Hug Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara! 267 members · 308 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Obviously this group is mostly about hugging Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. I did add folders for stories about hugging other ponies, though they aren't the main focus. There was one other thing I wanted to do, though.

I figure some of the group members also need hugs. so that's what this thread is for. If you need a hug, post here letting us know. If you see somepony post saying they need a hug, give them one.

Simple, really. It's a hug exchange.

--Sweetie Belle

*hugs Sweetie Bot*

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, I'm Sweetie Belle, not Sweetie Bot, but I'll hug you anyways...


--Sweetie Belle

"Uh, gee, Diamond, yer awfully friendly today..."
"Mine! All mine!"

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