Equestria at War 1,820 members · 808 stories
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This is just me testing the waters, but would anyone be interested in a crossover between Equestria at War and Carrier Commander 2?

The basic premise is an unmanned colony from Earth has set itself up just before everything kicks off in EaW, and ends up being the main threat to everyone. Most of northern Zerbica and Equus are lost by the time the story starts, while Griffonia has gotten off lighter than the rest; the southern islands having been practically depopulated, now containing a decent portion of the unmanned colony’s fuel production facilities and rocket launch platforms. Ironically, Griffonia’s underdevelopment has allowed it to avoid prioritization by the colony’s master AI, focusing most of its military resources into Equus. Said AI doesn’t recognize any of the native races as intelligent life due to negligent programming, brought about by Earth’s desperate need for resources after a series of devastating wars. Instead, the flawed AI classifies the natives and their machines as “aggressive mega-fauna”, even tanks and warships.

Anyway, the story itself will revolve around the human Commander that, after being separated from his colleagues when their starship is ripped out of orbit by the royal sisters, has to run damage control as the AI is so flawed that it considers any tampering or change to its original orders are hostile acts, thus shutting the humans out. Fortunately, someone had used their brain when programming how the colony would be set up, having several storage bases be constructed that are isolated from the master AI’s control, especially as this story comes after Carrier Commander 2’s events, so more precautions against AI tampering have been developed, for better and, in the case of this story, worse.

One of these bases, located on the island south of the Dragon Isles, contains one of the colony’s four carriers, the ACC Mu. This carrier and facility are slaved to remain in hibernation until given a specific activation code. This is the carrier the Commander will use to, again, run damage control across the planet and reassert a semblance of order over the unmanned colony. Fortunately, this isn’t the first time he’s done such a thing, but instead of relying upon his fellow man, or be subordinate to his own Commander, he has to get buddy buddy with the locals and take upon himself the burden of command.

As for who, and what faction, the Commander’s primary local source of contact will be, I was thinking the Aquileians would be good choice. That and I’m a little biased in favor of gryphons, and wish to give the French aesthetics some love, despite myself being 89% Bri’ish and born in the good ol’ US of A. How he gets in contact with them is straight off the bat; the suddenness of the starship being torn from orbit, and the injuries inflicted upon the Commander during the event, sees his shuttle crash land into the sea separating east Equus and west Griffonia, leading him to be captured by an Aquileian cruiser escorting an Allied convoy westbound. He spends a few days aboard before the ship is sunk by the unmanned colony’s naval forces that patrol the sea lanes, but he and the Aquileian survivors are picked up by the ACC Mu that has been trying to close with the Commander’s position ever since he splashed down.

I won’t spoil anything else, as I’ve actually developed the outline to 4.5k words now with more to come. However, I’d like to get people’s thoughts on this premise, and advice on both EaW lore and what folder(s) to submit the story too for the group.


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