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Going by what little information we have about EQG 3, it would seem that Canterlot High's sports team will be facing off against the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts. With Human Twilight as one of the members. Since Human Twilight seems to be the most likely candidate for the movie's Big Bad and the toyline indicates that she'll at some point transform into Midnight Sparkle, I'm wondering what kind of conflict we'll see between Sunset and this Twilight.

Perhaps they'd take action to bring the film full circle from EQG 1. Not only contrasting Twilight and Sunset but Sunset then and Sunset now.

Let me know what you think.

I was just thinking the same thing and I think it's so cool! And also ironic. I kind of think Sunset will try to help this Twilight the way Princess Twilight helped her, kind of a way of paying her back.


Is pony!Twilight in this film at all?

Personally, the idea of this films conclusion mirroring the first one is great to me. It seems like an appropriate way to "end" the trilogy of films by showing Sunset stepping up as the hero our Twilight was.

Granted; Sunsets redemption was the worst part if the first movie because of how rushed it was. But I trust the studio has learned from their mistakes last time.. besides which, the auduence is already predisposed to forgive Twilight because of what we know of her pony counterpart.

4473670 Since Human Twilight presumably has never had any friendship lessons, I picture her like episode 1 Twilight, but without also having been taught by Celestia, even more bitter and with less of a moral compass.

On the plus side, she probably developed less of the crippling insecurities that come from being taught by a god-princess.

I hope they don't make her a generic cackling bad-guy, and just give a goal she wants to achieve and make her somewhat uncaring when it comes to those who prevent her to achieving it.


Is pony!Twilight in this film at all?

There's a good chance she won't be, or may have a drastically reduced role compared to the prior EQG movies. The rumors about Hasbro wanting to start an EQG spinoff TV series are still bouncing around, and there are indications that they are trying to 'distance' the two products... so if there is a TV series, the characters may not interact with their pony counterparts much at all (not sure how I personally feel about that, :applejackunsure:).

In regards to Sunset's redemption in EQG1, it was sort of par for the course considering the Elements of Harmony did basically the same thing to Luna in S1E2. Since then we've moved on from the primary-colored Orbital Friendship Canon to the pastel Rainbow Power version, which seems to do less reforming and more de-powering (Tirek, the Dazzlings)... so yeah, I don't think they'll be giving 'Evil Twilight' the same treatment Sunset received.

Though they might take a page from Naruto's book and use 'Talk no Jutsu' on her; that wouldn't surprise me much, :trixieshiftright:

4473742 "Talk no jutsu'? Whazzat?

no jutsu means "art of" or "technique of" in Japanese. So basically hes saying they will use the talking method on her.

Depends on your preferences really. Personally I dont mind a villain being talked into giving up as long as it makes sense. Deus Ex: Human Revolution did it really well when the player manages to convince the main bad guy that he's in the wrong using logic.

4473979 Rewind a bit there, buddy. What do you mean by "level"? Or genre-savvy, for that matter? Do you mean like Adagio? Who manipulated the Rainbooms' effort to stop her so that she'd come out on top?

4473742 I'm pretty sure that the EQG TV series was just a rumor that was disproved months ago.

Personally, I find it ridiculous that they made Human Twilight the antagonist. It's like Hasbro's TRYING to justify Sunset being there and stealing what should be the Human Twilight's role in that group instead of just letting Sunset go back to Equestria, so that she could potentially be a character in the series proper.

4473670 Honestly, at this point, our information is vastly incomplete. I'm still operating on the theory that Human!Twilight's only taking part in the games to investigate all the magical goings-on from the last two films.

That would have been the most reasonable assumption, and if left to its own devices DHX may have taken the plot in another direction. However, Hasbro has made Midnight Sparkle and it has a toy to sell; DHX has no choice in the matter. Historically, DHX has taken whatever harebrained mandates Hasbro has given and twisted it to awesome (or at least decent) canon. Sunset is a child of those mandates, after all. I kind of like that risky relationship they have, having started my internet life originally as a round-robin webcomic artist.

He means an antagonist who is dangerous because she's as smart and/or as full of good plans as the protagonist, rather than an antagonist who is dangerous because she has more power and resources. An antagonist who grows and progresses alongside the protagonist through the story. Basically the antagonist as the deuteragonist. It's very rare in fiction because it's harder to write and it demands more time devoted to the villain. A semi-example is Heath Ledger's Joker.

Usually I would highly doubt MLP would feature this, but there's an opportunity here because we're talking about Twilight. It wouldn't be out of the question for DHX to devote time to her as a character; Hasbro and audiences would not balk at it. Bad Sunset didn't have this narrative advantage, but Bad Twilight would.

I personally love the idea of an anti-villain Twilight- one who has amazing potential (as we've seen!) but is lead down the wrong path. And Twilight has so many traits that, without her friend's support, could play into such an arc. Just watch Lesson Zero! I also think that it would serve as a wonderful completion to Sunset Shimmer's arc to have her get through to Alternate Twilight the same way Ponyverse Twilight did for her.

And with the trailer for EQG3 showing these two facing off, this thread is now Hilarious in Hindsight.

4520554 And my theories seem to be confirmed.

Yup, that's a no for Bad Twilight. Instead we have poor bullied nerd Twilight who will obviously happily transfer to Canterlot High by the end of the movie. Can't say that I'm surprised Hasbro/DHX went this route. Nor is it a bad decision, really.

4522135 Aw man. I wanted to see Tara Strong do a maniacal laugh. But seriously, while that idea is equally good, it makes me question who the real villain will be. Or even if there will be one at all.

But let's not forget, there's still Midnight Sparkle. And suspicious Sunset.

1 of the things I like about Sunset Shimmer is that the "deterministic feel" of MLP FiM weighs much less heavily upon her. She lost her supposed destiny in life through her own choices. And the mistake had only cost her (time out of her life); it was not a trick of destiny which granted her delayed but exponential rewards. Her climb towards redemption was also not destined, but based on her own choices. Her accomplishments, even the big friendship lasers, do not feel like a deus ex machina.

Now all that is left is for them to kiss. :rainbowkiss:

Group Contributor


Well look at that. My full circle prediction came true.

4739953 And it was beautiful.

Now that the movie has come and gone. I have to wonder how the relationship between Sunset and Human!Twilight will be implemented now. I mean, if they're not careful, that plot could easily become redundant.

4753113 It will likely be a teacher-student relationship in learning about magic, since Sci-Twi wants to learn about magic so badly.

Though I would find it funny if that's the case, because isn't Sunset supposed to be a failure of a student herself?

It would be a really good way to get one over on Princess Twilight as well. She's a princess now, where's her student?

Another part of this that is noteworthy is that Sunset would be teaching Sci-Twi, while Celestia taught Princess Twilight. Seems like it's the duty of the sun to teach the twilight, no matter the universe they're in.

Sunset can't really teach Twilight about unicorn magic, because magic on Humania is all messed up. Only "friendship magic" seems to exist as a constant. So I don't think there would really be any wizard/apprentice relationship. If the show drifts towards magical girl team genre, then Twi would simply be the techy girl.

Another part of this that is noteworthy is that Sunset would be teaching Sci-Twi, while Celestia taught Princess Twilight. Seems like it's the duty of the sun to teach the twilight, no matter the universe they're in.

Heh, that's cute.

4753146 Yeah, it was something small I noticed after the movie was over.

The scene with the stars at the end lended itself to that thought.
I find it interesting how Sunset's star was bigger....

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