliant! Okay, I'm going to have to get in on this :pinkiehappy:

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Claimed Prompt: Varmint

Rainbow Dash gave a smile and settled down on the couch, grabbing the latest Daring Do comic book (well, technically, it was a graphic novel but the fast flier hated calling it something so nerdy), in anticipation to figure out how exactly her favorite heroine would defeat The Sapphire Serpent. Fluttershy was outside, as usual, tending to her animal friends and on this Spring day, it was perfect for lazing about in the more wild pegasus's mind.

... However, the moment she opened the paperback, she was met with torn pages and bits and pieces of how the daring pegasus mare defeated the villain that everypony loved to hate.

"Wha-wha-what?!" Dash shrieked, flipping through the book.

Each and every page was torn and destroyed to nothing but shreds! ...And it only took seconds for the rainbow-maned mare to figure out who had done such a heinous crime to her new fanmare treasure.

Fuming, Rainbow got up and trudged outside into the perfect weather (courtesy of her expert manning of the Weather Team), heading straight for a certain somebunny, waving her destroyed 'comic' about.

"C'mere, you!" she growled, chasing after the rabbit who frantically began hopping away - straight to his beloved owner.

"Oh-no you don't!" Dash spat, speeding over to Angel, who moved away just in the nick of time, causing the pegasus who was flying at an insane speed to smash right into the chicken coop - which in turn meant many frantic hens running about like mad, completely and utterly startled.

"Dashie?" a soft voice murmured, and soon, Fluttershy was in Rainbow's fuddled gaze. "Oh my. Are you alright?"

Letting out a light growl, the fast flier glared across the way at the innocent-looking bunny rabbit now standing the door of the cottage.

"Flutters, answer me something." Dash grumbled. "Why did you name that little devil something so ironic?"

Noticing her marefriend's destroyed book and glancing at her (favorite) pet, Fluttershy couldn't help but smile and let out a light giggle. "Maybe it's because he reminds me of my other angel." she whispered, leaning forward and lightly kissing Rainbow Dash on the cheek.

If anyone asks, yes, this was inspired by that comic that I saw once and stupidly forgot to save. If anypony has it, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME.

New Prompt: Coffee

Claimed: coffee :pinkiehappy:

Oh this looks like fun. I'll have to get in on this later.

Group Contributor

933715 Squee! :rainbowlaugh:

I remember that comic. I have no idea where I saw it though...

Prompt: Coffee

Stale coffee and cigarettes, the breakfast of champions. That was at least the opinion of Rainbow Dash, P.I.

A cyan ear twitched in frustration. The broken down ceiling fan above her desk - in the course of its feeble attempt to move the oppressively warm air in the office - was blowing directly on her rainbow mane, plastering the crop of hair to her forehead. This left Dash with an impossible choice: look cool or be cooled.

She puffed out a sigh and resigned herself to having her bangs obscure her vision. It was entirely too stuffy and hot, plus Dash was without a good reason to worry about her appearance.

Unfortunately that good reason saw fit to make itself known, taking the form of a pink maned pegasus. She had entered the room so quietly the gum-hoof hadn't even noticed, but when she noticed, boy did she notice.

She had eyes the color of the sea on a summer day, and only about half as watery. Her legs went on for days and ended in the kinds of curves that could make a bad decision seem like a holy command from Celestial herself. Her long bubblegum pink mane hung about her face, and radiated a floral fragrance that cut though the acrid scents of Dash's office.

"Ms. Dash... My name is Fluttershy...." Her voice was barely a whisper, but it carried with it a breathiness that made Rainbow sit up a little straighter. "I think I need your help..."

New prompt: Lull

Sorry that took so long, had to leave the house, so I typed that out on my phone :twilightsheepish:

933715 Loved your mini-fic, by the way! That comic is one of my faves.

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934050 excellent story.

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Claimed: Lull :pinkiehappy:

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934172 Dammit Jim, I just missed it!

934085 Thanks! I figured I'd throw in something noir-ish to the mix and see what happens. Well that and the prompt was "coffee" and I just put the finishing touches on a scene for Ragged Wings involving coffee. So I guess I had detective fiction on the brain.

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Prompt: Lull

It had been yet another late night, which Rainbow Dash knew of all too well. She'd been working overtime quite a bit with the weather team, considering that they had to prepare for storm season. She practically dragged her exhausted body along the ground, too tired to even use her wings at this point. Her body ached and screamed, begging for relief, and her legs stung.

All she wanted to do was collapse on the ground and go to sleep, but that would do her no good. Besides, she was just some ways off from Fluttershy's cottage. She couldn't give up now. Not when she was this close.

Not many knew this, but Fluttershy's cottage and all it had to offer was her own little sanctuary. If there was one place where she knew she could kick back and relax, it was definitely there. She smiled to herself a bit, a sense of relief flooding over her.

Finally making it to the front door, Rainbow knocked gently. To her relief, the lights were still on, indicating that Fluttershy was still up. Moments later, the door opened, revealing the pegasus in question.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy beamed, greeting her with a loving kiss. "Hi! I missed you!"

Blushing quite a bit, ignoring how tired she felt, Rainbow smiled goofily. "Hey, 'Shy. Mind if I...uh...crash here tonight? Your place was closer."

Nodding, the creamy yellow pegasus brought her inside, closing the door behind her. "Of course you can, Dashie. You know you're always welcome here. Why don't you go upstairs? I was just about to head to bed, anyway."

Rainbow smiled, nuzzling her in thanks before she ascended the stairs. She could hear Fluttershy tending to some last minute things down below, offering a soothing sound of company. Yawning, the cyan mare trotted over to the bed, climbing up onto it; all but collapsing onto the soft mattress. Sighing in contentment, Rainbow made herself comfortable, completely spent. She wanted to just go to sleep, but already, her tired body, while relaxing, refused to let her.

Some time later, she heard Fluttershy quietly coming up, turning off the lights as she went. Rainbow felt herself smile as the weight of the mattress sunk in as the creamy yellow mare got into bed with her. Before she could do anything else, Fluttershy scooted up behind her, and placed her foreleg around her middle. Rainbow blushed, smiling widely.

Normally, she herself was the big spoon, always there to hold and protect her beloved. But sometimes, Rainbow was perfectly content with being the little spoon. Fluttershy just had such a way to make the switch-around feel natural and a wonderful alternative. She just had a way of making her relax, unwind and feel so...peaceful.

"Have a good sleep, my pretty rainbow..." Fluttershy whispered into her ear, kissing her cheek. "You must be so tired... it's okay, though. You're here with me, now... Sleep, my love..."

Comforted, so lulled by Fluttershy's sweet, soothing voice, Rainbow closed her eyes. She could think of no better place to be than right here, with the pony she loved, lulling her to sleep. The warmth and comfort of Fluttershy's body against her own relaxed her, bringing her into a state of relaxed euphoria.

"Thanks, Fluttershy...'night..." Was all she said before she was beginning to drift off.

Next prompt: Sweetness

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934267 It was pretty good! :derpytongue2:

934278 Might I add: d'awwwwwww! :heart:

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Claimed: Sweetness

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Prompt: Sweetness

By many ponies standards today was a beautiful day, even if they were a dime in a dozen. For Twilight who blissfully cantered towards the library she couldn't have asked for a better day to sit back and delve into her studies. Most would laugh at the thought of hitting the books on a day like this, but Twilight had always found herself in a better mind set when the sun was shining. Her pleasant mood was very soon interrupted by the hushed whispers of a certain pink pony.

“Pssssst, Twilight.” The lavender mare stopped dead in her tracks. ”Twilight, over here.” Hiding behind a cart on the side of the road was Pinkie, waving furiously at her and gesturing to get over there quickly.

Twilight had to admit she was curious, especially when Pinkie was being all mysterious and secretive, which could mean a number of things. “Pinkie? What are you-“

“Shhhh! There’s not time to explain, just get behind here!” Pinkie grabbed Twilight by the hoof and pulled her swiftly behind the cart and out of view, electing a small yelp from the unfortunate mare. “Shhhh! You’ll blow our cover.”

“Ow! Cover? What cover? What are we-“ Pinkie slapped a fake mustache onto Twilight's face. “Why am I wearing this?”

“It’s a disguise, duh. So they don’t recognize you.” Pinkie stuck out her tongue for emphasis and gestured over to the tables over by the café.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about. This is completely- oh.” Pocking her head around the corner, sitting happily at a table for two, was Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. This already raised many questions in Twilight's head. “What are they doi-“

“Shhhh!” Pinkie shoved her hoof into Twilight's mouth. “They’re about to say something.” From the distance they could see Dash moving her mouth and speaking but they were too far away to make any of it out.

“We can’t even hear from this distance. Care to explain why you’re spending your day spying on our friends having lunch together?”

“They’re not having lunch, they’re on a date.”

“Well okay, but- what!?”


“Sorry, but why in Equestria would Rainbow Dash of all ponies go out with Fluttershy? That doesn't make any sense. You're having me on.”

Pinkie raised an eyebrow at Twilight's accusation. “On no no no silly, they’re definitely on a date. Didn't you see the way Fluttershy’s all like checking her out and how Dash is all like lovey dovey face? They are totally on a date.”

“You're seeing things Pinkie. Fluttershy would never date her best friend, she’s just too… Fluttershy. It doesn't make sense.”

Pinkie patted her deluded friend on the back. “Oh Twi Twi, ever so logical aren't we. Why can’t you just be a bit more open minded about this and not think about it so much?”

“Because they are not on a date! They’re just very good friends that take each other out for lunch. And for your information I am a very open minded po-“

Pinkie wasn't paying attention to anything she had said, she seemed to be looking across at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’s table with a rather large grin. Twilight turned to look at what had Pinkie so giddy only to be baffled out of her mind. Rainbow Dash and leaned over and engaged Fluttershy in a passionate and rather long kiss. It was getting rather heated as both members seems to be getting into the swing of things. Dash seemed to melt into the sweetness of Fluttershy’s lips while keeping in an almost clunky rhythm. Twilight’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, flushing with deep shades of crimson as she watched her two best friends lock lips.

“Dawww, isn't that just so adorable?” Pinkie cooed up her face and made a rather cute sqwee.

Twilight didn't respond, still partly stunned from the initial shock and still wearing the mustache Pinkie had slapped on earlier. Pinkie just about burst into giggles looking at her. “You should see your face Twilight.”

Next Prompt: Protection

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934506 D'awww, that was so funny and adorable! :pinkiehappy:

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934506 Nicely done! I wish I had a drawing of Twi's face at the end...

After some searching...

934506 I love sneaky Pinkie stories :pinkiehappy: Quite adorable!

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934506>>934803>>934543>>933759 Claimed: Protection

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Scootaloo burst in through the front door, as was her habit. The bang sounded off to Fluttershy, however, and that got her attention.

"Scootaloo? Is that you?"

"Uh, yeah, it's me. Um, do we have any bandages?" Scootaloo called, her voice a little raspy.

Fluttershy turned to look and screamed (quietly) in horror. Blood was all over Scootaloo's face, forcing her to keep one eye closed. She also had bleeding scrapes on her knees and trunk, and her wings were an absolute mess. "What happened!? Who did this to you? Was it a bully? A bear? A TIMBERWOLF!?"

"Relax, relax, I just fell off a ramp!"

"You were on your scooter?" Fluttershy's eyes weren't quite so wide now. She flew over to the cabinet where the first aid supplies were kept.

"Um, yeah, aren't I always?" the younger filly gave a little chuckle, but it died off quickly. Because Fluttershy wasn't in mother bear mode any more. She was in angry mom mode now.

"You were on your scooter without your helmet on?" It both was and was not a question. Fluttershy was not smiling. She began applying antiseptic without her usual gentleness.

"Um, it fell off?" the orange filly lied. It didn't work.

"What have I told you about wearing you helmet?" Fluttershy asked.

"Always wear my helmet when I'm on my scooter," the bloodied filly recited.

"ALWAYS when you're on your scooter!" the older pegasus scolded. "You could have been concussed, you could have gotten a fracture, you could have been killed! Where do get the idea that this sort of behavior is acceptable!?"

Rainbow Dash walked in the door. "Um, hey Flutters, do we, um, have any wing splints?"

New prompt: apart

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935623 Yay! I love these little FlutterDash and Scootaloo family stories! :pinkiehappy: Oh goodness, Fluttershy really would be that upset and protective of Scootaloo. Especially for not wearing a helmet, which is just a terrible idea. And Rainbow's got injuries too, hmm? Seems to me like there needs to be a family meeting...

935623 Love it! I'm a big fan of the :yay::heart::rainbowkiss: with :scootangel: dynamic. It's just so darn cute!

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935660>>935672 It's a cheap shot to the feels, but the only way to make the gag work. Thanks for the :heart:

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935683 At least it's a GOOD cheap shot! XD

:yay::heart::rainbowkiss: :scootangel:

935683 Wait a sec.... My 90s sitcom sense is tingling! Did you ever watch "Home Improvement"? That story so reminds me of a scene from "Home Improvement" :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, the three of them make just the perfect feels factory of a family! And the gag totally worked!

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935715 I wasn't channeling anything specific, but I did watch a lot of sitcoms during the 90's...

935726 Ditto, those great family gags are timeless. In fact even imagining Flutters, Dashie, and Scoots as a sitcom family totally works :pinkiehappy:

Loved your posts, keep up the amazing work!

Group Admin

935623 Very nice character portrayal there. I really enjoyed that, and it really makes me want to hear more.

Prompt: Apart

Whoever said ‘absence made the heart grow fonder’ was full of grade-A horsechips.

Rainbow Dash paced the dressing room, her hooves threatening to wear a path in the dense cloud carpet. She stopped for a moment to rub an idle hoof at her form fitting uniform, its elastic fabric seemed to be making her coat itch.

It was no good. Her hooves couldn’t get the job done and the itch only seemed to spread. She began to pick at the yellow and blue uniform with her teeth, growling in frustration as she failed to find relief.

“Something on your mind, probie?” Spitfire called across the room to the newest probationary member of the Wonderbolts, who now appeared to be attempting to consume her jumpsuit.

“Just… got…an…itch…” Rainbow managed in between the increasingly furious attempts at sating the now all consuming sense of physical discomfort. She let out a final groan of frustration and threw herself back-first onto the carpet.

“Uh huh,” Spitfire responded flatly, her tone dripping with skepticism. “Let me guess: got a special somepony back home?”

The cyan flyer trained her eyes on the ceiling. At Spitfire’s words, a vision of her gentle marefriend danced before her eyes. The way those aquamarine eyes had brimmed with tears as Rainbow left for her first tour still caused Dash’s heart to constrict in grief. But there had been such joy in those eyes too. Fluttershy had felt genuine happiness for Rainbow’s dream come true. Sometimes she wondered if the situation had been reversed, would she have been able to say the same.

“Yeah…” Dash replied, the feeling of discomfort slowly ebbing as she replied. “I, well… I miss her pretty bad. She comes to whatever shows she can, but she has responsibilities too and all.”

“I know the feeling, first few tours were pretty rough on one of my relationships,” Spitfire offered sympathetically.

“What happened?” Dash asked quickly, sitting up and casting an anxious gaze to her senior team member.

“Well,” Spitfire looked away. “We split up.”

“W- what!?” Dash spluttered.

“It’s not like we were that serious,” Spitfire back-peddled.

“Well, that’s not gonna be me and Flutters, okay!” Dash’s voice carried every bit of righteous indignation she could manage.

A tension filled silence settled between the two flyers.

Slowly Dash began to sag, as if a weight had been placed about her shoulders.

“…Will it?” Rainbow’s voice sounded uncharacteristically frightened.

“Not if you don’t let it,” Spitfire intoned with a kind smile. “We, my old coltfriend and I, we never really worked hard to keep our connection strong. We drifted apart. You get out what you put into your relationship, especially in more stressful times. If that marefriend of yours has made it out to some shows she’s already doing better than that stallion I used to run with.”

“Yeah…” Rainbow said as she began to perk up. “Yeah! Me and Flutters aren't gonna call it quits for anything. Together forever!”

Somehow, despite all the worries, she knew the simple mantra was true.

New prompt: Homework

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933561 :rainbowlaugh: BROHOOF to Dash's mom!

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935623 :rainbowlaugh: ok that was funny,
Like mother, like daughter

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935836 Totally adorable and awesome! :pinkiehappy: Poor Spitfire, though...:fluttershysad: But it was nice of her to give that advice to her, as a cautionary tale of what not to do. It's true that long distance relationships can work in theory, not so much in practice, but it CAN work. It just takes time and effort to keep the connection strong.

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Claimed: Homework

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