Equestria at War 1,820 members · 809 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

Hello, yes.

It's been a long time since I took any active action around here, but since I do still technically own the group, I had our folders expanded and rearranged a little given how much time has passed since last they were updated.

Here's the 'changelog' for you:

  • Added a 'Continent' parent folder with subfolders for Equus, Griffonia and Zebrica each.
  • Removed 'Yakyakistan' and 'River Federation' folders under the 'Protagonist Faction' parent folder since they were unused.
  • Added a Hippogriffia and Chiropterra folder under the 'Protagonist Faction' parent folder for the release of Zebrica.
  • Added Griffonian Empire, Aquileia and Wingbardy as separate folders under the 'Protagonist Faction' parent folder to indicate their status of great and important powers more and since they are fan favourites on the continent.
  • Added a general 'Zebras' folder to 'Protagonist Faction' parent folder since zebra nations with focus trees are quite sparse, so far.
  • 'Griffon' folder will likewise remain in that same parent folder, but should only be used for Griffon nations that aren't either Aquileia, Wingbardy or the Empire specifically (i.e. minor nations). Those stories that are already in there now... oh well.

Feel free to shoot me your feedback on this, as well as any requests for additional changes. Colthage didn't get their own folder at this point in time since, geopolitically speaking, they're really just a minor power in the grand scheme of things and I doubt many stories will be created specifically about them.

There don't seem to be perms to add to the Equus or Aquileia folders

Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

I have no idea why that is because they SHOULD be perfectly fine judging by the settings. I tried deleting and recreating them but uh, still nothing.

Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

7724635 (and @everyone, I suppose)

Featherus and I found the issue, which is a site-wide bug that somehow still persists. Empty folders don't have the 'add story' button when you actually go visit the folder here in the group. They ARE however able to be added onto.

To add a story to an empty folder, go to the story you want to add (doesn't even have to be your own), to to the drop down menu on the top right of the story window (in the general overview of the story, where you see the chapters and summary). From there, go to 'add to group' and search for the EaW group and the right folder.

After any first story is added, you can add stories as normal by visiting folders and doing it from there, as well. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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