Equestria at War 1,820 members · 808 stories
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Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

Well met, and welcome back to our second story showcase! I'm glad to have received all of you after our first edition two weeks back, and hope you stick around for this week and the years after! Without any further ado, let's get into this week's story!

Today's primary criteria: Release Date

Turning Over A New Loaf

Hippogriffia's isolationism has had both good and bad effects for the nation. One ardent reporter with no real opinion on this isolationism heads out to interview a recently-immigrated baker after she's made a name for herself. This is what follows.

Story rating: Everyone

Story tags: Slice of Life, Alternate Universe

Character tags: Original Characters, Seaponies

Basic premise: As a one-shot and slice of life story, Turning Over A New Loaf's premise is rather simple. Coral Ridge, a reporter-turned-press representative for Queen Novo's government is looking to interview a pony baker in Mount Aris. What follows is both a colourful and true to life description of the city, as well as the bakery itself, in addition to a warm talk about the past and present. There is no war, or big bad guys in this. It's just a small bakery within the great city - and sometimes, that's the type of story you need.

Final words: Though a short one-shot, Turning Over A New Loaf is one of those stories that has the potential to make you all warm and fuzzy inside with its cozy descriptions and grounded dialogue. There's no magic, no combat at all, and no drama. It's just a pony following her calling and being happy about that calling, and being asked about it.

I recommend giving this one a quick read, and letting it get to you. The writing is great (as usual for the author, really) and the setting appears believable, too. You don't need tons of big faces, let alone canon characters, to make a story appealing, and although much of this story is quite literally just an interview, it gives us a nice look at what the little folks in EaW may be up to.

For those who enjoy Slice of Life, or just in general stories that deal with the common, day-to-day occurences of the normal folk outside of political shenanigans, I can recommend this one whole-heartedly.

That's all for today! We'll return, as scheduled, in two weeks with another story for you all to read and enjoy. That time, it will be primarily judged and chosen based on popularity. Until then, keep reading, keep writing, and carry on!

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I haven't heard of this one before, I'll check it out soon!:raritywink:

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