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A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Ending #1: Fluttershy

Ending #2: Rarity

Ending #3: Spike

I'm torn between Rarity and Spike's endings. Fluttershy's was just if you want the easy way which I saved for last. Rarity's was the first ending I watched, and it was a hilarious piece like a Pepe le Pew and Penelope Pussycat chase scene. And had a cool spoofed moment of the movie Aliens. Now Spike's was probably the last major role he ever had in the Equestria girls series. Since Spike is a dog in this world there's no chance of seeing any Sparity ship, so they had to pair him up with his own kind here. A dog. Sad part was his Lady and the Tramp scene with Princess Thunderguts was interrupted. So even Dog Spike can't have a real happy ending. But I digress they were good choose your ending shorts

I agree, it's very hard to decide.

I can't decide between Rarity and Spike, they're both good.

A tie between Spike and Rarity.

Fluttershy's ending!:twilightsmile:

7797761 Simple is best.

I personally prefer Fluttershy's ending.

Fluttershy. She simply is the best.

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