Passports and Portals 55 members · 45 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

This isn’t a contest. There’s no time limit, or prizes, or judging; I ran a contest recently and don’t want to burn myself out. This is just a glorified prompt, in the same vein as Admiral Biscuit's Not-a-Contest.

The concept is simple: Write about ponies1 visiting Earth as tourists. The more obscure the location, the better.

That’s pretty much it. Feel free to spread the word!

I'll add the entries to this bookshelf; be sure to add yours to the appropriate folder in this group.

  1. or any MLP characters; “ponies” is just a shorthand


Challenge accepted!


Still working out the outline, but very well!

Welp . . .

TConvention Hotel
Pony tourists invade Baltimore Inner Harbor Hyatt Regency for a convention.
Admiral Biscuit · 7.5k words  ·  327  5 · 3.9k views

Aw YEAH, this is great! I've been itching to travel since lockdown so this will be a great way to get that excitement (vicariously).

I take it existing stories are excluded? (snerk)

♫We're off, on a Disney road trip
Our ride might be tiny and small
But road trips are a great way, we've been told, to get along
I'm glad we're sticking to it, we've already got a song
We're off, on a Disney road trip
Side by side, just like peas in a pod…♫

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

Yes. Also, you kid, but SockPuppet is writing a fanfic where Flurry Heart goes to Disney World.

I don't know if a mature story is exactly in the spirit of the contest...but here.

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

Can the journey to Earth be part of a larger story? I've got a story in the works where the Young Six visit Scotland for part of the story.

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

I’m not sure (unlike contests, I’m being lax about the rules because this is informal), but you have my interest.

Wrote a thing! Apparently I can't add it to the group, but here it is.

EA Rainbow Over Station 9
Rainbow Dash climbs north.
Odd_Sarge · 3.8k words  ·  33  0 · 552 views
Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

That's strange.

Yeah, it was throwing an odd error. Not sure what it was all about.

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

I added it for you.

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