Age of Iron 360 members · 20 stories
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Another changeling try to Spy on the 38th, and like the last one finds the temples to all the dark gods. Only the power go out and did arms all the guns pointing at one temple. The changeling is drawn in by the sound of music and purple fog. Then the doors slam shut behind it, once the 38th find out someone got in they send someone to make sure whatever down there dies. They find a half crazed noise marine Changeling laughing it head off. With two weapons by it side as it vox grille relishes pink fog or breath? That dulls the ability to feel pain in the body and makes who ever breaths it in see things that are not there. He then yells this. "Hear the music of my people!" Before blasting them with his weapons.

There one down side to him, his a little high and can be distracted easily. He also loves the sound of music and can find it anywhere. Even in things that are not used for music.

Well, it would be difficult for her to to take on Slaaneshy worship as they are especially hated by the 38TH company. The changeling would need to find a closest Slaaneshy worshiper in order to get a attention to her. I personally think that that Slaanesh is the best Chaos god for them for the lust aspect, but I don't think that she would do any direct fighting if she can help, and noise marine weapons would attract too much attention to her

I'm of agree.

5829459 It was just a silly idea to play with.

Group Admin

When you say "Noise Marine Changeling" do you mean a Noise Marine that is actually a changeling, or a changeling that suddenly took on the weaponized sonic aspect of the Noise Marines?

5830369 The first one, or whatever sounds better.

Group Admin

I see.
What would he do to evade the Company? Would he serve Chrysalis after he escaped?

5830437 I'm not really sure, I think some where a long the way he get stopped by the elevator music and is court. Maybe get looked over by the techy to find out why his acting so strange. And if his of any use to the Company.

I had a similar idea where a changeling begins worshipping Tzeentch and suddenly loses control of her shapeshifting. Perhaps there is even a constant faintly green smolder as her own magic subtly alters every detail continuously.

5830475 I could actually see the smolder actually changing colors, as Tzeentch is the Lord of Change, not even details like that would remain stable for long.

5830475 That a interesting idea.

Say, what about a diamond dog who take the path of nurgle?

I thought of something funny, a nurgle pony who keeps a swarm of bees inside there body. There a little bee hive in there and everything. they even make honey. Your thoughts?


based on the story of ponies make the best projectiles id say Slaaneshy could have possibility to find root in the crystal empire... I mean a power field of love on a chaos world that's like a Slaanesh come here billboard.

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