Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders 502 members · 2,623 stories
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Group Admin

Sorry for not having streamed today. I kinda have a job since two days, so this is leaving me even less time.....
Anyway, I wanted to make at least a thread to talk about the episode anyway. Discuss away if you wish and keep our spoiler rule for episodes that weren't aired on Discovery yet in mind!

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5973689 To sum up, Rarity gets the most dumb idea in the history of dumb ideas.

Group Admin


^THIS. Plus, Applejack acts like every brony reviewer ever:

"I don't understand this episode (fashion) and why they wrote it that way (why they've sewn the dress that way), but I think it's bad, so I'm criticizing it and call it shit anyway, because that's my opinion and because I can!"

It's like they started to make commentaries about the fandom with last season and will do this every season with at least one episode now.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5973790 Yeah, I suppose you could put it that way, considering the very meta episode we got last year with Patton Oswalt as Quibble Pants.

Group Admin


And, to some lesser extent, with "Spice Up Your Life" too. Zesty Gourmand kind of had that attitude too.
I like this trend of how the show is calling out the fandom occasionally these days.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5973801 Even companies can get tired of a fandom's shit. I mean, look at what happened with League of Legends.

Group Admin


What happened with LoL?

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5973889 Here's what happened with the LoL, right from the TV Tropes Trivia page.

Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things: ◦ When Riot gave people a boost to get a Corki skin and reduced it in price...the people who missed it screamed so loudly they've since been very careful about that.
◦ The developers don't often post in the forums because the average post is usually about as negative as the temperature in Antarctica.
◦ Recently, a code to get a free skin for Caitlyn as well as the champion if you didn't already have her was put in the November issue of PC Gamer. A lot of people are reporting that people are going into stores and copying down codes printed in the magazine so they didn't have to pay for them. Several people have predicted that they won't be doing this anymore, even though PC Gamer is combating this by having people email or call in with a proof of purchase to get another code.
◦ More recently, when Annie's visual update was ready to be patched in, Riot announced that they'd release the Goth Annie skin for a limited time for players to buy who didn't purchase the Champion bundle it's normally exclusive to. This resulted in a massive outcry from players who valued the exclusivity of the skin, causing Riot to promptly retract the offer. Riot is now considering alternatives to such offers, but those who were looking forward to buying Goth Annie are going to have to keep waiting to complete their collections.
Due to rampant racism, sexism and homophobia giving the community a bad name, Riot have been left with little choice but to try and test a system that will crack down on player behaviour that it deems inappropriate; due to the automated system there is a chance that some fairly innocent players will be punished for more minor offences.

Group Admin


The developers don't often post in the forums because the average post is usually about as negative as the temperature in Antarctica.

This sounds like scrolling through the comments sections of Equestria Daily.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5974080 Oh yeah, but I think League of Legends is worse. There's a reason it's fanbase is so infamous on the net. The link I sent says it all, really.

Group Admin


Perhaps. We should not let the brony fandom come this far, though.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5974343 Very true. It's saddening to watch what this place has turned into.

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