Bike's Personal Contests 112 members · 55 stories
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Group Admin

sciset sciset sciset

one day there was an angry bacon horse who ran away to a world full of colorful non-magical hominids that inexplicably and eerily corresponded to the colorful magical horses back home. she tried to destroy the world or whatever and a purple book horse hit her with a magic beam to turn her good. and then later she meets the purple book hominid counterpart of that horse, who herself tries to destroy the world until redeemed bacon horse hits her with a magic beam to turn her good, and at some point after that they kiss. this contest is just about the last part


this time, i will be joined in judging by EileenSaysHi, writer of such SciSet works as Sunset and Twilight’s Winter Holidate, Her Warmth, and the ongoing Together from Canterlot to Canterlot!


the entry can be of any genre, as long as the story is E or T-rated and has a ship between Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer in the focus of the story. Midnight Sparkle counts as Sci-Twi, but pony Twilight does not. Demon Sunset and human Sunset both count as Sunset.

the contest begins from whenever you, personally, are reading this, and ends on 2023 Sep 17 8PM EDT. entries should be complete and placed in the contest folder before then. if you're running close, make sure to PM me the final text of your story before the deadline in case anything happens with the queue. no exceptions!

the prize pool will be at least $80 in total, with distribution to depend on the stories. more and better stories will result in more placements and money in the prize pool.

all prizes will be sent by Paypal. if you do not want to or cannot accept a cash prize, we may come to an agreement on donating it to a charity, or a commission.

there is no word limit, though please go for quality instead of quantity! you may submit multiple entries, though if you have so much time, please consider also writing for these currently-running contests:

that’s it!

happy SciSetting!

Why do you keep tempting me, Bike?
😛 :trollestia:

I'm interested in this, course. Whyyy yet another contest

But is it possible for me to enter and then (if I somehow break reality and get a prize) opt out of getting that prize?


if you do not want to or cannot accept a cash prize, we may come to an agreement on donating it to a charity, or a commission.

oh shoot i need more sleep but thanks!


But is it possible for me to enter and then (if I somehow break reality and get a prize) opt out of getting that prize?

'No. Bike will hunt you down, no matter how long it takes, and force you to accept your twenty dollars or whatever. Coincidentally, this is the plot of my upcoming Fallout Equestria fic.'

About time I had an excuse to write for this ship. I've done a Sunset-Derpy as a one-off, so time to crack on to the true gold.

Ah yes, the prompt that basically just says "Hey FoME, write a story." This should be fun.

writing is fun

Group Admin

hey FoME, write a story

Definitely going to try for this. I really like both characters, and a little shipping adventure sounds like a fun thing to try out.

Hmm, very interesting.

Oh... well... see, I... dammit!

Sooo, here's the thing: I do have a story that would fit. A story I always told myself I would never publish because it's stupid, cringy and only came about because I had a dumb idea and it wouldn't leave my brain until I excreted it through my fingers and keyboard. It's not a good story, not even slightly, and before reading this and, specifically, EileenSayHi's post about it, the idea of a submitting it to a contest would have been simultaneously hilarious and nauseating.

And yet...

And with FimFic's SciSet well having gone rather dry of late (even the Spring Fling contest had a whopping one dedicated SciSet entry, two if you count a DemonMidnight entry), this is the perfect time to get things going again and revive the love between our two favorite dorky gay nerds.

Helping to give another burst of inertia to this glorious ship... that's tempting enough on its own. But the fact that, even if its chances of winning are even more comical and ridiculous than the story itself, it may mean that whoever does make a great enough story to win gets more money... that's a really, really hard thing to pass up and I honestly have no idea if I will.

Two weeks remaining! If you haven't started yet, now's the time!

SciSet says better get typing!

I need to type at double speed if I want to have amy chance of having a written story by the time the contest is over.


You sure are working hard to make me curious, whether you know it or not.


Well, it seems like your curiosity'll probably be satisfied despite my best intentions.

See, I did actually have another idea for a story which I think is pretty good. Given the competition I've seen, I still wouldn't be overly confident, but I still think I could have made a decent showing. Plus, writing it would mean I wouldn't have to submit the cringe story to the contest...

Why no, just not supporting this contest and ship isn't an option; why do you bother to ask?

Anyway, I had the idea, had it all mapped out in my head and resolved to get to writing it as soon as my computer got back from being repaired. Any day now... any... day...

It's been gone over a month at this point and I still don't even have an estimate for when I'll get it back.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the repair people - apparently they simply can't get the parts needed, they've always been great in the past and I have no reason to assume they're doing anything less than their utmost. It's just... kind of the worst possible timing and I'm a little bit pissed, even though I have absolutely nobody to be pissed at. Which is only more infuriating.

I mean, obviously, I do have a temporary computer I'm using, but the differences in software, hardware, files and connection make writing stories impractical with it. I realize this may seem counter-intuitive, given my tendency to write diary-length comments and replies, this one included, but it is what it is.

So, yeah, all that to say, I'll probably be posting the older story from a backup for the contest. I apologize for the overly long post, I just... kind of needed to vent a little.

Oh no! 5 days left already?

Time for game faces, people!

Time to start finishing up if you've been working for a while! And if you haven't, time to really get going! We're closing in on the finish line... don't wait!

Wait! I have a very stupid question to ask. Can I use one if your pictures for a cover? Also I just have one more chapter left!! It may not be as long as I like and it may be rough , but I swear on my saved sunset phone backgrounds; I will publish my fic.

My pictures? Do you mean the still frames from the show we're using in the posts above? Those are fair game.

Otherwise, I need more clarification as to what "your pictures" is referring to.

I mean the still frames in the above posts. And thank you so much.

Only a few hours left!

Authors! Don't forget us!


I submitted mine for moderator approval. It's not as long as I would have wanted but I think I did an okay job.

If it’s going through the moderators and not autoapproval, you need to send a copy or a link w/ passcode to Bicyclette before the contest period ends! Otherwise it won’t qualify!

EDIT: Ah okay, you did do that. Thank you very much!

<30 minutes until contest close!

My story is going to published right on the dot, upon which I will sumbit it right at 8:00.

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