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Group Admin

Hello everyone,

Given the issue recently formed after a thread posted related to politic content, a new rule is going to be made:

  • No Politics, Religious or subjects related to genre: This is a group about subjects related to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Equestria Girls, Fifth Generation (G5) and crossovers with other franchises; no threads related to politics, religion and genre subjects will be allowed here.

I'm pretty aware this is going to generarte discontent among some of you guys & girls, but it's necessary for the group's sake. If you want to talk about politics or religion, there are other group's in the site to do it.

That's everything I have to say. I wish you a good day.

Update rule:

  • If you are going to write a title for a thread, please do not use more than ten words so as not to cover the thread too much.
Group Contributor

Thank God because politics is super annoying

Group Contributor

I'm assuming the dislike came from you but anyway doesn't matter because it brings the worst out of people when it comes to politics that's why you may want to disagreed what I think about it but that's how I feel if you don't like it that's fine but Don't Force It On Me

7537073 You know this is your fault, right?

7537067 You could have just locked the thread instead of deleting it.

Group Contributor


You know your becoming a rude person right now 😠

Your rule is logical.



You carbon base life forms are acting like children.

What about historical politics or fictional ones like in Star Wars or Star Trek? What about philosophy?

Not that I'm criticizing or looking for loopholes, I want to know how general we're talking about.

Comment posted by Yoshifan30 deleted Jul 21st, 2021
Group Contributor

That's it if this is how it is I am not dealing with this I'm DONE

Group Admin

Talk it in other group or in your blogspot. I don't want another warfare here anymore.

Group Contributor

Yeah I'm okay now I just need to step out of this whole drama going on here and to come down for a moment

Group Contributor


Good, I didn't come here for politics. I literally am an admin of one and I need a break from it from time to time.

As someone who is so neutral on politics, I agree with this.

Group Admin



Glad to hear it. As another note, a warning from the co-admin and me to all the members: a second posting of threads about politics, religion or genre will result in the banning from the group.

So we hope this is the last time a issue like this happens again. Make truce and let's move on.

I like this rule

Oh, thank you to high mighty.

I was getting sick and tired of all this political banter going on in the world.

Logical explanation.

Can i ask about a ashtag t from twitter?

To be more precise I want to ask about the #shutupgringo2022 that got trending on twitter

Group Admin

Yeah, I've heard about the topic but if you want to talk respect it you'll have to do it in a blog. Not in this group.

Ok thanks for responding

So, just a question, I noticed some of the early posts blame another user for these rules being put in place, and then, Dark Cold tells me he's the reason these rules were implemented. The reply tags from posts like the ones from 7537084 and 7537085 don't show up, as if the user who they were replying to no longer exists. Does anyone else think Dark Cold might be a ban evader?

Group Admin

I'm going to figure it out.

Group Admin

And just to be clear, for all members, one more time:

No politics, race, or gender related posts are allowed in this group.

You still want to discuss about the topics above? Go here, but not here.

Group Contributor

No, because he literally deleted his old account and then soon after made a new one. I don’t think he’s ever been banned before.

Ok, although at this point, even with the ban from the group, he's still trolling us with dislikes. At least he's admitting to the person he is. He actually admitted that the stuff we've said about him is true in his newest blog. I only paid attention when I called him out for playing the victim

The guy's a pathetic whiner, that's what :facehoof:

Really ashamed random threads can still degrade into unrelated religion talk when the original post had nothing to do with it. No wonder why this is such a common rule across groups, it's way too easy to derail just about anything with that talk. Although I suppose if that thread wasn't locked I would have ended up fueling the flames, so that saved me doing that.

7537067 The two things you never talk to anyone about: politics and religion.

Agreed, but the update is about keeping forum titles relatively short. One of the more recent forum threads has a super long title that would have worked better in the actual post, not as the title

You left one out: The Great Pumpkin.

Please don't go there. :/

The Simpsons did a parody of that special for Halloween, Milhouse wants to see the Great Pumpkin and doesn't believe Bart was joking when he told him about it, and his childish delight is what brings him to life. Then Milhouse pisses him off by giving him pumpkin bread, and he goes on a rampage because of people hurting pumpkins in the process of making Jack o Lanterns, and when Nelson threatens to hurt another pumpkin, the Great Pumpkin doesn't care because it's a yellow pumpkin, meaning he's a racist. Then they summon a giant turkey to defeat the Great Pumpkin, but he's horrified that people eat turkey for Thanksgiving and the whole thing happens all over again

I think he meant to say Fight Club

But I like it. Especially the part with the Red Baron.

That was just a joke, first rule of Fight Club, you do not talk about Fight Club

I was thinking the exact same thing.

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