Equestria at War 1,820 members · 808 stories
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Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

Welcome back, everyone, to another showcase of ours! Apparently I forgor and messed up again because I was very certain the last showcase was two weeks ago. Apparently it was three? Whoops.

No matter! Let's get into the nitty gritty and showcase a story!

Today's primary criteria: Release date!

Confidential Cases of Crystalstar Corporation

In a world constantly embroiled by strife and violence, there is always some profit to be made on the side.

As an insurance investigator for defense company Crystalstar in Hippogriffia, Azerda Zamarata is responsible for investigating overseas cases for military assets, with some…corporate legal liberties. Seeing her home lost twice in one lifetime, the zebra only has her eyes for monetary gain – but with each case, she can only hope to make something of herself in a rapidly changing world.

Story rating: Teen

Story tags: Adventure, Mystery, Alternate Universe, Violence, Death

Character tags: OC, Zebra, Hippogriffs

Basic premise: Crystalstar takes place during/shortly after the North Zebrica War. We follow a zumidian zebra veteran of the war, who was forced to abandon her homeland when Colthage, Chiropterra and Wingbardy overpowered Arisian defences. She goes on to work for as an insurance investigator after the war, leading her to mingle with regular police and discover some mysterious cases of her own.

Final words: It isn't everyday that EaW has a good mystery story written in-universe, yet this one gained my attention because it neatly and uniquely tied into the world at large. A zumidian exile, veteran of the North Zebrica War, becoming some sort of investigator for a shady insurance company? Yes, that sounds like a unique, fun tale.

The story is still early on in development, with only two chapters published, but I'm admittedly curious how it will progress. The writing is fluent and engaging, and the characters all bring the world to life very well. I recommend you to give this a chance and track it if you're intrigued!

That's all for today. Join us next time when we return with another showcase, based primarily on the criteria of popularity.

Useful links:

Reddit Crosspost
Reddit Informative Post
Fimfiction Informative Post
Previous Showcase

Apparently I forgor and messed up again because I was very certain the last showcase was two weeks ago. Apparently it was three? Whoops.

I imagine you had the same expression as Twilight in your current profile picture as you realized this...

Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

I called everyone in the Discord vile slander until I conveniently "had to go to bed". I woke up, wrote this up and posted it before they woke up.


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