Sunset Shimmer's Element 427 members · 298 stories
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Group Admin

Greetings and thank you for joining, Sunset Shimmer's Element! This is the thread where you can get to know other people in the group. Please follow a format similar to this:
Name: (does not have to be real one)
Bio: (here you can give a short summary of yourself)
Fav Pony:
Fav Story:
OC: (state name, personality, appearance and job if you can)
You are free to add anything else, this is simply a guideline.


Name: You probably knew it before you even started reading the actual comment

Bio: Male. I get ideas for stuff to write all the time but can't rmember them when I actually have time to write. I spend half my free time lying in my room in weird positions and the other half playing videogames (mostly RPG's) ad sucking at them.

Likes: LoL, that vanilla cream in the donuts, Binding of Isaac, any type of music and, of course, MLP

Dislikes: my own attitude, boredom, salad.

Favorite Pony: Sunset Shimmer

Favorite Story: That one goes to 'Our Voices Carry Through The Hills' by Surry

OC: Flick Flack, Pegasus from Manehatten. Dark blue coat and silverish mane and tail. Used to serve in the Royal Guard, but left again though. Officially jobless at the moment.
He doesn't have his own story yet, but appears in Until We Meet the Horizon from chapter three and onwards.

Good [insert time of day] all. I am The Albinocorn, or Albino, or Alby for short.

Bio: I am an aspiring writer using fimfic as my training grounds. While I try not to take things too seriously, I still endeavor to learn as much as I can. I am actually albino in real life, and if you don't know what that is, go look it up. Other than writing, I enjoy archery and casual gamin.

Likes: MLP of course and many other cartoon shows. Pokemon, Harry Potter, Legend of Zelda, the list goes on really. I love Blazblue and use its OST to write most of my stories.

Dislikes: Pointless arguments and baseless hatred.

Favorite pony: Sunset Shimmer of course.

Favorite story: No idea.

OC: Ivory Coat. Basically me, just in pony form. An albino unicorn with a special talent in writing fiction stories. He has very poor vision.

4006126 - can I be a huge fanboy at this point and say that I love, love, love Long Road to Friendship. Best Sunset Shimmer fic. ^^

I already did this for one of Estrella's other groups, but here's an updated version:

Name: hawthornbunny
Bio: I'm a British brony who writes silly stories occasionally.
Likes: alternate universes, foals, Magic: the Gathering, card games, roguelikes, programming, tropes, sleepovers, hurt/comfort fics, categorising things
Dislikes: cynicism, bullying, trolling
Fav Pony: Applejack
Fav Story: The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments
OC: don't have a pony OC

4006146 You could and make me smile and blush. Thank you.

Hello all you wonderful people out there! How are you? My name is Azure_Shadow, but my friends call me Azure.

Bio: I'm a regular high-schooler writing pony fanfiction who checks on his notifications a bit too much.:twilightsheepish: I try my best with writing, and I love meeting others who share the same interests as I.

Likes: MLP, Equestria Girls, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Kill la Kill, a lot of other anime, anything Nintendo, I Fight Dragons, RPGs, Japanese music, and a lot of other stuff.

Dislikes: People who do nothing but complain and whine, old style creepy dolls, idiots, unwarranted hate, politics

Favorite Ponies: Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie

Favorite Story: Don't got one.

OC: Swift Justice. An extremely dark blue Pegasus stallion with a jet black mane(or cyan skinned teenager depending on the verse he's in.) with black scales of justice in front of a grey shield for his cutie mark. He's a defense lawyer as a pony, but still a high schooler as a human. He has his own fic called The Pie of my Eye as well as appears in a few other author's fics.


Name: I'm sick of people not being able to spell Palaikai correctly, even though it's right there, so just call me Ash, please! :rainbowwild:

Bio: I'm a twenty-nine-year-old Scottish author who resides somewhere in the Netherlands; my free time is spent playing Star Trek Online, drawing, and making models for my second job as a freelance 3d artist.

Likes: Classical music, films, reading, drawing, real ale, video games, and milk chocolate.

Dislikes: Bullies, trolls, hypocrites, and warm weather.

Favourite ponies: Fluttershy/Twilight Sparkle/Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia/Luna/Cadance, Sea Swirl/Ditzy Doo/Lyra Heartstrings/Vinyl Scratch/Octavia Melody.

Favourite stories: I Just Don't Know What Went Right, I'd Do Her and Bonds of Glory.

OC: Common Clay.

Group Admin

Name: gcwg57. You can call me Gicwig.

Bio: Thread admin of Sunset Shimmer's Element, amongst other things. I'm an American with the heart and soul of a Brit. I'm 18. I'm in the second semester of my freshman year at Southern Polytechnic State University. I'm majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Oh, and I randomly break into song.

Likes: Music, Comics, Anime, Norse Mythology, Avatar The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Steampunk Cyberpunk Biopunk Sci-fi, Horror, Writing, MLP

Dislikes: I try not to think about things I don't like, so I'm not going to take the time to try to list them.

Fav Pony: Twilight Sparkle

Fav Story: The Life and Death of a DJ, even though I usually read adventure.

OC: Haven't finalized an oc yet, but they are going to be a proud griffin that is helping lead Gryphonia's industry.

Group Admin

Name: xStellar_Bubbles. You can call we whatever you want.

Bio: Okay, where to start? I'm a girl who got into the fandom in 2012, and got to writing stories in 2014. I'm the 'rare' Asian-American here on FiMFiction, and I always look forward to what anypony has to say.

Likes: MLP, Creepypastas/Dark stuff, chocolate, science, music (Mostly electronic or orchestral), and cartoons in general.

Dislikes: Tedious grammatical errors such as confusing "You're" with "Your", "There" and "Their", etc, OC recolors, math (I'm good at it, but I don't like it), extreme fangirl/fanboying, whining, and complaining.

Fav Pony: Twily, Pinkie Pie, Vinyl Scratch, Cheese Sandwich, and Sunset Shimmer (Why do you think I joined this group in the first place? :raritywink:).

Fav Story: My Little Alicorn.

OC: She's my profile pic, Stellar Bubbles, a pegasus mare from Manehattan who currently owns a potion shop in Ponyville and has a love of science. Basically, me as a pony... except I don't own a shop, can't fly, and haven't moved anywhere. :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

3999623 Now that I think about it, why don't you fill out the guideline yourself as an example, Estrella? :twilightsmile: I think people would really like to know the founder of this group!

Comment posted by EstrellaEssentia deleted Jan 25th, 2015

Name: Scalor barracuda cyborg. (or Scalor, or Joe)

Bio: Okay, where to start? I'm a guy who started around season 2, and got to writing stories a little while in season 3. I'm the 'very rare' Native-American here on FiMFiction, and I always look forward to what anyone has to say.

Likes: MLP, Creepypastas, peanut butter, Megaman, Godzilla, Sonic the Hedgehog, Smash Bros.

Dislikes: cockroaches, pears, and well the dark.

Fav Pony: Princess Celestia, Octavia, Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer (Why do you think I joined this group in the first place? :raritywink:).

Fav Story: Transformers: Fall of Equestria

OC: My icon, well not technically a pony he is a part of my ongoing fan fic series called The Lightning Seven.

Name: eLLen

Bio: I write stories, I write music, I write artwork. Joined the fandom about a year ago.

Likes: Simplicity and Aestheticism. What a horrible combination.

Dislikes: Braggarts

Fav Pony: Rarity

Fav Story: Vengeance of Dawn

OC: Skylight Crimson, currently featured in Years (Set in Stone). Giddy, optimistic, and innocent, all wrapped up in one bundle with a hint of obliviousness. Also the current pony you'll find in my profile picture.

Name: ChaoticLightning
Bio: A friendly neighborhood high school student who enjoys writing and company from others, there you have it.
Likes: MLP, comics, zombies, music, mythology.
Dislikes: People who are mean for no apparent reason.
Fav Pony: Shall not tell.
Fav Story: Lilies and Chestnuts
OC: Don't have one.

Name: 00RaiserGundam
Bio: I am a recent college graduate who is currently looking for a job. I'm a secret brony who is an only child.
Likes: too many to list.
Dislikes: Haters, jerks, people who look at the first chapter of a story and then bash it for some petty reason, people who hate and bash OC's for unjustified reasons, etc. (too much etc. to list)
Fav Pony: Sunset Shimmer
Fav Story: Everything under my favorites list page and whatever stories I add to it.
OC: (Lockon Astros (who is PARTIALLY, NOT COMPLETELY, ONLY PARTIALLY based off of an anime character). Strong, sometimes stubborn, loyal, willing to fight to protect those he loves. He is a unicorn turned alicorn who becomes Princess Celestia's adopted son. Halfway between Shining Armor's and Twilight's height. Snow white coat, short brown mane with a medium-large length tail of the same shade. Sapphire blue eyes. Cutie mark: circular targeting reticle with crosshairs and a smaller circle as a focus point, all with a bunch of white stars in the background.
Canterlot Royal Guard --> Captain of the Royal Guard --> Prince of Equeestria(he got this title when Celestia adopted him, but did not embrace it until much later.) along with husband and father.

Name: Michael Ravencroft

Bio: Pretty much what it says on my user page, but will have to update that.

Likes: Anime, DC, kickass OSTs and rock music, and of course the ponies!

Dislikes: bugs...I freakin hate bugs...(except for dragonflies, butterflies, and ladybugs), people who just down vote and don't even give a lick of criticism as to why (or they ain't got the jewels to do so they don't have to defend it). And the hate for OCs, I mean well rounded OCs and stories that are overlooked because of it.

Fav Pony: 1st: Twilight, 2nd: Sunset, 3rd: Luna (sorry Lulu, Rainbow Rocks changed some things for me - DON'T KILL ME!)

Fav Story: Currently have two, "The Bridge" which is a Godzilla crossover, and "Persona: Reflection" starring Sunset Shimmer crossed over with one of my oldies but goodies video games, Persona!

OC: Still haven't figured a name for him yet. He's well-mannered, intrigued with magic, former traveler, and does have a bit of a playful devious side. See icon for appearance. He's actually a user of dark magic, having discovered the secret to wielding it without total corruption. However he could not hide the changing of his eyes that comes with its use. So he wears enchanted glasses to hide his eyes and help him look normal.

Group Admin

4016768 Yay, a DC fan!

<------------ Overhere (Name)
Bio: A brony since Season 4 of Mlp
Likes: Depends
Dislikes: Depends
Fav Pony: Can't Decide. All are unique
Fav Story: Too Many to count
OC: Playful, Cheerful and Helpful


Name: My name’s Tyler (a.k.a. Striving Scholar)
Bio: A casual brony from New England who enjoys a lot of things. I’ve been a casual brony since summer, 2013 and only started taking it more seriously since autumn, 2014.
Likes: learning new things, video games, biking, anime/manga, mlp, MTG, anything that catches my interest.
Dislikes: baseless hateful comments, boredom, bad grammar errors.
Fav Pony: I like almost all characters in mlp, but if I had to choose, it’s a tie between Fluttershy, Luna and Maud Pie
Fav Story: currently a tie between Preservation of Innocence and The Rock Farmer’s Daughters.
OC: I have several OC’s of my own (some more developed than others), but my main one is Wildcard. He’s a kindhearted Earth Pony who is working through personal issues. He doesn’t have a specific job yet, but is helping a relative with her home in Ponyville. He’s also the main character in a story I’m writing that is currently in the final editing stage.


Name: EchoWing, at least as far as this site goes.
Bio: I'm a reasonably well-known fanfiction writer (in some circles), who wrote a lot of crap until I got to writing decent-to-good stuff. I consider the works I put here to be decent-to-good.
Likes: Good storytelling that makes sense and flows logically from point A to point B. I don't mind alternate universes so long as the changes are sensible and internally consistent.
Dislikes: Ideas and stories that are very clearly ripped-off from other franchises or writers. I also hate mind control plots and brainwashing.
Fav Pony: Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy are tied for the honor.
Fav Story: "Sunset Shimmer: Element Bearer" and "The Great Alicorn Hunt" are two of my current favorites on the site.
OC: I have two prominent ones. The first is Quiver Quill, a tan earth pony with brown eyes, mane and tail. He's shy and nervous around others, but this masks a brave and loyal spirit that's been battered but never broken. He dreams of being a professional author, but currently works for a mail-order book service. The second is Sunrunner, a bright yellow pegasus with cyan eyes and a crimson and yellow mane and tail. Dedicated and loyal (if stubborn), she stands up for what she believes and those she cares for, though she feels deep shame for feeling like she's either abandoned or driven away those she holds dearest. She's Sunset Shimmer's cousin on her mother's side. She's an active member of the Royal Guard with the rank of First Lieutenant.

Group Admin

Wow, I cannot belive I have not done this yet! Well better now then never!

Name: Estrella Essentia
Bio: I am an ENTJ who likes to think about new and exciting ideas from different perspectives. I always try to be practical and understanding.
Likes: modern interior design and art, sketching, graphic design, photography, fandoms, anime, Kpop and musicals
Dislikes: laziness, lack of thought, overly rude and unjustified comments
Fav Pony: Sunset Shimmer
Fav Story: Antipods
OC: Estrella Essentia; see avatar for appearance; one of Canterlot eccentric new architectural design developers/CEO of Essence Design; view this blog for more info.

E l E

Hail and well met, fellow lovers of the bacon-hair hero!

Name: You can call me Ally, or Kitty, both are regularly heard nicknames IRL

Bio: Just a simple gal, and an aspiring writer outside of my fanfiction. I do a lot of cooking experimentation and herding my three cats of various sizes.

Likes: Italian, meatball subs, kitties, and good character fiction

Dislikes: After years as a tutor, consistently horrible grammar. We all make mistakes, but if your essay is all in text speak, you need to rethink your major.

Fav Pony: Pony? Tie between Flutters and AJ. Character? Sunset.

Fav Story: On here? I'm tied between BlackWater's Twilight Shimmer, Dave_Bryant's Amphorae, and KingMoriarty's Iron Wing and the Demolition Crew . All time, I'm still going to call out The Hobbit.

OC: That'd be Azure Foalklore. She's my avatar, for a quick and dirty description. She's a bard by trade, traveling and telling stories of greatness and having neat little adventures of her own. She is given to exaggerating her stories just a bit for dramatic purposes. When not traveling, she regular plays at venues on her flute. Very Happy-go-Lucky but practical. You can get a bit of a feel of her in my story Year's End. Yes, shameless plug.

Nice to meet you all!

I miss all you guys. :pinkiesmile:

Name: B.A. BronieDad. Have been called other things, some of them repeatable.
Bio: Dad of nine, almost all grown now, five daughters that dragged me into FiM, as we needed something to watch together that didn't make me want to shoot myself from its inane stupidity.
Likes: Good fiction, most any genre.
Dislikes: Intolerant people, and abilist that think I chose to be disabled.
Fav Pony: Sunset.
Fav Story: Like hundreds of them, but for now, A Certain Magical Index.
OC: Babs - an Earth Pony who dreams of magic and flight, so lives it through the lives of others... in other words a writer of PonyWords.

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