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The Red Parade
Group Admin

The wait is over! 

Thank you all for your patience as we prepared these results. We know it took a bit longer than usual, and we hope the wait was worth it. 

I’d also like to thank the judges for taking time out of their busy lives and schedules to read, write, deliberate, and read some more - your efforts are very much appreciated! 

Finally, a huge thank you to all of those who participated in May Pairings 2023! Whether that was writing, pre-reading, editing, or voting on entries to boost them into the feature box - we had a great turnout this year, and it was so much fun to watch the site enjoy all of these stories along with us.

As a reminder, our prize structure is as follows:

  • First Place: 100 USD
  • Second Place: 60 USD
  • Third Place 40 USD
  • Judges Prizes (x5): 10 USD

Now, onto the awards!

Judge Prize: "Eye of the Storm" by TheDriderPony

It’s quite difficult to take a small, fairly insignificant moment and spin it into a bizarre and wonderful comedy that capitalizes on an underutilized villain, but Eye of the Storm does this to a superb extent. Derpy’s tendency for bad luck mixes incredibly well with the Storm King’s desire to build a financially successful and efficient corporation, and the unintended consequences that unfold for all parties involved are hilarious and funny to follow along. A fantastic tale that makes for a great laugh.

-The Red Parade

TEye of the Storm
Derpy Hooves had never thought herself a mare of exotic tastes, but when Equestria gets conquered by an invading army (again) she learns the hard way that sometimes the heart wants what it wants, regardless of good sense.
TheDriderPony · 7.5k words  ·  28  3 · 487 views

Judge Prize: "For Crimes Not Committed" by Scyphi

I do quite enjoy my mystery crime thrillers and this story definitely scratches that itch. The fic trods along well-worn and familiar pathways of the genre, hitting all the important milestones that make the solid plot work wonders. The dynamic between our two leads and the inherent buddy comedy created with the easy chemistry between the two at the right amounts of levity to the grim and suspenseful unfolding of the plot. An excellent entry to the genre it is emulating and a fun ride from start to finish.


TFor Crimes Not Committed
Goldengrape and Greta go on the run when framed for a murder they didn't commit.
Scyphi · 19k words  ·  20  1 · 216 views

Judge Prize: "Moonstone and Flameagate" by Purple Seacow

One of the most obvious marks of a great fic is reaching the end of the last chapter and craving more. Moonstone and Flameagate was upbeat, engaging, and funny, with excellent character interactions to boot. It all culminates in an unexpectedly sweet and poignant ending that I absolutely adored. Purple Seacow, if you’re amenable, I would love an epilogue! Thank you for this wonderful little story!


EMoonstone and Flameagate
Luna threw an annoying dragon off a mountain. The dragon came back for more.
Purple Seacow · 6.7k words  ·  33  1 · 436 views

Judge Prize: "Shadow Heart" by AugieDog

This is Cozy Glow at her very best. Evil and self-serving, a mastermind prodigy who is forced by the end of the story to confront her own short-sightedness. Stygian too shines in this story, with more character than the show ever gave him. Their interactions have a lot of comedy in them while still staying dark-edged. These are two characters I never thought to see interact yet work brilliantly as an evil / not-quite evil duo. Diabolical plots and morally grey characters abound, and I thoroughly enjoyed this read.


EShadow Heart
Cozy Glow can't remember the last time she'd felt the need—or had the ability—to blink. But with Stygian standing in front of her and saying that she's Equestria's only hope? That definitely deserves a blink or two.
AugieDog · 9.8k words  ·  93  4 · 1.2k views

Judge Prize: "Iron Dust" by Raugos

This is just such an entertaining pairing. It feels completely off-the-wall at first, but it quickly gives the reader a very solid reason why Lightning Dust and Iron Will would get along. The story does an excellent job setting up the premise so it doesn’t feel unreasonable, and we get insight into both why they would seek each other out, and what they can each offer the other. Their… friendship? Business partnership? Investment? …feels very natural and makes you want to root for them. And on top of the pure literary merit, this story is just a lot of fun to read. It’s in consideration for being well-written, but it’s getting my pick because I was thoroughly entertained.


TIron Dust
Lightning Dust forms a business partnership with Iron Will. Satisfaction completely guaranteed.
Raugos · 6k words  ·  47  0 · 456 views

Third Place: "Velvet Quill and Sunny Skies" by Sledge115

Velvet Quills and Sunny Skies is a unique story in what it accomplishes. It seems to capture an old, nostalgic era from the early days of MLP, paying homage to one of the most famous depictions of Celestia going for a romp disguised as a regular, everyday pony. This story builds on the idea through its presentation of her relationship with Velvet, interpreted as one that starts as publisher and writer, but evolves into something more along the way. 

-The Red Parade

This story is a wonderful tale of motherhood. A gently told slice of life with excellent characterization of the two main lead heroines. Its a beautiful piece with a gorgeous flourish to the words. The theming and pacing are its strongest strength, hitting the right balance of character and plot. ITs a delightful read and well worth the time if only for the in-depth development of Twilight Velvet.


Creative, thought-provoking, and heartwarming - this quiet little story explores the relationship between Twilight’s biological mother and her mother figure in the world of writing. I loved the ties drawn between mentorship and authorship, and the dialogue was a joy to read. Celestia’s godliness shines through her plain exterior, and Velvet’s wisdom transcends her much more humble origins. This is a beautiful story that weaves some fascinating threads across canon.


I loved the choice to tell this story through the lens of the publishing world. It’s a unique slant on Celestia, who is excellently written, though Twilight Velvet never discovers who exactly she is friends with. Celestia's escape from royal life as Sunny Skies is amusing yet poignant, and her pain over Sunset's defection is brilliantly and obliquely shown. Velvet is a strong presence and the friendship the two mares have, while based on a lie, is real and strong. Rich, vivid characterisation in a very compelling piece.


I’m very pleased to see the author I gave my judge pick to last year make their way onto the podium this year. This story is a novel take on storytelling perspective (pun intended), executed very well. It provides new insight into both Twilight Velvet and Celestia that mesh well with canon, and it’s a side of both that is rarely explored. Especially with a Mane 6 parent, it’s nice to see a story that doesn’t revolve around their relationship to their child, without ignoring it completely. I would have liked to see more insight into Celestia, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get to see a very interesting side of her as well, masquerading as an up-and-coming novelist turning the fairy tales of her youth into books for a new generation. Overall, this story is nuanced and insightful, and well worth the read.


EVelvet Quill & Sunny Skies
Twilight Velvet, book editor for Hoovesbury Publishing and mother of two, meets her newest client: aspiring writer Sunny Skies, who has as many secrets as Celestia has loving subjects.
Sledge115 · 13k words  ·  209  1 · 1.5k views

Second Place: "Fork in the Road" by Novelle Tale

It’s a common theme nowadays for authors to project parts of themselves and the people around them onto our beloved ponies, creating realistic and relatable vessels that further propel a story. Fork in the Road handles this expertly, having one of the most creative and grounded depictions of a character that lacks in screen time, while still using one of the most popular as a foil. The author is able to bridge this gap between background and forefront beautifully, being unafraid to delve into and create a painfully understandable backstory and sculpting the story and conflict around their fears and anxieties. A very great read and an easy recommendation to distinguished fans of background ponies.

-The Red Parade

This is by definition something I would think of as a cozy fic. There is a significant undercurrent of emotional growth with both Lemon and Luna within this fic that is suited to more intense drama-oriented, but is told in such a gentle way as to be described as comfortable. The themes and symbolism were strong, tying together an amazing overarching story of acceptance and overcoming. A wonderful read from start to finish.  


One of my favorite things about May Pairings is the potential for non-romantic pairings to flourish. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good out-there ship - but there’s just so much untapped potential in other places. This story not only presents us with a central pairing that is complex and non-romantic - it also deeply and richly explores the oft-forgotten Lemon Hearts. I think the greatest praise I can give this story is that it has wholly cemented this version of Lemon Hearts in me as the Lemon Hearts. Luna’s characterization is just as lovely: precocious, angry, and out of place following her recent return from the moon. It’s an excellent tale, well worth your time and capable of leaving a deep and lasting impression.


The non-romantic pairing between Luna and Lemon Hearts is beautifully written. Lemon is a character that shines with individuality, a full fleshing out of a background pony while still being true to what the show does tell us about her. Her journey to rejection of her racist mother is very compelling, and Luna's characterisation is raw-edged and real. An absolute banger of a fic.


It is well known that I am a sucker for a good Luna fic, especially one that isn’t afraid to give her a personality, and this delivers. This story explores a raw, angry Luna just trying to cope with her return, and an excellently characterized Lemon Hearts doing her best to help her. Both of them feel well-realized and honest, and it is a joy to watch their friendship grow. This story does a fantastic job of exploring their issues, from Luna’s resentment to Lemon Heart’s imposter syndrome, and making sure you care about them as they grow. A wonderfully pleasant read.


TFork in the Road
Sometimes life takes you where you least expect--this is just as true for Lemon Hearts as it is for Princess Luna.
Novelle Tale · 6.7k words  ·  19  0 · 224 views

First Place: "Leap Before You Look" by Botched Lobotomy

It’s often easy to forget that writing is a medium, in the same vein that art is a medium. Yet Leap Before You Look does a wonderfully fantastic job of turning pictures back into words, painting with syntax a vivid, tragic, and beautiful story about a mare too determined to quit, and the photographer who memorialized her. The story pulls in several different directions, touching on the temporal nature of art and memory, as well as the characterization of one of my favorite character’s fate. Written in an intriguing and compelling voice, this story gives you all the gory details while leaving enough space for you to fill the gaps yourselves. A brilliant work and a true masterpiece.

-The Red Parade

Unique perspective and framing is always an interesting thing to read, and, when done correctly, can provide a wholly astounding experience. This fic did it correctly. The narrative style of telling the relationship of Photo Finish and Lightning Dust through an art gallery and flashbacks, with the perspective significantly fixed to the viewpoint of Photo Finish is brilliant. The whole journey of seeing mere glimpses and impressions of what they meant to each other is so poignant and artistic in execution. It is by far one of my favourite reads of this year’s contest and something I believe everyone should read at least once.


Bold, creative, emotional, and evocative. In this fic, you walk through a photography exhibit. How can writing so completely capture the experience of a visual exhibit? How can so few words capture so much of a life? If I knew, I wouldn’t be so completely speechless. This is a brilliant fic that takes an enormous risk (with many other, smaller risks peppered in-between) and tells an incredible story of artist and muse. I’ll admit, I have come to expect Botched Lobotomy to bring the heat in contests like this, but this is one of their greatest. It is difficult to describe the experience of reading this story, and I urge you to go and read it yourself.


This was such a unique story, and it really did stand out head and shoulders above the others. Sometimes you read something that makes you remember that writing is art, and not just a way to tell stories – Leap Before You Look is one of those. The non-linear, semi-epistolary writing makes for an intriguing and engaging read, and BotchedLobotomy knows when to leave things unsaid. The beautiful prose matches well with the choice to  reveal the narrative largely through the medium of describing photographs. Both LD and Photo Finish are written extremely well. Ends on a sad, almost sour note that leaves the reader feeling bittersweet.


When I first opened this story, I thought, ‘oh, this is a cool gimmick.’ I couldn’t tell you exactly when it stopped being a gimmick, because I was too engrossed in the story being told. The technique on display is impressive, and it draws you so thoroughly into its world - an Equestria from a perspective I’ve never seen before. There’s a host of stories out there that get into your heart by making you care about a character and then killing them off, and this reversal of that formula - presenting a character that is dead in the description, and then making you care afterwards, is excellently bittersweet.


TLeap Before You Look
Lightning Dust is dead. Photo Finish opens up an exhibition in memory of her life. Slowly, as you wander the gallery, the image of a mare begins to emerge.
Botched Lobotomy · 4.2k words  ·  30  0 · 486 views

And, just like that, another year of pairings has come to a close. Again, thank you ALL for writing, reading, talking, and participating this year - it is always a heartwarming sight. We'll see you all next year! Until then, keep pushing, keep writing, and keep pairing!

Winners, expect a PM from me sometime soon to discuss your prize.

So long!

The Red Parade
Group Admin

I'd once again like to offer apologies for the delay in releasing these, June and July proved to be hectic for several of the judges and we received more entries than last year's bout!

I'll also take this time to thank my dedicated and wonderful team of volunteer judges who took the time to read and evaluate every single entry! You guys are the best!!

Thank you to everyone who entered and we'll hopefully see you again next year!

Congrats to all the winners! :twilightsmile:

What a wonderful slate of winners. Excellent choices all around, though I will admit I had hoped to see Eye of the Storm score higher. But still! Congrats to the winners and I look forward to us doing this dance again next year.

Well, I can see why I didn't even place. The sting of defeat is a bit rough, but these were some tough competitors. Congratulations to the winners.

I just gotta say, don't think like this. Because others preferred stories that weren't your's does not lessen the quality of what you've written. Different judges typically means different winners. Never sell yourself short.

It was nice to have the excuse to write a rare pair. And I've written more now! Thanks again for propelling my pony words.
Never expected anything but the fun I had writing, and that is what I came for in the first place.

Congrats to the winners!

I Seth Standmore would like to thanckx's everybrony who precipitated in this Paring Event, it was a Good Time for Everyone Involved, my story Scootaloo's First Period was a Rousing Success and the finest thing I ever wrote, Congratulations to all of the other Winner's and if you want to Donation your Prize Winning's to a Good cause my GF Katana-Maru-Chan need's new PlayStation after hers was thieved by a stealer, she says the easiest way to give them to her is by sending her your Credit Card Number and the Three Silly Digit's on the back.

Anyway I look foreword to winning again next year, congratulation to everyone and let us all STAND MORE TOGETHER.

Shout-out to Botched Lobotomy for being fantastically talented and ranking first in yet another competition. A criminally underappreciated talent.

I had SO much fun writing Lemon Hearts and angy!Luna. I didn't think I'd place though!!! 😲 This is so exciting. I'm looking forward to reading all these podium placements and judge picks.

Don't worry. Again it just stings a little is all. The quality of my writing was good, it was featured for a few days, and it even got a Russian translation. It just didn't do anything fancy. It was a well-written, but straight-forward ship with some cuteness thrown into the mix.

If I was dead set on winning, I probably could've played to the judges' tastes more and thrown something together with a bit more substance and tricks, but that'd feel like disingenuous oscar-bait. I wanted to write a comedy as a break from the two dramatic longfics I'm writing.

Not to sound obnoxious myself, but that does seem to be the way to go for a contest. Play to the tastes of the judges.

But like you said, I love the characters I wrote about and I wouldn't have tried to go more obscure for the sake of it. Nor would I have tried to cater to sensibilities that aren't mine. Ah well, was fun, I suppose.

7865719 Can I just point out that, in this context, “play to the judges” means

a bit more substance and tricks

which is otherwise dismissed as

disingenuous oscar-bait

Look, I didn’t participate in this context, and I don’t have a stake in the outcome. But I’ve been a judge in a competition where people complained about not winning, and insinuated it was because of bias and taste, so stuff like this rankles me. It’s dismissive toward the stories that ranked, and insulting toward the judges.

Or at least, it would be insulting to me.

Botched did not suffer that Lobotomy so that someone could complain that a “straightforward” story only lost to theirs because judicial bias

Oh no, forgive me if it came across as bias.

I've no problem at all with any of the judging or whatnot. They did a great job and someone had to do what they did. What I meant is that when one writes specifically for a contest it's usually in the form of coming up with something that they weren't originally going to write.

So for example in this case, obscure pairings, a fic about 2 very obscure characters should get a better look, but generally would never be written about other than specifically for a contest where the objective was to do odd pairings.

So then the story that should get more recognition is generally the one that is written not necessarily from the heart, but for the contest.

Does that make sense?

Maybe I should've been more concise with my words.

7865722 I wasn’t really directing that part at you; I should have done more to clarify my response, myself.

Ah okay, I just hate misunderstandings. Congrats to all the people who won!

If that's the way it came across then I apologize. Currently dealing with jetlag after 2 flights and a layover constituting 36 hours of exhaustion. I do stand by what I said though. If I was more interested in winning than writing a rare pairing, I wouldn't have written a comedy. It's not a knock against the judges' decisions, but just that my story doesn't have a lasting impact like something more thought provoking or stimulating. However, I didn't want to write that. I wanted to write a cute romance.

But I’ve been a judge in a competition where people complained about not winning, and insinuated it was because of bias and taste, so stuff like this rankles me. It’s dismissive toward the stories that ranked, and insulting toward the judges.

This is a good reason to keep the judges' identities secret.

As I said, if I was desperate to win, I could've researched their own writing and check their favorites to craft something that'd play to their tastes. I'm not saying that the winners did that. I'm saying that I could've done that. I was trying to dispel the thought that 7865686 had that I was comparing myself to the winners' writing and dismissing my own because I didn't win.

I'm okay with losing. It stings that I lost, but that's just how it went. I bear no ill will to the authors. In fact, I knew I'd lost the moment I read Velvet Quills & Sunny Skies and conceded. Seeing it lost to two others that I hadn't gotten around to reading just shows the sheer storytelling prowess on display.

I liked your story. Moreso than some of the winners to be fair.

Lmao more than my own too, to be honest.

Yes! From the moment I read it, I was hoping "Moonstone and Flameagate" would place somewhere! It's a really good little fic, my favorite of the entries I personally read (not that I was a judge of course). :twilightsmile:

...and oh yeah, I guess my own entry got a judge's pick too, so that's cool I guess. :derpytongue2:

Congrats to all the winners.

Definitely didn't expect to win anything, especially with some big veteran names entering and striking homeruns with their own entries, but this contest was really fun regardless. Good practice for me in writing characters I'm not used to writing with. I'll definitely have to do more original pairing stories for more practice (and maybe enter the contest again, if there's another one).

Congrats to all the winners!


Aw shucks :twilightsheepish: I'm honoured, and I'm all the happier that you've all enjoyed this little tale of Velvet and Celestia :twilightsmile: Really, I'm just happy that after several tries with this little contest, I've finally gotten a top three spot!

Congratulations to the winning tale, and I hope everyone had fun, heh heh.

For Crimes Not Committed was among my favorite a tries of this year, so Iʼm glad to see it get the recognition it deserves.

Congratulations to all winners!

That Luna/Garble pairing was very entertaining. Happy it got a judge prize!

Thank you for your hard work, judges, and congrats to the winners!

Didn't get a chance to submit for this contest, but I'm definitely going to be checking out these stories soon! So many fascinating pairings! The amount of reflection by the judges is another reason I really like this contest; some post-contest remarks are rather curt and don't really say what they like about the fics, but this contest always seems to go in-depth about what they like about the submissions.

Thank you so much to the judges and authors who made this contest possible!

I'll say:

Thank on behalf of my AugieDog self since I'm apparently only registered in this group under this name. I'm now thinking I'll hafta continue this pairing in the Cozy Glow contest that's running through the end of Sept... :eeyup:


Woah! Hey, would ya look at that. Thanks for the kind words! And thanks for the personal reflections, too. It means a lot when the more experimental stories connect with people.
Congrats to all the other winners!


I'm just a reader, but that looks amazing! Have a late Congratulations, and have fun reading and writing!
Well who knows, your story could be on the top in terms of romance tales, since I noticed that only one judge pick has a romance tag~

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