Sunset Shimmer's Element 427 members · 298 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

If you would like to become an admin for this group please comment below or PM me.
Admin Jobs that need to be taken:
Thread Reviewer Admin (gcwg57): someone who reviews all the threads and comments to make sure things are relevant, cordial, and respectful.
Story Reviewer Admin (xStellar_Bubbles)- it is the administrative position wherein the admin sorts through the story folders to ensure all stories are relevant and properly placed
Complaint Admin (EstrellaEssentia): answered all the complaint, comment, and suggestions
Designer/ Promoter Admin (RisingDawn): one who designs the layout, banner, and icon of the group.
Founder Admin (EstrellaEssentia/Locks key): one who comes up with the group and the premise of said group.
Ban Admin (EstrellaEssentia): has the authority to ban users from the group under correct circumstances

Group Admin

3999651 I'd like to be the "Story Reviewer" please. :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

3999851 Right on! I will make you an admin. You are free to make/change/rearrange folders and stories. If a problem arises, feel free to contact me. If someone is not following the posting rules, you have the authority to send them a polite PM explaining what they have done, if they could fix the problem and not do it again. If you could make folders as soon as possible that would be great!
~ Estrella Scrolls

Group Admin

3999865 Aw yeah, thanks! I'll do my best. :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin

3999651 I can totally be a "Thread Reviewer", for qualifications, 1. You know I care about the group since I'm the one that found the group's current banner. 2. I am an admin of four groups, two of which have over 100 members.

Group Admin

4006057 Okay, I will go click the admin button. :) And I am sure you already know this, but, just to make sure,
1. Foul language should be kept to a minimum.
2. If someone is doing something wrong, feel free to send them a polite but firm PM, delete the thread, etc.

Group Admin

4006104 Got it. I will do my best.

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