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Neither Created Nor Destroyed

Short Description:

"An ancient evil returns. Twilight and her friends are kidnapped as Changelings, Griffons, and Diamond Dogs prepare for an all-out assault on Equestria."

What's in it (without spoilers):

The story has quite a few locations, villains, and characters. It was all planned out in its entirety before I began writing it, and everything that happens in the narrative has a purpose by the end. While there is action and a bit of humor, the story will also focus heavily on interpersonal relationships between the Mane Six and others, as well as the way Twilight and her friends adapt to being stranded in distant locations apart from one another, the way they each go about handling conflicts between opposing forces that don't understand one another, and how they ultimately deal with an antagonist who can't be reasoned with or beaten via conventional means.

So give it a read if you've got some time! Could be nice.

Jonah Fun
Group Admin

"Diamond dogs"
I am sick and tired of hearing that. Dogs are the species; DIAMOND dogs were the gang that kidnapped Rarity.
a 2 year old could figure that out: WHY CAN'T THE FANBASE!
But I digress, that's a Stellar desciption beyond the crappy short one. I'll check this out later.

Comment posted by Sage Runner deleted Aug 22nd, 2013


I'm well aware of the canon distinction. In my story, the anthropomorphic canines that originate from the Big Deep (their country of origin in Neither Created Nor Destroyed) and are prone to digging into the Earth all identify themselves as "Diamond Dogs", similar to how ponies without wings or magic identify themselves as "Earth ponies". Plus, there's a reason for the usage of the term beyond an affinity for gems that will be touched on in coming chapters.

And yeah, the short description is something I had been struggling with, trying to come up with a way to quickly convey the contents of the story that would also draw new readers in, but at this point I'm thinking that war for Equestria stories are just numerous and may not draw in a lot of readers no matter what I do. Might just have to rely on new readers finding it through other stories of mine that gain more attention.

Thank you for the interest, though, I hope you like it!

Jonah Fun
Group Admin

I have to say that I enjoyed the story very much so far. Have a Like and a Favourite!


Thanks! Very glad to hear that you've enjoyed it.

Anyway, the revised promo type stuff is this:

Neither Created Nor Destroyed

Short Description: "Abduction, war, and extinction. Twilight and her friends definetely have their work cut out for them this time."

What to expect from it (without spoilers):

The story has quite a few locations, villains, and characters. It was all planned out in its entirety before I began writing it, and everything that happens in the narrative has a purpose by the end. While there is action and a bit of humor, the story will also focus heavily on interpersonal relationships between the Mane Six and others, as well as the way Twilight and her friends adapt to being stranded in distant locations apart from one another, the way they each go about handling conflicts between opposing forces that don't understand one another, and how they ultimately deal with an antagonist who can't be reasoned with or beaten via conventional means. It also includes its own explanation as to how the world Equestria resides in was created.

Any feedback or constructive criticism (and favorites/likes if you wind up enjoying it) is both welcomed and appreciated!

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