Swapped Roles 198 members · 93 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

Greetings, citizens of the internet! You can call me Nitro Indigo, and it’s time to announce the results! The entries to this contest were ranked based on their overall quality, how original the roleswaps were, and how much they made use of said roleswaps. The entries can be found in this folder, and will remain there.

Disqualified: It Takes a Princess (not finished before the deadline)
Annulled: The Elements of Magic (the author knew they wouldn’t be able to finish it on time)

Without further ado... let’s announce the winners!

3rd place

It’s a tie!

EDragon Swap
AU: Oneshot - What if it was a different dragon egg Twilight hatched as a filly?
Trinary · 6.3k words  ·  269  3 · 4.9k views
EFarm Responsibility
Big Mac struggles to keep his farm together.
HapHazred · 3.8k words  ·  47  2 · 1k views

Originally, I said there would be no third-place prize. However, taking a page from Depth of Innocence, we decided that the third place prize should be 1,000 words written by RainbowDoubleDash.

2nd place

EAsk Not the Sparrow
In an Equestria that could have been, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash accompany Princess Celestia on a quest to reclaim the mantle of the Sun!
MagnetBolt · 7.5k words  ·  213  3 · 2.9k views

Expect a reading of this on my YouTube channel sometime this month.

1st place

ERunic Notation
When the Element of Magic, Octavia Melody, came to the club it was a pleasant surprise. When she decided to recruit the cellist Twilight Sparkle and DJ Rarity to help her hunt monsters, the shock was far less pleasant.
TCC56 · 9.8k words  ·  72  5 · 907 views

Congratulations, TCC56! I’ll PM you with details about PayPal.

RainbowDoubleDash will post their thoughts in the comments of each entry, while I’ve reviewed every entry in a blog post.

Overall, I’m impressed by the results. Some pretty popular authors entered, and no two entries had the same swap pairs. I can imagine several of these being the foundations for their own ‘verses.

Group Contributor

I’ll be posting commentary on all the stories (much) later today, once I get back from work.

Congrats to everyone who wrote for the contest, though!

Well! I was not expecting that at all! (I mean, I thought I worded good but..)

Alright then - thank you very much!

Oh wow, I finally placed in a contest! So cool! Congrats to the winners!

I was especially impressed by "Ask Not the Sparrow" and am not surprised at its high placement.

"The entries can be found in this folder, and will remain there."

I clicked on it and just got a "500 - Internal Server Error." Anyone know what happened to the folder?

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

7400637 I changed my mind, deleted it, and moved the entries to other folders.

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