The Cupcakes and Cuddles Club 188 members · 503 stories
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Group Admin

Find A Friend Thread

This is a thread where you can post a little bit about yourself and what you are looking to find and get a friendly response. You can request a friend, a adopted family member, a dating partner, a writing buddy, an art collaborator, or any kind of relationship you feel comfortable with requesting (that is safe for work and doesn't violate any overall site rules).

There are however a few rules that must be followed to keep everyone in the group safe.

The Rules:

1. Do not post anything that publicly identifies you like your birthday, your real name, or etc. Only use your username on this site to identify yourself by.

2. Do not harass or pester a member into becoming a friend or forming any other type of relationship. This is considered harassment and you will be reported to the site admins if you are found to be doing so.

3. Keep discussion topics safe for work. If you want to discuss things of a romantic or personal nature, please move these conversations to the PM system. Posts that are found that violate this rule will be deleted without warning. If a person continues to post these types of threads they will be banned from the group.

4. This is not a role playing thread. This is a place for people to request real friendships and other types of relationships. Any role playing thread will be deleted by the group moderators without warning. If someone continues to role play on this thread after being warned three times, they will be banned from the group. There is a good place for this offsite if you really feel the urge for such things. Check out this resource here. But be sure to keep your RP off of this board, the group, and the site in general. Don't blame me. This is the rule of the site admins. If I don't comply they will eat my soul. It says so in the site rules.

5. The most important rule is to have fun getting to meet the people who post things here. Sit back, relax, chat with people who share your interests. Maybe you will find that person who is special to you.

How It Works

Fill out a short bio and request what you are looking for. Wait for someone to respond to your post. Feel free to talk as much as like on this thread to meet new people and form new friendships with other users.

Bio Template

This is a small bio template to fill out and post in the thread to get to know other members.

Note: You don't have to fill out everything, if you can't think of something to put. This is just a basic template to help people figure out details about themselves to post.


Looking For: Request a friend, a adopted family member, a dating partner, a writing buddy, an art collaborator, or any relationship you feel comfortable forming.

Username: Your name on this site, not your real name


Short Bio: A little about you.





Who I’d like to meet:

I’m really good at:

The first things people usually notice about me:







Foreign Television Shows/ Movies:


The six things I could never do without:

Dress Style:


Group Sections

Master Thread:

So... this is apparently the first post I've actually made in this group. Hm. Well, anyway, here I am! rock you like a hurricane

Looking For: Well, as interested as I am in a dating partner... a writing partner would be fine as well.
Username: Frogmyre
Short Bio: Well, what can I say? Born in the US, have a half-brother who I have mixed thoughts on, and a currently dealing with a lot, with a happy smile!
Personality: I always try my best to be positive, no matter the situation. Even when something hits me hard, emotionally, I'll smile my way through it! I may seem goofy, and I am. But when I need to be, I can be quite supportive. And if you're my friend, then I'm going to be there for you, no matter what. That's just how I am.
Hobbies: Does reading count as a hobby? I say it does. Reading, writing, and on occasion, playing video games!
Likes: Helping people, books about pretty much anything, long walks on the beach , writing a story that I really find enjoyable, eating great food, cooking food that's even better.
Heroes: [Leaving blank, I'm not entirely sure who I consider my hero.]
Who I’d like to meet: Stephen Fry.
I’m really good at: Baking muffins. And pies. And other such foodstuffs!
The first things people usually notice about me: I'd have to say my glasses, but I'm really not too certain myself.
Food: A well cooked dinner, or... well, pretty much anything homemade, to be honest!
Drinks: Tea! Tea for life.
Celebrities: [N/A]
Music: Queen, Rock and Roll, Metal, Classical, Indie, and whatever I happen to find at any given moment.
Movies: Strangers on a Train, The Great Dictator, Psycho, The Palm Beach Story, Singin in the Rain.
Television: My Little Pony, obviously. Fraiser. Friends. Everybody loves Raymond. Daredevil, as well. Black Books, if anyone has ever heard of it.
Foreign Television Shows/ Movies: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Good Morning, the original Godzilla movies, pretty much any giant monster movie, for that matter. That's in Japanese, anywho.
Books: Pretty much anything old and British, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Crime and Punishment, The Count of Monte Cristo.
The six things I could never do without: My friends, my family, my laptop, my recipe collection, my books, my dog.
Dress Style: [N/A]
Humor: ... British, I suppose? I'm not entirely sure how one answers a question like that.

Group Admin

4866673 Hello there! It's is good to meet you. Well, I will dd my own bio too I suppose.

Looking For:

Friends and creative partners (for music, animation, game, writing, art, and other projects). It would be good to find people willing to collaborate on some YouTube projects as well.





Short Biography:

Hello all! My name is Lyra Alluse and I like…err…anything that isn’t trying to gnaw off my toes really. I have a very open mind and would classify myself as a people person. My interests include writing, drawing, painting, crafting, sword fighting, dagger combat, archery, oriental style combat, and any other art form or fighting style that you can think of. I also LOVE ANIME. My favorite genres are fantasy and Sci Fi, though I do like my adventure books and movies; especially when lots of things blow up! Oh; pretty colors!! lol I HATE the genre of ROMANCE and someday will dispose of it completely with the help of my cat who is after world domination. I like strange people… (I am weird myself ^_-) …and tend to like doing funny things.


I am the most random person in the universe. Seriously. You are looking at someone who checks the mail Mission Impossible style and makes sound effects when I put items in the basket at the store. And that's isn't even the most random or weird stuff I've done.


Doing things with my writing, art, music, website design, and app development. I also want to start building a YouTube presence on my Art YouTube and Music YouTube channels.


Anime, cartoons, comics, manga, video games, books, tabletop gaming, online role playing games, card games, and all nerdy stuff you can think of in the universe. Yeah, I'm probably into it.


Aslan, Batman, Spiderman, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Gambit, Emma Frost (Yes, Emma Frost IS an X-Men. Look Her up on Google…), Daredevil, Wolfwood, Vash the Stampede, Tamahome, Hotohori, Tasuke, Miaka, Van, Dryden, Hitomi, Keiichi Morisato, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Youko Nakajima (Twelve Kingdoms!), InuYasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Gene Starwind, Jim Hawking, Jack Sparrow, The Doc (Back to the Future), C.S. Lewis, Albert Einstein, J.R.R. Tolkein, J.K. Rowling, Yoda, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy!), Steve Irwin, Yoko Kanno (Female Composer For Anime! Hell Yes!), Jessica, Vanessa, Pat, ALL Of My Friends (Everyone I didn’t mention but are loved just as much!), Rebecca (My Sis), My Family, Others.

Who I’d like to meet:

This is a serious list of the people that I want to meet in my life. No really, it is. I figure that this list has to be broken down into two sections; the imaginary people I want to meet (but unfortunately will never get to as they are made up) and the real people (like you) that I would like to meet.

Imaginary People:

Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean and Doc from Back to the Future.

Real People:

Anyone who is as random, full of life and crazy as I am. Weird people are my favorite kind of people. Why? Because I am strange myself. But I love everyone. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone I didn’t like.

Well…accept maybe this telemarketer who kept calling and asking me to buy some kind of Internet service. He seriously called ten times! I finally got rid of him in a rather humorous way. It went more or less like this.

Andy (telemarketer dude): Can I interest you in this exciting new service?

Me: Hmm…service. Makes me think of bacon. Yummy bacon. Mmm mmm good. Do you like bacon?

Andy: I am not at liberty to discuss this ma’am.

Me: Ah come on. Can’t we discuss monkeys? Or pizza? I love pizza!

Andy: Well…about this product…

My sister (randomly pops in): My hair tastes like a skunk!

Andy: …

Me: I told you to wash it three days ago!

Andy: …AOL has a lot to offer…

Me: Does it do windows? Serious; you know how hard those things are to clean?

Andy: You know what ma’am, if you are not going to take this serious than neither am I.

Me: Serious? Who said anything about being serious? I want my car waxed dang it! Can you do that?

Andy: …I can see our service might not be right for you. Have a nice day ma’am. click.

My sister and I: laughing our asses off.

LOL So anyway…just as long as you are not a telemarketer we’ll get along great. Big grin.

What I’m doing with my life:

It was dawn; I was in my towel when the ninjas attacked. lol J/K Now on to the real story. I guess you could say I am an adventurer of sorts; I like to travel, camp, try new foods, and meet new people. Just call me ‘Lyra Jones!’

I’m really good at:

I have extensive knowledge of all weapons and combat styles. I am handy at fixing things… (I am good with computers, software, and cars)…and I am good at creating anything I put my mind to. I even made a life size Darth Maul once! (I took it apart later after my sister complained that it looked too scary.)

The first things people usually notice about me:

People usually notice that I am very outgoing and friendly when they first meet me. The people that know me well say that I am weird, but in a good way. I have many friends and I love making more!


I love potatoes! They are like my favorite food on the planet! I especially like mashed potatoes and twice-baked potatoes. I really love sushi as well, but it is kind of hard to get where I live, and when I can find it, it is usually expensive. I usually buy sushi as a treat for myself when I do well at something, since it is harder to get a hold of. I like hamburgers, but not as much as I like steak or other meats. I tend to like seafood a lot, especially shrimp. I could eat shrimp all day! However, seafood is also hard to get where I live because I live in the desert, so it is also a special food that I save for special occasions since it is expensive. I also like confections! I love cakes, cookies, and chocolates! I especially like little cakes that you can get at the grocery market and put in your lunch. I love chocolate in all of its forms, especially white chocolate. My favorite cookies are probably chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies.

I like candies from other parts of the world. I usually go to the World Market and get them because it is kind of a hobby of mine to try new foods. I also love tea! I love green tea, but since I am half-British, I tend to drink a lot of European teas. I love Irish breakfast tea, jasmine tea, rose hip tea, lemon tea, mint tea, and evening tea blends. I don’t really drink too much alcohol. I only really drink like once a year (that’s not an exaggeration lol). However, when I do drink, I like to have margaritas, red wine, or daiquiris. I like fruity alcoholic beverages, but I also like a European drink called ‘Mead’ which is made from fermented honey. It is just like drinking candy! It’s so good.


My favorite non-alcoholic drinks are orange soda, grape soda, strawberry soda, Sprite, Mountain Dew, iced-tea, cream soda, vanilla soda, grape juice, apple juice, fruit punch, and mixed coffee drinks. I don’t drink coffee as much as I drink tea, but when I do drink it, I like it to be blended. I love cappuccinos and other similar coffee drinks.


Matsumoto Jun is my favorite actor of all time! Hayao Miyazaki is my favorite filmmaker of all time! Osama Tezuka is my favorite manga artist of all time! Fuyumi Ono is my favorite author of all time! Arashi is my favorite band of all time! Yoko Kanno is my favorite composer of all time! Ayumi Hamasaki is my favorite singer of all time! Yuu Watase is my favorite artist of all time!


I am third generation Norwegian, so I listen to a lot of Norwegian metal bands. One of my favorite Norwegian Metal bands is called ‘Moon Sorrow’. I just love the music! It is so haunting and mysterious. I also like a metal band called ‘Within Temptation’. ‘Within Temptation’ is a band is a band from the United Kingdom that one of my British cousins introduced me to and I ended up really liking it! I like a traditional Canadian folk singer named ‘Loreena Mckennitt’. I have one of her songs on my MySpace page. I also love the music of ‘Enya’. It’s so relaxing and inspiring! My favorite techno mixer is ‘DJ Sammy’, but I am also getting into a group called ‘Morandi’ which is a musical group from Romania. My favorite song by ‘Morandi’ is a song called “Angels.” It is very deep and touching. I especially like the video that goes with it.

Music (Simple):

I like Techno/ Dance, Celtic, Rock, Heavy Metal, Oldies (50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s music), or anything that has a good beat and keeps my attention for more than 5 seconds.


Holes, Serenity, Star Gate, Matrix Trilogy, Shanghai Noon, Shanghai Knights, Rush Hour (1 and 2), Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Batman Begins, Batman Anthology, National Treasurer, Shrek (1 & 2), All Disney Films, All Pixar Films, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Original Star Wars Trilogy, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Chronicles of Narnia: Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Grave of the Fireflies, The Cat Returns, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Porco Rosso, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Whispers of the Heart, All Studio Ghibli films, Others.


Teen Titans, Static Shock, X-Men Evolution, Batman Beyond, Batman: The Animated series, Superman: The Animated series, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Firefly, Stargate SG-1, Farscape, CSI, Law and Order, South Park, Drawn Together, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Megas XLR, Samurai Jack, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Futurama, American Dad, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Keenan and Kel, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Juniper Lee, Invader Zim, Fairly Odd Parents, Danny Phantom, SpongeBob SquarePants, My Life as a Teenage Robot, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Fushigi Yugi, Escaflowne, Twelve Kingdoms, Inu Yasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Slayers, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, Magic Knight Rayearth, El Hazard, Chobits, Case Closed, Ceres, Cowboy Bebop, DnAngel, Demon Hunter Yoko, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Kimba, Key the Metal Idol, Haibane Renmei, Weiss Kreuz, Little Prince, Lodoss War, Legend of Crystania, Magical Shopping, Arcade Abenobashi, Oh My Goddess, Orphen, RG Veda, Ranma 1/2, Steam Boy, Tenchi Muyo, Trigun, Utena, Vampire Hunter D, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf’s Rain, Vampire Princess Miyu, Yu Yu Hakisho, Ai Yori Aoshi, Angel Links, Akira, Animatrix, Arc the Lad, Banner of the Stars, Berserk, Zatch Bell, Captain Harlock, Card Captor Sakura, Chinese Ghost Story, Crest of the Stars, Earthian, Kare Kano, Interstella 5555, Iria, Rounin Warriors, Last Exile, Love Hina, Metropolis, Nadesico, Nadia, Samurai 7, Samurai Champloo, Sorcerer Hunters, Those Who Hunt Elves, A Tree of Palme, Shamanic Princess, Others.

Asian Television Shows/ Movies:

My Lovely Sam Soon, Full House, Engine, Tokyo Juliet, Marmalade Boy, Mars, They Kiss Again, It Started With A Kiss, Itazura na Kiss, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi, Stand Up!!, Kurosagi, Snow Queen, The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince, Last Friends, Hotaru no Hikari, Liar Game 2, LIAR GAME, Great Teacher Onizuka: The Movie, You’re Beautiful, One Pound Gospel, Beautiful Life, Bara no nai Hanaya, Bambino!, Attention Please!, Atashinchi no Danshi, Anego, Tsubasa No Oreta Tenshitachi 2, Tsubasa no Oreta Tenshitachi, Dragon Zakura, Great Teacher Onizuka: TV Special, Great Teacher Onizuka, Gokusen 3, Gokusen 2, Gokusen, Akai Ito, Yamada Taro Monogatari, Proposal Daisakusen, Hello My Teacher, Nobuta wo Produce, Zettai Kareshi, Why Why Love, Nodame Cantabile, Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi E ~ikemen♂paradise~ (JP), Hana Kimi (TW), Devil Beside You, Kimi wa Petto, My Girl, Corner with Love, Meteor Shower, Meteor Garden II, Meteor Garden I, Boys Over Flowers: Final, Hana Yori Dango: Season 2, Hana Yori Dango, Boys Over Flowers, Others.


Wicked, The Giver, Number the Stars, Raptor Red, Harry Potter Series, Wheel of Time, Spiderwick, Ella Enchanted, The Dark is Rising Sequence, The Princess Bride, The Neverending Story, The Death Gate Cycle, Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Hobbit, Dragon Knights, Escaflowne, Planet Ladder, Alice 19th, Ragnarok, Fushigi Yugi, Wish, Magic Knight Rayearth, DnAngel, Inu Yasha, Chobits, Others.

The six things I could never do without:

Well, it depends on the situation, really. But I guess in the general sense, I couldn’t live without…

1. Tea. I Am half-British, after all.

2. An internet connection. It’s the 21st century and I am enjoying every minute of it. I kind of wish we had flying cars though.

3. A goal of some kind. I am the type of person that needs goals in order to function. If I don’t have any goals, I make new ones, and go after them.

4. Travel. I want to travel all over the world and eventually I would like to live in Japan.

5. Food. I guess that is obvious as one would certainly die if they did not eat, but I am what you might call an appreciator of food. I believe food in all of its forms is good for the soul.

6. Creativity. Having the ability to create things is what makes me who I am. If I cannot create things, I feel that life is meaningless.

I spend a lot of time thinking about:

My life and how it will impact the lives of other people. I want to use my talents to give back to other people and make a difference in the world.

On a typical Friday night I am:

Out on the town, having a good time. Life is too short to just sit around and do nothing. I always have to keep myself busy with one thing or another.

Dress Style:

I like to wear jeans, shorts, and comfortable pants. I do not wear skirts or dresses; they make me feel weird and they do not go well with my tomboy image. I like wearing t-shirts, over-jackets, tank tops, hooded sweatshirts, and other shirts that are comfortable. I dress more for comfort than for fashion but I have been told that I have a good sense of fashion. A lot of my shirts have Legend Of Zelda game logos and other things I am interested in printed on them because I like showing people the things I am into through the things I wear. I usually keep my hair tied back in a ponytail but occasionally I let it down. I don’t wear jewelry or makeup. Both of these things make me feel too girly and uncomfortable. I like to just be myself and I feel that jewelry and makeup make me into something I am not. I basically dress for comfort and convenience but I also see it as a form of self-expression so that is why I advertise what I like by wearing certain t-shirts or tank tops.


I have a very good sense of humor. Everything makes me laugh, and I am always making other people laugh with my jokes and facial expressions. I can be serious too, but most of the time I like to have fun and enjoy every minute of life. I believe that laughter is good for the soul, so it is good to do it often. Laughing also keeps you looking young so it is an all around good thing!


I am allergic to caffeine and chocolate. Whenever I tell people this, they assume I am some type of alien from outer space and give me their deepest sympathies.

Medical Conditions:

Well, this will be a long list. I have depression, social anxiety, PTSD, and agoraphobia. I am also have a color deficiency (a form of colorblindness) and am night blind. Not to mention I am allergic to chocolate and caffeine. I guess I have a lot of issues. But hey. Don't we all?

Silver Screen
Group Admin

Username: Woodie Pecker

Gender: male

I'm looking for: a "creative assistant". Someone who I can talk with and discuss a story and how it should play out. Like the One Piece crossover I'm doing right now. I'm looking for someone to assist me. And someone I can help in return.

Short Bio: I'm a simple guy, who is pretty boring. Most of the time I just sit in my room or the living room and watch TV or YouTube. I'm a huge fan of Anime that are targeted at teenagers, such as One Piece or Naruto. Okay, those are the only ones I watch right now, but still a huge fan (One Piece is better). I decided to re-do One Piece with the MLP cast, but I'm kinda stuck right now.

Personality: I'm pretty excentric and silly at times, but I can be serious.

Hobbies: Watching TV or YouTube. I also read sometimes. But most of the time I think about how I should write my One Piece crossover. How I should tell the stories and which characters to put in which roles. I also do that with Avenging-Hobbits' Marvel crossovers, but I don't have any saying in it.

Likes: Quiet, a good story, a good show

Heroes: Weird Al Yankovic, the Doctor

Who I’d like to meet: Weird Al Yankovic, Matt Smith

I’m really good at: It might sound off, but Languages

The first things people usually notice about me: my sillyness, I think

Food: I dunno.

Drinks: sweet drinks , but not over-sugared and nothing with caffeine

Celebrities: /

Music: Metal, Rock, Opera, Shanti, Irish Folk, Dubstep

Movies: The Dark Knight, The Big Lebowski, Edward Scissorhands, Kingsman, Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, ...

Television: MLP, Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, DOCTOR WHO, NCIS, ...

Foreign Television Shows/ Movies:

Books: Red Dragon, Silence Of The Lambs, Percy Jackson, ...

The six things I could never do without: Is this question asked correctly?

Dress Style: I like t-shirts with funny stuff on it. Or a shirt with a suit vest

Humor: I like dark and black humor.

Group Admin

4868252 Hello there. It is good to meet you. :) I don't really collab much on stories but it is always great to meet a new friend.

Silver Screen
Group Admin

4868345 Likewise XD

The Questionnaire:

Looking For:
Friends and a purpose

Favorite MLP Characters:
Derpy, Muffins or whatever her real name is
Pinkie Pie



Short Bio:
I'm a girl who writes with the speed of molasses on drying paint and plays video games for a long time.

Mostly quiet and introverted... unless someone talks about books, food or video games.

Video games. I spend so much time playing video games that I should be a marathon gamer.

Food, books and video games

I’m really good at:
Apparently befriending people, but anyone can do that.

The first things people usually notice about me:
I keep to myself most of the time

If this is about all the food I've eaten in my life, I can't list 'em all, but if this is about my favorite food, then it would hafta be toasted tilapia.

I've sworn off alcohol FOREVER... but I'm a big fan of root beer.

Chinatown, Jupiter Rising, Dr. Strangelove, etc

Anything by Hanna-Barbara, MLP, Flash, Arrow, Gotham, etc

Foreign Television Shows/ Movies:
Doctor Who, The Great British Baking Show, Sailor Moon Crystal, Kill La Kill, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure...

Currently reading Jojo's Bizzare Adventure and Harry Potter

The six things I could never do without:
My glasses
State ID/License
My laptop

Dress Style:
I wear shorts for most of the year. I like bland shirts and longsleeve striped jackets.

Currently gravitating towards dark humor. If the joke's sexual or racist, I don't consider it funny.

I'm currently divving up my time between Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas when not writing fanfiction.

Group Admin

4929117 There can't be any link backs, so you'll have to remove the link. But other than that, great post. :) I also love video games and food. And Pinkie Pie is also my favorite character out of the mane six. ^0^ Skyrim is a great game. I need to find more time to play it again. :P

4929851 I removed it now and I'm really a very boring person.

Group Admin

4929886 Naw. You are an amazing person from what I've read. :) It is good to know you. Yeah, there is a new site rule that says you can't link back to quizzes because they count it as spam. :P

4866380 You agreed to be an admin for my group Clopsexuals. It's only proper that I do something back in return.

The Questionnaire:
Looking For:
In life; nothing. I’ve completed the goals I’ve set before me. I don’t want to be on the charge all my life. Instead, I want to slow down and smell the flowers. Turns out they don’t smell as nice as I thought they would. And I have this nagging feeling that I’m forgetting something. So, I cut down the flowers with my scythe, trying to find what it is that I’m missing.

In people; criticism. You can’t improve much with praise. Criticism, however, can make you find the areas where you’re lacking.

Favorite MLP Characters:
Twilight Sparkle. I love her analytical way of thinking.

Username: Your name on this site, not your real name
Bad Dragon. Not sure what the purpose of this question is. I can’t foresee a situation where this information would be unavailable by other means. You can’t post something on this site without revealing your username. Maybe I’m overthinking this...

Male. I don’t think gender matters much, though. I see it as a vestige of our evolution, and nothing more. Besides procreation, there isn’t really any logical reason to have a gender.

Short Bio: A little about you.
I’ve had 3 goals in life:
Finish school
Find a job
Establish a long-term relationship

I’ve added and completed one more goal to the list: break the relationship.

With all my four goals completed, I find myself in a state of impasse, while staying vigilant for new goals worth pursuing.

Since then I have found a new worthy goal. It has the potential to change the whole of humanity for the better. Alas, I don’t think the world is ready for it. Pursuing this goal could bring about more harm than good. I also have no idea how I could go about pursuing it. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.


Fimfiction and writing.

Those used to be TV shows and games, but for the past two years I can’t seem to get myself back to my former passions. They feel like playing gameboy while waiting for a dentist. It’s supposed to bring you joy, but in that situation, it simply doesn’t.

MLP seems alien enough to disconnect from the world, yet familiar enough to immerse yourself in it. I guess that’s what brought me here. I also like science.

I used to like Rogue from X-man, but that was mostly because she was being sexy. She also has the most potential for growth from all the mutants.
Magneto also seems cool. I could get behind his cause to better humanity.

Who I’d like to meet:
I don’t really like meeting beings. It feels like a distraction from the real world. I love the new views and informations that they could share, though. So, I guess I’d like to meet someone with unique worldview and juicy info on the Universe.

I’m really good at:
Spotting mistakes. I can just look at a page and immediately spot double spaces without even reading it. Mistakes call for my attention. They want to be fixed.

The first things people usually notice about me:
Disconnection from the norms. Fringe worldview.

I hunt for cheap food. It just so happens that the cheapest food is the healthiest one. In short: fruits, vegetables and a dash of dairy products.

Water. It’s so simple. You just open the pipe and it comes out. It’s practically free. Evaporates without leaving any stains. It’s just so practical. I love it!

I used to keep track of Richard Dawkins debates. I got disconnected from that when I came across MLP.

Dark, depressing, with tragic lyrics.

I used to watch at least one per day, but I haven’t watched any in more than two years now. The closest thing to a movie that I recently watched is

I threw away my television long ago.

Foreign Television Shows/ Movies:
I’m really not in those spheres anymore.

I used to read quite a lot when I was younger. Haven’t read a real book in like a decade now.

The six things I could never do without:
-relative health

Dress Style:
I put on whatever is outside temperature appropriate.

I have a wicked sense of humor. The kind that makes you gasp in disbelief. The sort that makes you rage and come at me with all your cannons.

4929888 Right after I posted, the reminder was booted up.

Group Admin

4929906 Cool! Thank you for sharing some things about yourself here in this thread. I grew up with the original X-Men series and I've always loved Rogue as a character. :) I also don't think I could live without the internet. I might implode or something. Ha.

Group Admin

4929910 Yeah I didn't know about that either. It was a new site rule put into effect today.

Looking For: Readers. I like those. Friends is given.
Favorite MLP Characters: Celestia and Fluttershy
Username: Lethally Insane
Gender: Male
Short Bio: A self described asshole with a couple of screws loose.
Personality: INTJ
Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Dungeons and dragons, elliptical machines.
Likes: Good stories. Facial hair
Heroes: Obi Wan Kenobi
Who I’d like to meet: Sir Alex Guinness
I’m really good at: Drawing, school.
The first things people usually notice about me: My beard. It's a long story.
Food: Ribs.
Drinks: Milk
Celebrities: Dave Mustang
Music: Metal
Movies: Star Wars trilogies
Television: anything anime
Foreign Television Shows/ Movies: anime again
Books: Manga, the Warriors series, longer novels
The six things I could never do without: my flash drives, my lightsaber, my dice, my pencils, my erasers, and my sketchbook.
Dress Style: Black jeans, plaid button downs, and fleeces.(I like fleeces)
Humor: Dark Comedy, Irony.

4929117 I saw Jojo's bizarre adventures on your answers. Always wanted to see that. I play way to much video games and watch too much anime.

Group Admin

4930247 Nice answers. It is good to meet someone who likes D&D, tabletop gaming, Star Wars, and Metal. Rock on, my friend. ;)

4931157 thanks. Do you play D&D?

Group Admin

4931341 I play all sorts of tabletop stuff. lol I play Pathfinder, D&D, Shadowrun, Vampire The Masquerade, Star Wars RPG, Pony RPG, forum/ board RPG, etc.

I even made an RPG site:

So...yeah. I like RPGs lol

4931359 I do a lot of D&D. Never played pathfinder. Me and my group have a star wars campaign. I could probably find a way to apply D&D rules to mlp.

Group Admin

4931384 I've actually ran an MLP campaign off of the D&D setup. It'd pretty easy. :) You just think of cutie marks as special traits/ abilities. I am also running a pony game on my RPG board right now.

Looking For: A soulmate whom I can share my interests with.

Username: Shadowmane PX-41

Gender: Male

Short Bio: I'm a gamer who spends a lot of time on PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U. This does not stop me from writing great stories for everyone to enjoy.

Personality: I'm a guy who is very good at making people smile. I'm open to all new friendships and am quick to get agitated. If you need a little bit of sunshine inserted into your everyday life, be friends with me.

Hobbies: Gaming, Bowling, Writing, Swimming, Playing MLP CCG.

Likes: Steak, Challenges (That aren't rage-inducing), Game/Quizshows of any variety, Friends, Humourous Reviews/Videos/Gameplay.

Heroes: Sora, Yami-Yugi, Bayonetta, Sonic, Twilight Sparkle, Shulk

Who I’d like to meet: Philip Schofield, Chris Tarrant, Jay-The-Brony.

I’m really good at: Gaming, Writing, Game/Quizshows of any variety.

The first things people usually notice about me: My quick and witty humour.

Food: Steak, Chicken, Ribs, Roast and Jacket Potatoes, Pineapples, Melons, Lamb

Drinks: Strongbow, J20, OJ, Beer

Celebrities: Philip Schofield, Chris Tarrant, Bradley Walsh, Peter Andre, Stephen Mulhern.

Music: Dubstep, Classical, Heavy Metal, Orchestral

Movies: Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games, Wreck-it Ralph, Star Wars Series (Includes Force Awakens).

Television: MLP, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Strictly Come Dancing, I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!

Foreign Television Shows/ Movies: Family Feud.

Books: Alex Rider series, Goosebumps.

The six things I could never do without: MLP, Steak, Games, Chicken, Game/Quizshows of any variety, Friends

Dress Style: Casual, mainly wearing MLP shirts and sporting an MLP bag.

Humor: Pinkie Pie level of humour.

4931402 cool. Magic would work the same, but I still need to figure out how the martial classes would work. And what would Pegasi do?

Group Admin

4931430 There is a couple ways you could run things. You could make pegasi, unicorn, and earth ponies (etc) as certain races. For example, you could make earth ponies be dwarves (ha), pegasi half-dragons, and unicorns elves. Then the players could chose their class (like bard, whatever), and level up using the race stats. Obviously you don't have to use the race examples that I used, but you get the idea.

4931523 I was thinking, Unicorns would be more like the warlock class, fighters could be earth ponies, or Pegasi.

Group Admin

4931535 Fighters seems like an interesting class to give to earth ponies.

4931543 I figured warlocks for Unicorns. Just because while unicorns aren't buff, I'd think they would be able to hold their own in a physical fight.

Group Admin

4931547 I think that will be interesting. You should go for it. :)

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