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For the sake of my question, just assume the simulation hypothesis is right. We're all just data points flowing through a system that is being used by a higher power for either entertainment or research. Through some stroke of luck, we become aware of this. Now, how do we get out of this bloody thing?

My Plan: Find out how their file system works and somehow send ourselves to their 3-D printer.

What's your plan?

Figure out how to give myself root access and enjoy eternal life as your new God.

Group Admin

Disable aging.exe, death.exe, etc.

In a more serious vein: escape to where? Reality is perception. Life, death, pain, pleasure, those are all data before the senses. What makes one world more real than the other are two factors: completeness and power. If one world is more complete and contains more variety, it is the greater. If one reality can affect the other, but not be affected by it, it is also the greater.

The question isn't "are we in a simulation" and "how do we escape," it is "does it matter if we are in a simulation" and "why should we want to escape."

5619719 Any second now our creators could flip the switch off and reality would be gone without a trace. If we escaped to their plane of existence, they wouldn't have that type of power over us. Then again, even if we left, we'd be boned. A universe with five spatial dimensions and three temporal dimensions could make anyone's head spin.

Then there's human curiosity. What kind of world lies beyond our restricting CPU? I'd be tempted to find out.


Any second now our creators could flip the switch off and reality would be gone without a trace.

That's more of a philosophical statement than I usually go for, but this is something that literally applies to any kind of existence, at any point in life. The whole reason this kind of thought experiment exists is, in fact, because we do not know what makes reality exists. Whatever force brought the universe into being could literally wink out at any moment, with no way to predict it and no rhyme or reason to it. Natural law only applies within the universe. We cannot know what, if anything, governed what happened to create it in the first place, or whether it will ever disappear back into whatever cosmic trouser pocket it came from. We can only ever know that it hasn't happened yet, not that it won't happen. It's not as much of a selling point as it sounds.


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