Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders 502 members · 2,623 stories
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Group Admin

Greetings, fellow Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders group members (and those who want to become such)!

As you noticed, this group here is pretty quiet for some months now and I'm going to explain you why:

Since the mid of December, I've gotten increasingly busy. I'm still a writer too and had to hurry with updating my fics in the last weeks and months. Additionally, I continue to be a quest writer for "Legends of Equestria" as well, which takes up time, too. Another thing that occupies me is the closed beta test of "Legends of Equestria" that has started in the mid of December, which will also continue to occupy me in the future.

All of this has made it hard to help this group along as an admin and there were even periods where I got behind on adding fics to this group, which is also the reason why our coverage of Season 7 has not started yet.
This doesn't mean I will stop being an admin of this group. I want to continue doing things for it and make the group grow and there will be a discussion thread for the next new episode of Season 7, "Forever Filly", which means the coverage of new episodes that we started with Season 6 will continue now!
However, my time will still be limited and adding the fics and opening discussion threads might be all I can do for this group in the future.
I have a few new ideas for it to increase activity here, but if I can go through with those depends on the time I have and right now, all of this is uncertain.

And this is where you, the other members of this group, come into play. Establishing a group on and getting it to be active has always been hard and our Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders group is still struggling with this. We have tried out several things in the past that only had little success in creating activity.
Whether this is because the ideas we had weren't interesting enough for people, because other groups did the same already or because the general interest in participating in groups here has waned, is something I can't tell, however, there have been signs of interest in our group, even though they were small.
I still feel that, with some effort, this group can be very successful and active, but obviously, I can't do all of this alone and as a group with 355 members, everyone can contribute here, this is not a group where only admins post things.
A group like ours always lives from the activity of its members and as such, I ask you to take a few moments and see what you can do to help this group become more active again and to stay active:

- First, and most important, thing first: I need a co-admin to keep this group going.
As you maybe know, I am not the only admin this group has, though, the other two admins are inactive much longer than me and utilizing their help has unfortunately always failed in the past, for the most part. Whether this is because they don't have time themselves or because they weren't very interested in the group to begin with and their excitement for it has died, is something I can't tell, but it leaves me alone with all the work to run this group.
This is something I want to change. What I'm in need of is a new, fellow co-admin, who helps me plan things for this group and occasionally helps out with posting things if I can't do that because other stuff keeps me occupied.
There aren't high requirements for being an admin here; if you are dedicated, know how to open a thread here and can occasionally invite new members to the group, then this is all you need already!
If those things apply to you, please send me a message or answer with a comment here and I will talk to you about it ASAP!

- The second important thing is member participation and your suggestions!
As I said, we tried out several things to get this group to be active in the past, like the picture thread and the group collab, and so far, nothing of it really stuck. This is where we need your ideas and suggestions!
Is there anything specific you would like to see in this group? What ideas do you have for threads that allow for group participation? What would make this group more interesting and worthwhile to hang out for you in general?
As mentioned above, I have a few ideas myself, which include a new group collab to replace the old one and something like EQD's retired Writer's Training Grounds for new episodes of the show, with Cutie Mark Crusaders focus, but this group lives by its members, so I want to do stuff here that interests as many members as possible!
Please answer on this thread and tell us what you would like to see in this group in the future.

- Lastly, if there is anything you think should be in this group, don't hesitate to post it! This can be anything; be it an exceptionally great Cutie Mark Crusaders fanart that deserves its own thread to discuss it, a Cutie Mark Crusaders comic (series), a review of a Cutie Mark Crusaders fic or simply anything you would like to discuss about our trio of fillies!
There are no limitations here, as long as your thread is SFW and the group/site rules are met, so, if there's anything on your mind that you want to talk about or if you just want to promote your own CMC-related creations, post it here, this is what the group is there for!

That is all for now. I will open a discussion thread for "Forever Filly" later, with the usual informations in it. Until then, please tell us your thoughts about this group and your ideas for it below! We count on you to keep this group alive!


I'd like to volunteer for co-adminship :scootangel:

5945290 Maybe when we get closer to the end of Season 7 and close to the air date of the movie, we could have a count down to both, which involves recapping the best moments of the three founding crusaders over the seasons to date? If our numbers improve some and activity picks up, we could also try to do what many other groups have done and have a mass collab project of some kind.

Group Admin


Thanks for your reply!

We already have a collab thread opened here, which for some reason did not get a lot of attention so far. This is something that baffles me a little, considering that collabs run very well in other groups and that such collabs are a good way to get writing practice, especially for those who don't dare to tackle a full-blown story yet.
I do have some other stuff in mind that has to do with writing, but you are right, at the moment this would probably not garner much attention, so I withhold this for a while and see how things develop.

I like your idea with the recaps. Once Season 7 is over, I think this is something we can use to bring us over the hiatus and I might get an idea for some event to celebrate the movie's release.

Aside from this, what do you think about the threads we have here? Are you interested in the collab or picture thread? And if not, why? Is there anything you think we should do better with those threads?
I also had some movie nights on our channel going during the hiatus after Season 5, which didn't seem to get any attention, what do you think about things like this?

I would appreciate it if you could take some time to answer these questions. I want to try and get as much feedback as I can in this situation.

5948306 I think the pictures thread is a good idea, but if we're gonna bring it back we'll need to instate a "No Spoilers" policy so people don't post screenshots, edits, or fanart from episodes that haven't aired in the U.S. yet. I didn't even know we had a collab, I might possibly be interested in it if I could be assured that it wouldn't just be two, three, or maybe four members alternating back fourth on entries, somewhere between 7 and 15 would probably be preferable.

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