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At first glance I was extremely confused and was going to post a comment stating so, further examination however leads me to believe the "U" is UniqueSKD and that every mare wants him. I came to this conclusion by noting the one stallion in the picture having a very similar if not a facsimile of UniqueSKD's avatar. With that connection made I noted the unique letter that the mares "wanted" and the first letter of UniqueSKD and came to the conclusion that this image was of UniqueSKD and that every mare wants UniqueSKD. But the real question here is; why? Why would every mare to ever exist and will exist or has existed want UniqueSKD?

Someone get a cork, Deviant art is spilling out again.

4619618 Because he's the ONLY fucking pony OC who walks on two legs. Think of the numerous sex positions he can get into!

Normal stallion OC's can just mount their mares, but Unique can do all kinds of weird shit, bro!

Also, let me ask you a counter question - why would they want YOUR OC, hmm? Look at that thing! It's just a fiery hand! What even IS a hand? We have hooves, dude! HOOVES! And what you gonna do with that hand? Finger the poor mare and leave a literal burn mark?

You scold my OC, I scold you back.

Now shut the fuck up and have a chimmychanga, it'll change you fucking life. Follow me if you want to, which you'll probably do because you're slightly curious as to just how far off the deep end I can go.

Well, the answer to your question is easy; VERY far. I'm a strong swimmer.

4621256 Someone get a shotgun there's another douche trying to stop my fun!

Yeah, ye got burned olde styling, whippersnapper!

4621487 There's a good boy. (pats on the head)

Now, you're probably in need of a release, so I've got something that should help you relieve that stress right out, my main man!

It was this or a picture of ME in a G-String. I mean, I'm better looking, but I think you've had enough of me for one hour already. Shwing! Hee hee hee!

4621564 I make you sad
I make you cry
But you love my crazy shit
oh sir, don't you lie!

Because you're in love with me
Me, a random weird-ass guy!
And I don't blame you dude cause' let's face it
I'm an interesting guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy!

Play me off, Marty!

I have no wish to peruse a fool or commit to lecherous behavior.
I am not a creature of fire, that is merely my avatar.
I never intended to insult your "OC" rather ask a fundamental question into the very nature of "it's" being. "It" being UniqueSKD.
Why do you presume the fact that I may wish to indulge myself in sexual activities? For that matter, why do you? Anyways I'm probably beating myself against a brick wall here, metaphorically, but uh what advantageous traits that are worth noting do you have with hooves over hands? It's just a flat, circular piece of bone jutting out of your flesh to take impact from the ground when you walk. Hands can be used for so much more, as I'm sure you know.
And as I'm sure you'll be excited to point out, I'm a hypocrite. I have no wish to make this silly game continue, but it is entertaining in the least so do, do go on.
I'm eagerly awaiting your reply~!

4621895 I don't think you're a hypocrite at all. I think you are a very intelligent person, one who takes the time and courtesy to structure his/her sentences when replying to people lacking normality such as myself. I also think you are a strong individual who will not relent to stand his/her ground when posed with a challenge, such as in this instance where i - albeit accidentally - forced your hand into this matter. I finally also think of you as a human being who deserves a little more respect, respect of which I regrettably did not give to you.

(bows politely)

So I ask, or rather pray, that you will accept my apologies, good sir/madam. As mad and chaotic as my actions were, I assure you that I am not entirely without some measure of stability to my nature. When there is a time to be serious, I can be serious. I can cry and show emotion, as I was given a heart by my mother the day I was born. I can offer an ear and a shoulder for others cry on when there is a time of sadness or need of comforting. I can own up to my mistakes and errors, for I do not hold my pride in high regard as others in this world may do. I was taught how to say 'sorry' when I had to show maturity and confess to my part in any troubles I was involved in.

So, shall we turn back the hands of time, and reintroduce ourselves to one another, but on a more...slightly less crazy level of communication?

Allow me the honor of starting.

Hello, Proinsidiaphilia. My name is UniqueSKD, and it is a pleasure to meet you. (offers hoof, but quickly retracts it and offers a hand instead, smiling sheepishly)

There was no need to humiliate yourself in such a way nor express your inner most thoughts in such a deferential way. I gladly take it upon myself to accept your hand of friendship, and I do enjoy the type of humor you employ. I understand your need to make yourself out to be unique, as I have done so myself, but there are limits aren't there? Anyways I digress, in the future I presume a fellowship to not much of an extent, but one non-the-less.
Now for the one thing I've been waiting to state this entire time. Don't you dare change you who you are because others don't like who you are. I'd rather you be the maniacal UniqueSKD that I first met and not a poseur of my own stature. And before I click "Post Comment" I have to add, smart wording on your part.

So I ask, or rather pray, that you will accept my apologies, good sir/madam. As mad and chaotic as my actions were, I assure you that I am not entirely without some measure of stability to my nature. When there is a time to be serious, I can be serious. I can cry and show emotion, as I was given a heart by my mother the day I was born. I can offer an ear and a shoulder for others cry on when there is a time of sadness or need of comforting. I can own up to my mistakes and errors, for I do not hold my pride in high regard as others in this world may do. I was taught how to say 'sorry' when I had to show maturity and confess to my part in any troubles I was involved in.

Made me feel like I was talking to a real person! Mien gott; a real person? On the internet? Impossible!

4624067 I actually wish to think you very much for not being afraid to call me out on being a bit of a douche towards you regarding your avatar. I know I can go a bit far with things at times, but honestly I generally mean well in what I do. I do appreciate being told off if I do something or say anything to annoy or upset somebody. This way I learn what my mistake was and learn from it.

I noticed you followed me. I am very grateful for this, though I would prefer to earn your attention through proof of talent.

And yes. I am a real person. As are you. This is a lesson I should have remembered when commenting to you. It is a lesson that all other internet users should note too before spouting ugly insults to other users of the internet.

I am glad to know we are on good terms, sir/madam. Believe me or not, I was a bit worried that I upset you when reading your other response the first time. It is hard sometimes to put a tone of voice to words on a screen.

I followed you, because you have proven your talent and your worth; I do my research and I have seen the animations and art you do. But you still haven't heeded my advice, I do not care. I simply do not care. I appreciate and love the way you own up to your mistakes, but it makes me feel like I'm in a holier than thou precedence and to be honest, I HATE IT. I hate being looked up to and I hate being apologized to, especially if I feel like they don't need to. Now I'm not offended at all, so get that out of your head, I don't, didn't and still don't dislike you any way. Sure at first I thought you were an internet Brucie (Thumbs up if you get the reference) chugging bull shark testosterone and looking to bang someone anyway to Sunday but I saw that you were better than that by your reply the first time. I didn't actually intend to call you out on being a douche, just happenstance and about you being and actual person? I was trying to make a joke about there being robots on the internet and that you are a robot. Take most of my comments with a grain of salt and add a sarcastic or joking undertone and you'll usually get the jist of what I'm trying to say. And as a reminder, no ocean is too deep, no land too far, if you go I will follow.

The butter pony with red hair looks like she has a vibro-wand as a cutie-mark.

4624236 Whoa whoa whoa, dude! Calm die fook down, okay? Just chill!

Damn it, dude, you scary when you like this!

(USKD straightens shirt collar, realizes he's not wearing a shirt, wonders where it went for a few seconds before shrugging and turning back to the screen)

Okay, I am gladder still to hear that. I am honored that you like my animations. I know they are not professional or as awesome as what other folk make, but I do them with the intent of making anyone who watches them laugh and smile, so your viewings and willingness to check them out is greatly appreciated.

If and when you get yourself a proper MLP OC, if you haven't one already, I'll be happy to feature it in a video. I'd be happy to have you voicing in a video if you would like that too. I think we're gonna be quick friends in time. Feel free to PM me when you ever wish to talk.

Also, I think I get the Brucie reference, but explain it to me in case it's not what I thought it was.

GTA IV - you meet Brucie early on in the game (Roman introduces you to him)
GTA V online - you meet Brucie around level 15 and you can then call in a drop of bull-shark testosterone which grants a dmg bonus.
Also just as a side note to your videos, I find it much better If you use joke voices for the characters rather than try to imitate them. It just makes the animation seem flat when the voice sounds similar but off.

Example of something you can try.

I hope you get what I'm trying to say here... I really don't want this to be taken the wrong way.

Or actually go ahead and do whatever you want. I'm in no position to be giving advice on animations anyways.

4624439 What makes you think the voices were ever imitated? XD

No, I don't take it the wrong way. I appreciate advice when it sounds useful to me, and as I said before you are an intelligent person from the way you worded your previous comments so your words are taken with much consideration.

This is the video I'm talking about.

Okay so I'm going to be brutally honest here with how I think about the voice acting. The Rarity voice actor could be recognizable as Rarity sure, but they don't take into account the pauses, the accents and the breaks that Rarity takes when talking. It sounds like the lines were forced out in one breath, which is not how Rarity talks. The tone the voice actor has just doesn't seem to fit with the Rarity that I know, it sounds too much like a teenage girl and not a young woman.
Just some examples of Rarity talking.

I'm not even going to talk about Twilight, I think you know what's wrong there :rainbowlaugh:
Pinkie Pie does not sound at all like Pinkie Pie. Error 404: Pink not found.

But to be fair, you would not want me to be a voice actor. Trust me.

Also another thing you should probably do, which I know you probably have no control over, is if you're going to be voice acting your own OC get a good quality microphone.
Do I have to do the ice bucket challenge now?


No, no, no, you misunderstand! See, I like to give some of my Followers a chance to be in a video. I know it's not exactly befitting of the characters, but it's just a little kindness I do for them. I just like giving them a chance to feel good, and because getting real voice actors is...difficult when they have absolutely no clue who you are, or as I have unfortunately found out the hard way, simply refuse to work with people who are not well-known.

Yes. Believe it or not, there are some Brony VA's who can be downright rude to you if you're not popular enough.

So I wanted to not be like them, and offer other people a chance to star in something.

But I do see your point though. You must understand that I try to do what I can with what I got. I will consider buying a new mic next week, which is when I'll be vacationing in Florida! I'll have $1400 dollars to spend so I'm sure to find SOMETHING to buy with my cash.

4624527 Also if you're calling yourself a bad voice actor, you might be great for the next comedy animation I try.

You can voice Pinkie Pie.

4624617 If you PM me a picture of your OC, then you will get just that.

Of course, I require time as I have other matters to attend to as well, but I'll put your name down in the book and make sure to do the picture for you.

Assuming you want one, that is?


I raise you this:

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