Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders 502 members · 2,623 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Do you guys not do this any more? :applecry:

5926681 Probably not this one because the crusaders weren't involved

Oh? Last season they did it for every episode though. I miss the stream we ran here.

5926693 Oh bummer.

Anyway, I kind of liked it a lot for cameos and jokes, but I did get sick of the Trying too hard concept

Group Admin


And I thought no one would ask this..... And in fact we, or rather, I, are still doing this. I just can't put up with too much stuff at once right now and the other two admins aren't actually doing anything, sadly. So, it's unfortunately delayed. :applecry:
I hope to start it up with next episode, but don't want to make promises with that right now. Just got treated for a gum infection and it depends if it's causing any more pain until it's healed.


but I did get sick of the Trying too hard concept

I would find it nice if you could elaborate on that and explain what you mean. Trying hard is actually necessary to keep this group even just remotely going, so you're kind of asking us to not try anymore with that. :unsuresweetie:

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