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Which Scifi Factions would be most likely to ally with one another?

This is something that is occassionally discussed in fanfiction and rarely discussed in Geek debates which is the formation of Alliances between different Science Fiction Factions. More often than not in Geek debates it comes down to which Faction would win a war with another faction. In some fanfics Alliances are formed between factions against a singular or multpile threats. For simplicities sake I will break Alliances down into various categories, partly with the aid of Warhammer 40k's allies system.

Type 1: Battle Brothers (Aka groups that would ally pretty much without hesitation, natural allies)

Type 2: Allies of Convience (The two groups goals align but aren't nessecarily the same. They won't attack eachother out of hand but neither side fully trusts the other)

Type 3: Desperate Allies (Under normal circumstances these factions would be hostile to one another but not above teaming up against more serious threats)

Type 4: Come the Apocloypse (The our backs are up against the wall, we either work together or we die sort of team up)

Basically pick two or more factions and discuss the possibility, implications, benefits, or draw backs that an Alliance between the subject factions. Have fun.

If you ask me the Federation/Klingon Alliance In TNG is more of a type 2. You could tell that they wheren't necessary hostile to each other and the alliance between them did gave them both benefits but their was still a deep dislike on the Klignons and to a lesser extrent federations sides about this which came to a head later in Online.

The Yuuzhan Vong war forced everyone into a type 3. utting aside the fact the New Republic and the imperiak Remant had been enemies for nearly two decades and the Chiss barely had contact within anyone The Yuuzhan Vong where posed to conquer the galaxy and their extreme religoius beliefs and technophia agaist the heretics (read: The whole Galaxy!) made it it a nessercity that they worked together.

The Reaper War in Mass effect was type 4 as despite all the delays the Reaper's invasion would have still ended in their victory if not for everyone in the galaxy regardless of their hatreds of past anomoisties as to lose would mean the end of everyone.

And the Human-Conveiant speratist where type 3 turned type 2, if you play the games you should know how that turned out though even afterwards the OSA works to weaken the control that the Abrite (who I might add wants geniune peace with humanity... yeah the OSA are nearsighted fools)

Interesting points, though I was aiming for crossover analysis. Also its ONI not OSA.

I am assuming SRPA is something from Killzone? Not really familiar with the lore from that series.

nearly ready just need to do some stuff like a banner and what not..

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