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I am working on a story where the main character helps a stray mare, the next day he discovers that she has taken on the role of being his maid. What sort of things would you suggest trying to work into the story to make it entertaining (keep it clean and SFW)?

Let me clarify something. I don't need help with making the maid character. What I need is help coming up with something for the protagonist and the maid to do (while also being SFW).

Turns out this stray mare is actually a robot.

6841797 While I can say (without spoiling anything) that she does have some unique characteristics, I can also say that she sadly isn't a robot.:twilightsheepish:

Though I do wonder if I can work a robot into the story somehow. :duck:

Well, darling, you shall need to be more descriptive in your question, then. I believe a story about a pony being a robot, unbeknownst to a helpful protagonist would be entertaining, thus fulfilling your original inquiry. But then, different ponies find different things entertaining, do they not? Perhaps only you can answer your question. :raritywink:

Well you could have her actually be a really good maid...but she is absolutely terrified of her own cleaning equipment.

“Alright I’ll be back in a bit.”

“Ok! I’ll clean up”

As the door shut she began attempting to hype herself up and then charged into the cart of supplies with a battle cry. Hastily scrubbing both grime and tears as she continued her war against filth and her fears (hey that rhymed!)

Maybe... She had a strange coat on. Dropped it. He gave it back.
She is a selkie pony, turns out, and now they are married! Not that he knows that...
So to get closer to him, she signs up to be his maid!
Probably not what u want, but here ya go!

6841811 Yeah, admittedly I try to give very little information out of fear of spoilers/theft. Now I'm not saying the robot maid is a bad idea (far from it, it's a great idea) it is just that I already have a plan for the maid character.

6841809 Hm. Potential if kept within the 'believable' range, which is pretty high since MLP after all. I'm reminded of Walkies, about Screw Loose, which I liked. She's a usable option for this setup, since she's admittedly crazy and has a perfect excuse for following the POV character home.

Let me clarify something. I don't need help with making the maid character. What I need is help coming up with something for the protagonist and the maid to do (while also being SFW).

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