Original Pairings 495 members · 718 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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So, I have a pairing in mind that I think... might count for this group, but I'm not sure.

See, it's a ship that, from what I can see, has barely any representation at all within the fandom. It has ten images on Derpibooru and, excluding some stuff in my own stories, a quick bit of searching reveals only one fic on this site that deals with it, plus one I can remember that, I think, mentioned in for a single line once and isn't on the site anymore anyway.

So, what's the problem? Sounds like exactly the sort of thing this group's all about, right? Well, there's just one... tiny little snag that's got me unsure:

It's canon.

So... yeah. Does it being canon (if to an arguable degree) automatically disqualify it from this group or does the near-complete lack of any kind of fan works make it suitable?

Also, I apologize if this isn't the right method of asking, it's just that I thought this was an interesting enough quandary to be worth asking in a public format.

I think this question would be relevant enough to have its own thread here, so that part should be fine.
Honestly, I’d consider the ship fine too, but it really all boils down to what the definition of a ‘crack-ship’ really is. Some would imagine it as a pairing between characters who have little chemistry at first glance, others would say it’s between those who have little to no canon interaction, but I’d argue that it’s moreso whether the ship is rather unknown. After all, SugarMac may be canon, but there’s so little of it in the show or in fan creations that it may as well qualify as ‘crack’.
Maybe I’m a little biased with how little I’ve actually seen of the show or how much I want more things to qualify for contest entries, but what I am rather sure of is that crack-ship contest entries tend to be partially graded on how ‘crack’ the ship featured is, so if it is canon, it likely wouldn’t be as crack as something that isn’t, even if the latter has more fan creations related to it, so that should be worth taking into consideration if you plan to make something with a questionably crack ship.

Its Original Pairings. The only qualifier is a lack of stories. Since there are no stories of the characters, they would be considered an Original Pairing.

I'm inclined to agree with OtterGuy, I think that can count for the group. Granted I'm not entirely sure which duo combination you're going for here, but from just doing a brief look around searching for stories with their names, I'm not finding much with either combination, so it's more than likely okay for this group.

Comment posted by CryingChild deleted May 7th, 2022

i think it wouldn't disqualify it lmao idk

The Red Parade
Group Admin


Yes that's fine.


Fair point - I was referring to Twist and Truffle Shuffle, but I suppose the same could apply to the other possible options presented.

Anyway, thank you all for the responses - I'm definitely inclined to agree, of course, but I find it both gratifying and interesting that the thought met with such unanimity. I hope you found it at least a little interesting to think about as well.

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